Im getting worried


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2004
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ok my guppy has been pregnant for ages now (about 4 or 5 weeks).
Shes not been eating but she is really fat and her gravid spot is black.
Her scales arent protruding so its not dropsy and shes swimming about fine she likes being beside the 2 mickey mouse paltys I have.
I cant get a decent pic to show you what shes like but is there anything I can do to help her.
thanks from a kinda worried poohbear

ops the water peramitors are all ok
nothing is wrong with her she just hasnt had the babies yet it usually takes about 30 days more or less for her to have them if she is off course by a week you shouldnt be worried the biggest factor is the bubble on top of her belly try to look for the post i helped with skimpy read through it all and you should be fine anymore questions after that dont hesitate to ask
I read the post earlier.
I cant see a bubble on topof her belly
yep shes transparent with a green and black tail and top fin
If you want to speed things up a bit try turning the temp up a little. Just not too far if shes in the community tank. 79/80 degrees. and if it is a community tank do it slowly over 24 hours. This will help the babies to mature and will help her drop :thumbs:
Plus make sure she has a few nice large clumps of weed to hide in amongst. They are always more relaxed if they can hide.

Good luck and let us know how many she has :)
try not to have the lights turned on at all either leave em off for a while thatll help to

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