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  1. pdludbrooke

    Large Eruption On Side Of Fish

    thank you, it seems to be going down a bit after treatment
  2. pdludbrooke

    Large Eruption On Side Of Fish

    Hi I woke up this morning to find one of my fish with what I can only call a large eruption on it's side it is white in the middle and red on the outside, I have began treating with myxazim, I have never seen anything like this, does anyone have any suggestions and am I treating it correctly.    
  3. DSC_0012-001.JPG


  4. pdludbrooke

    Un-level Concrete Floor Will Using Camping Mat Under Cabinet Help ?

    That stand is absolutely fab, I wish you lived here I would pay you to make something like that for me.
  5. pdludbrooke

    Un-level Concrete Floor Will Using Camping Mat Under Cabinet Help ?

    it is perfectly level from the bottom up, I couldn't have built a concrete base as I rent this property, as you can see from the mat under the tank the weight is evenly spread out to the top of the cabinet, here is what it looked like before (new mat) I am hoping I will know if something is...
  6. pdludbrooke

    Un-level Concrete Floor Will Using Camping Mat Under Cabinet Help ?

    Well I have taken the risk of correcting my un even concrete floor using a unconventional way. I have cut an inch thick piece of chip board top from a large computer desk, I have leveled it perfectly using A4 sheets of paer cut to size under the chip board top (it's an inch thick) and placed...
  7. pdludbrooke

    Un-level Concrete Floor Will Using Camping Mat Under Cabinet Help ?

    I'm a bit stuck then, I wish the idiots who built this flat had of bothered to make sure the floors were level, I have tried several other places and there is uneven bits every where, this is very frustrating. Can anyone help ? So if I was to go down the self leveling concrete road would this...
  8. pdludbrooke

    Un-level Concrete Floor Will Using Camping Mat Under Cabinet Help ?

    The cabinet is not destroyed it is fine now I have removed the water from the tank, the uneven concrete caused the cabinet to bend, the tank was completly supported by the mat underneath it. I only had it filled up for a week and saw the cabinet looking odd at that one end and acted straight...
  9. pdludbrooke

    Un-level Concrete Floor Will Using Camping Mat Under Cabinet Help ?

    I recently bought and set up a 4ft seashell tank, I used a camping mat under the tank on top of the cabinet, I noticed that the right end of the cabinet top was bending slightly up, so I removed the front part of the cabinet so I could see where the tank and camping mat met the cabinet, the...
  10. pdludbrooke

    Help Fish Flickinging Even After Two Treatments With Protozin

    I am having problems as I have a 3 month running tank, the filter cycled fishless, my fish are flashing and have no other symptoms no spots or anything all eat well, I lost 2 ottocinclus, but these were new, one of the group of 3 (new ones) is still ok, two from another group are fine. I fed...
  11. pdludbrooke

    Lost Fish

    What kind of filter do you have ? I lost a fish and couldn't find it, then decided to check behind the filter housing and the rotting body was stuck betwen the filter barcket and the filter (Fluval U series) I had to cut a piece of filter foam to size (tip from a member on here) and place it in...
  12. pdludbrooke

    First Tank - Pet Shop Wrong?

    You can use some of his pond filter media to seed your filter in your aquarium. You will need to get the bacteria used to the warmer temperature though... maybe do this in a bucket of treated water and a spare heater, as long as you don't shock the bacteria from the pond with temp changes or...
  13. pdludbrooke

    Approaching 3 Weeks Spike Yet.

    I can imagine this is all very frustrating for you, is there no way you could get some filter material from a mature filter to seed yours ? My local fish shop just gave me a bag of their water with a really good squeeze from their filter sponge and that cycled a filter in my 28 litre fry tank in...
  14. pdludbrooke

    Approaching 3 Weeks Spike Yet.

    Have you checked your PH if it's low then this will stall your cycle, you will need to do a big water change.
  15. pdludbrooke

    How Long Does A Fishless Cycle Take?

    I was saying that it was annoying expecting my filter to have cycled in the 4-6 weeks I was told it would take. I am saying that new people trying to set up an aquarium the correct way by cycling the filter before adding any fish and being told it will take 4-6 weeks and then it taking longer...
  16. pdludbrooke

    Spiral Swimming - New Tank

    Perhaps the fish realised what you were going to do with them...I mean all fish now have heard of fishless cycling, it's the word on the street ermmm I mean water ways. Perhaps you should research it, it would be a more decent humane thing than subjecting living creaatures to poisoning!! CHECK...
  17. pdludbrooke

    How Long Does A Fishless Cycle Take?

    I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you here, I am actually a bit annoyed at all the so called experts on here saying it only takes 4-6 weeks to cycle a tank from scratch, it CAN and has taken a lot longer and to the point that frustration can actually put people off. I think it is only fair...
  18. pdludbrooke

    How Long Does A Fishless Cycle Take?

    I know someone who keeps discus and they use half tap water and half rain water, they use a dedicated water butt and filter the water out of that through his wifes old tights LOL
  19. pdludbrooke

    How Long Does A Fishless Cycle Take?

    This tank has been infested with snails from some live plants I put in there, could the snails waste be adding ammonia ?? I do clear all the little blighters out when I do a water change to clear out the nitrAtes. Are you sure you didn't use any mature media of any sort with your tank that took...
  20. pdludbrooke

    How Long Does A Fishless Cycle Take?

    I am currently still cycling a 105 litre tank from scratch and that started way back April 17th, I'm currently dosing 2ppm Ammonia and it is still taking 18 hours to clear that and the nitrite produced, get some mature media if you can.
  21. pdludbrooke

    Can Fish Flakes Be Used Llong After Expiry Date?

    I think all the vitamins and nutrients will be less
  22. pdludbrooke

    Siamese Fighter Male Looking 'droopy'

    How is your siamese fighter getting on ?
  23. pdludbrooke

    Cheap Places To Buy Gravel?

    I am uncertain if it is ok, but the lime free stuff from a garden centre is only £3.99 for 30 kgs, it is used for ponds etc, mine is called lime free coarse grit, I got it from poll hill garden centre which has a maiden head aquatics joined on to it, I presumed it is ok, needed a good wash...
  24. pdludbrooke

    Siamese Fighter Male Looking 'droopy'

    Maybe some live food will brighten him up ? Also make sure your water parameters are ok, 0 ammonia 0 nitrite. My siamese fighter is always very active, but I have caught him resting on a leaf and sometimes right down on the sand held down by a plant, but he soon moves towards the glass to say...
  25. pdludbrooke

    I Think I Have Cherry Barb Eggs!

    Congrats, I hope my cherry barbs have babies!
  26. pdludbrooke


    I have 10 zebra danios in a L80cm D30 H 50 and they are fine along with 7 cherry barbs 7 xrays 2 otocinclus and 1 blue siamese fighter, the xrays shoal with them alot, their very happy, the tank is the one below in my signiture
  27. pdludbrooke

    Zebra Danios Changing Colors

    Thank goodness, I read this I was worried about my danios
  28. pdludbrooke

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    £30.00, now that is a bargain!! Looks like this is going to be interesting! Congrats!!
  29. pdludbrooke

    New Aps, Disappointed :(

    you should have gone for the 2000 much better, I went for the 1400 with UV for a 100 litre tank that has good flow, you could try and blag it with APS and say you have measured the flow and the product has been sold as not as described, they may exchange it for the bigger one, good Luck!
  30. pdludbrooke

    Please I Am Having A Panic!api Nitrite Test Looking A Darker Blue

    I hope you manage to find out what the problem is, it is very frustrating when things go wrong, but to get the solution is a great. I wish I could help, but I have no idea, I really hope you find out what the problem is, let me know how you get on.......right now I am going to google the names...
  31. pdludbrooke

    Changing The Filter Cartridge...

    I use the Fluval U series I have a U3 (just a bit bigger than the U2) I never used the pads that came with it which has carbon one side and fine filter the other, I replaced these with fine filter you can buy in sheets about 1 cm thick for cannister filters, cut them to size and fit in to the...
  32. pdludbrooke

    Please I Am Having A Panic!api Nitrite Test Looking A Darker Blue

    For goodness sake, it's happend again!! The NitrIte test is coming back a darker blue again AAAHHHHH!!! I have Cleaned out the tank again and removed some plants that just seem to rot, I had to suck up a great deal of sand too, I noticed it had gone a grey colour just underneath the surface...
  33. pdludbrooke

    Show Off Your Tank!

    Here's my 100 litre carboot bargain tank. Tank cost £10.00 Cabinet £15.00 Wood cost £1.00 Sand cost £5.98 Filter new £32.99 Heater new £30.59 Fish new £40.00 Plants £10.00 Stones £free There are 27 fish in there some where :)
  34. pdludbrooke

    Please I Am Having A Panic!api Nitrite Test Looking A Darker Blue

    I forgot to say my otocinclus only seem to eat at night, only very occasionally during the day, so I put a third of a wafer in, split in to two bits, either end of the tank near the front glass. They seem to be able to smell or taste where it is, and before long they come out and start to feed...
  35. pdludbrooke

    Please I Am Having A Panic!api Nitrite Test Looking A Darker Blue

    I have a feeling I was over feeding the aquarian :S I have been a lot more careful with the new pellets. Nitrite reading is perfect 0ppm this morning so will keep checking, thanks for your help :)
  36. pdludbrooke

    Please I Am Having A Panic!api Nitrite Test Looking A Darker Blue

    Just thought I would let you know that water change was greatly appreciated by my siamese fighter, he has built a nest over night after the 80% change.
  37. pdludbrooke

    Please I Am Having A Panic!api Nitrite Test Looking A Darker Blue

    Perhaps I have been overfeeding normal fish flake then ?? I used the Aquarian advanced nutrition flake food, but I have some new stuff because I don't like the way you get a protein film on the water surface from the aquarian flake. The new stuff I got is by a company called Hikari, they are...
  38. pdludbrooke

    Please I Am Having A Panic!api Nitrite Test Looking A Darker Blue

    I've done what you suggested, I changed aout 80% of the water.
  39. pdludbrooke

    Please I Am Having A Panic!api Nitrite Test Looking A Darker Blue

    My otos like the wafers, the wafers have are made by Hikari (algae wafers) I am concerned that putting that blanched courgette in has caused these problems ?