Siamese Fighter Male Looking 'droopy'


New Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Hi all,

This is my first post on here as i have just joined and i hate to land and run but im starting to worry about my Siamese Fighter, When i first got him about a month ago he was well(ish) 'faned' showing his deep blue colour on his tail but past 1.5/2 weeks hes looked a bit droopy with a 'cant be arsed' type attitude and not showing so much 'fan'. I'm wondering if he is need of some female company or if theres something else.
Any adive or help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks
Hi all,

This is my first post on here as i have just joined and i hate to land and run but im starting to worry about my Siamese Fighter, When i first got him about a month ago he was well(ish) 'faned' showing his deep blue colour on his tail but past 1.5/2 weeks hes looked a bit droopy with a 'cant be arsed' type attitude and not showing so much 'fan'. I'm wondering if he is need of some female company or if theres something else.
Any adive or help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks
Maybe some live food will brighten him up ?
Also make sure your water parameters are ok, 0 ammonia 0 nitrite.
My siamese fighter is always very active, but I have caught him resting on a leaf and sometimes right down on the sand held down by a plant, but he soon moves towards the glass to say hello, my only experience is with this fighter so maybe others will give you some advice, but I would make sure your water parameters are ok.
had water checked the other day and was told it was bang on, gave him some daphnia today and he has moved around a little more but still doesnt act to same as when i go him
What is his setup like? What's the water quality like (eg ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc)? These could be important factors in determining what might be wrong with him :good:
i dont know the exact detail i just take a sample to the pet store, tell then what fish and how many i have and they tell me if its alright or if i have too much/too little of whatever and what to do. i do this every week and always same result 'yes thats spot on, no promlems there!'
Other wise in my tank i have the usual heater(25c), filter/pump, 4 plants and a wooden/holie decoration thing that it likes
Next time you get your water tested, ask the shop to write down the actual numbers. The main ones you need are ammonia and nitrite. They should be zero, but many shops will tell you that water that has ammonia and/or nitrite in it is 'fine'. If it's not zero, it's not fine.
Or better still, buy your own liquid-reagent test kit.

What size tank is he in, any other fish in with him, how often do you do water changes? Did he go into an existing tank, or a newly set up tank? If it was a new tank, did you cycle it first with ammonia or even fish food?

Even if your water is perfect (zero ammonia and nitrite and low nitrate) it is worth doing a few water changes, remembering to dechlorinate the new water and warm it to the same as the tank water. A water change can be like a breath of fresh air for fish.

I'm wondering if he is need of some female company

Please don't do this! It is a very bad idea to keep males and females in the same tank. Maybe in huge, well planted tank but not in the tank you describe.
Anyone who keeps fish should have their own water quality testing kit - its the first thing you do if you think there is a problem, and if there is you can fix it quickly rather than having to wait until you go to the fish shop to do it. Also if there is a water quality problem you will be needing to test the water every day until its right and its impratical to go to a fish shop.

Quite frankly most fish shops dont have a clue and will tell you all is well when it isnt!! You can buy one online or on Ebay - get yourself the API freshwater master test kit not the paper strips which are useless and test the water yourself. It may look expensive but will last for years! My bet is that you will find it is not ok, and until it is your fish will go downhill fast. to be on the safe side I would be doing a 90% water change daily until you get those results and if it is the water he should pick up.
Hi all,

This is my first post on here as i have just joined and i hate to land and run but im starting to worry about my Siamese Fighter, When i first got him about a month ago he was well(ish) 'faned' showing his deep blue colour on his tail but past 1.5/2 weeks hes looked a bit droopy with a 'cant be arsed' type attitude and not showing so much 'fan'. I'm wondering if he is need of some female company or if theres something else.
Any adive or help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks
How is your siamese fighter getting on ?

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