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    Very Pregnant Guppy Wont Birth?

    squid here . i cant send photo i am asking on behalf of a friend. thank you that sounds like a good idea makes sence and i like to keep it simple so i will pass that info on . thanks squidlips
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    Very Pregnant Guppy Wont Birth?

    hello fish heads. there is a very large very pregnant guppy that is in exelent health -has nice water quality -and eats well . for some reason this fish just doesnt want to let go of the little ones for a long tima and is huge looks like she will pop . is there any thing that i can do to help...
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    I need help

    fish scraping is definatly paracite. doesnt have to be ich or velvet . any external paracite will make them scrape every time
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    neon has lost an eye

    if the ghost is a ghost knife fish then he is the 1 who ate the eye of the neon guaranteed
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    large predator my mate

    thanks wilder i will put some into the fish and prawns i feed him .
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    large predator my mate

    hi all . it has been a while . i hava a 60 cm mangrove jack and he is just starting to show signs of swim bladder problem . cant feed a jack peas . anyone know what i could use on him?
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    sydney arowana lovers

    i am looking for the buy swap sell section but it sludes me .. i cant find it let alone a moderator .. im a shocker on the computer.. can someone painstakingly direct me please.
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    sydney arowana lovers

    not sure . prob about 100 bucks . unless you organise to take 25 amongst friends in which case i myself will dispatch them personaly and they will be perfect 10+cm less than $100... ok i willtry move it.
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    sydney arowana lovers

    bloody oath they are . or the ausie name for ausie arowana is saratoga . we have 2 types in ausieland mate .
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    sydney arowana lovers

    who in sydney wants first class arawana jardini . personal email to me and ill tell you where to get them . or am i alowed to put it up here ?
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    just imagine what you could do with this....

    i would split the tank into 3 with coloured glass and have a arowana .mangrove jack a .masive cherabin in thier own sections.
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    Coolest Schooling Fish?

    no havnt any picks . yes just about living in there looking after them . same typ fish as arowana. cant disclose containment sry .
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    Arowana experts, and Australian imports

    hi doggfather . hey they wont alllow you to import fish that allready here. the silvers and jardini are readily available here. good luck with the paper chase. just get together with otheres and i can send 25 beautifull juvenile jardini. freight free . perfect fish .. i hope im allowed...
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    Coolest Schooling Fish?

    i have 1500 saratoga living together and they look great mate
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    Booyaga! They paid me to take away PUFFERS!

    i got it from wyat erp toomstone . but sir ninions explanation fits well with me allso . ps i was unaware of the puffer and air senario and stand humbly corrected . as for being dishonest i inform anyone ither way if something is not correct during a perchase . ps i cant read any bad languige...
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    silicone seems to be coming off

    it depends if the bubbles were in the silicone when it was built or if they have gradually appeared over time due to stretching and age ............................ in regards to the other tank if its only a year old then it should be fine and you have probably agitated it lose with cleaning ...
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    Booyaga! They paid me to take away PUFFERS!

    nah . i was just stiring the pot mate . wanted to pick on you coz you left your disco self WIDE open for me. :whistle: got your attention anyway. :rofl:
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    Booyaga! They paid me to take away PUFFERS!

    means bring it on big fella . nice smile you have there sir minion.
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    Booyaga! They paid me to take away PUFFERS!

    thats because a bit of air exposure is not going to harm them anyway i move thousands of fish that are exposed . and as far as them staying in buisiness i few more dishonest fish thievs and perhaps you will have to travel a little further to find a helpfull shop asistant or owner . or perhaps...
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    silicone seems to be coming off

    hi . your tank is probably about 10 years old and in need of a rebuild . theynormaly last 10 years then need it . if you can see that between the glass is smokeyor has bubbles in it RUN FOR YOUR LIFE . haha no it just means a limited life is left . i rebuild old and build new ones all the time ...
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    Velvet treatment...

    the big water changes are likely to have caused the problem in the first place . you only should change 20-25% weekly not 95%. big temp changes also cause white spot . gravel vac the grunge from the bottom then top up . just follow the directions on the bottle and it should be fine ... w spot...
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    Low PH every few days

    by adding some dead coral or porus rock you can raise the ph and keep it level with the right amount . bicarb is good but your ph will still drop again and again .
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    How do I fix air bladder disease?

    ok that all makes sence. ill pass that 1 on .but the epsom salts did definately work even on non goldfish . thanks mr angel
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    How do I fix air bladder disease?

    oh want trouble mister cheese? we have recomended this treatment many times and our customers return smileing... please explain why it is not good???? :sly:
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    HELP - All home remedies for swim bladder request

    how do you get a fish thats stressed and faloundering around the surface to eat pea???????? eh . anyhow the best remidy is a tspoon of epsom salts per ltr in a bowl -bucket of water from your tank with afected fish add the epsom leave fish in it for 10 -20 min and chuck the fish back in the tank...
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    How do I fix air bladder disease?

    bicarbs only use in aquarium it to raise the ph . yibida yibida thats all folks and thank your mother for the rabbit.
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    How do I fix air bladder disease?

    i doubt it will eat while in this condition anyway so i wouldnt polute tank .take 1litre or two from your tank and chuck it in . then add 1tspoon of epsom salys to water .let it desolve slowly in the water with the fish .leave it in there for 10 min then toss the fish back in your tank . its...
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    Meat and veg

    if you are going to try meats then heart and liver are the go . ibecause they dont have any fat content. if a fish eats fat it will crap the fat out and stink your tank out . :sick:
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    Water quality???

    cloudy water allso can be left over food or poor xuality food .any food on the bottom? do you have a gravel vac?
  30. S is not a root

    i got 1 4 u ...i know where you live :hey:
  31. S is not a root

    its a catapillar . butterfly larve. must have fallen in . you do have butterflys there ? if ya stick it in a ventilated jar it will form a cucoon and stick to the lid in a shiny capsule ...,then tadaaah . a butterfly . im prety sure coz i puten in jars when i find the od 1 in the garden so my...
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    Do cardinal tetras loose ALL their colors at night

    colour shouldnt change ..perhaps your light is in a diferent poss on new tank and not reflecting thier collours as well . bring light to front of tank and tilt towards the back of tank and see if they shine ritch colours . our tank lights are toward the back of the tank so our customers are...
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    I'm going to kill my fish.

    well i have a 60 cm mangrove jack . if i sit and look at him he is looking back at me .eats fish prawns taken very fast and without mercy . my son is 4 and could stroke and pat him . now he is a bit shy for some reason . dunno what fishes would suit you .. can you get mangrove jacks where...
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    I'm going to kill my fish.

    id say get a dog
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    I need to scrape the inside of my tank

    if you do get a bit in the water it wont hurt your fish but it will lower ph . so just check it when you are done.
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    Hatching Brine Shrimp

    sea monkys?
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    Is tank water dangerous?

    we put sypen into tank upside downand fill and lift . gravity takes over and water flows .re submerge syphen until full again .turn the syphen correct way up again and your away ..tadaaaah. OR......... you put syphen in tank .connect hose to syphen end and turn tap on until hose is full. remove...
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    Is tank water dangerous?

    we put sypen into tank upside downand fill and lift . gravity takes over and water flows .re submerge syphen untill full again .turn the syphen correct way up again and your away ..tadaaaah
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    Got 2 New Piranhas!, what to feed them????

    cant beet fresh prawn in the diet the shell is good for them as well
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    Is tank water dangerous?

    are you waiting for someone to beet the information out of you ? or will you share your wisdomouse revolutionary descovery with the rest of these fine people that have had enuf of performing oral to thier dirty syphons? ay ?or what oh syphen master.. :whistle: