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  1. ohiofishguy

    My Angelfish

    In all my years of aquariums I have never used sand as a substrate. I don't know why....I just got into the habit of gravel and never really got out of it.... My next tank I am setting up already has the sand in it. I can't conceive this being that large of a project to switch the 29 over to...
  2. ohiofishguy

    My Angelfish

    Here are a few pics of my angelfish. Thought you would like to see them! I am seriously considering ditching the gravel in this tank, reorganizing it completely and going to sand. It's currently on the think tank and I am thinking about layouts I can go with so it won't be an overnight...
  3. ohiofishguy

    My Tank Is Leaking From The Bottom!

    At least it isn't a behemoth of a tank...I can imagine that is the ULTIMATE nightmare to have to drain something 200 gallons plus....
  4. ohiofishguy

    Amazing Tf Photographs

    That is pretty impressive stuff
  5. ohiofishguy

    Breeding Fish

    They are a pretty small livebearer...if I am correct about this then most if not all of the fancy guppies you see today ultimately can be traced back to endlers livebearers.
  6. ohiofishguy

    Breeding Fish

    Just about any of the livebearers will breed readily. I have had platies breed, guppies, swordtails, and mollies breed by just putting them together with their respective tankmates. I have found that swordtails breed easiest for me. If you are going to try to breed those then go with a 3:1 ratio...
  7. ohiofishguy

    Do Fish Stop Eating If They Have White Spot?

    One of my daughter's goldfish had ich which I just finished treating successfully and it stopped eating for a few days so yes it is possible. Not sure if it would be blind though.
  8. ohiofishguy

    Rainbow Shark

    Anyone have any ideas? I will agree he does have an odd shape. I have seen him eat, and have had him for some time. All other fish in the tank appear healthy. Water conditions seem fine. Temperature is 79 Fahrenheit. His dorsal fin is erect most of the time when he's cruising. I know it isn't...
  9. ohiofishguy

    Rainbow Shark

    Always open to suggestions though. I know that he does eat as I have seen it.
  10. ohiofishguy

    Rainbow Shark

    He eats and gets fed daily. I have had him for some time and never had any problem with him eating.
  11. ohiofishguy

    What Heater Do You Use?

    Just curious to see what kind of heater everyone uses and how you feel about any and all of the ones available on the market. Always good to get input from dedicated fish keepers as it tends to be one of the more expensive pieces of equipment. I have Aqueon Pro submersible heaters and Aqua...
  12. ohiofishguy

    Rainbow Shark

    No the gouramis are in a separate tank. The rainbow is in my 29 gallon. It just has similar colored gravel thus the confusion probably
  13. ohiofishguy

    Not Sure What Kind These Are

    So I should be ok keeping them together? There seems to be agreement in online literature that Honey Dwarfs get along better with one another than Flame Dwarfs do.
  14. ohiofishguy


    its a very small section of the tank you see. the tank is 6 feet long, 1.5 feet from front to back and 2 feet tall.
  15. ohiofishguy

    Rainbow Shark

    Here is my rainbow shark. If you ask my daughter is HER rainbow shark lol... 11 year olds...gotta love em... anyway I wanted to show you my rainbow shark. He is very content in the cave he owns and the most he does is chase other fish out of it then goes back to doing what it is he...
  16. ohiofishguy

    Not Sure What Kind These Are

    I had gotten some gouramis from Petsmart and for the life of me I cannot remember what kind they were so I am turning to you guys and gals so I can have an idea what type of gouramis they are. They are only about 1 1/2 inches long. They are really pretty!
  17. ohiofishguy


    The pics don't do it justice it is striking in the flesh....should be for the $12 I paid for it. I have heard from a number of people who own both who claim they grow faster than oscars so I am basing it on that. MY hope is that they can work out any territory issues when that behavior starts...
  18. ohiofishguy


    tried to delete I replied to the original post It is 125 gallon sorry to not specify :) Maybe my next setup I will try sand...I never used it I have always been a gravel kind of guy Got a red devil in there but he is considerably smaller. I know he's gonna get big too but with a faster...
  19. ohiofishguy


    I just got him today! He has plenty of room in my 125. :) He is about 4 1/2 inches right now. He'll get pretty big I suspect!
  20. ohiofishguy

    Meet The Members

    a bit like meet the mods. Here goes... Forum Name...ohiofishguy Location...Northeast Ohio, USA Number of Years in Hobby...since I was maybe 15 so that's 28 years Fishkeeping Profile...Presently have 125 gallon with red devils and an oscar, 29 gallon community tank (Angels, rainbow shark...