Rainbow Shark


New Member
Nov 25, 2011
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Ohio, USA
Here is my rainbow shark. If you ask my daughter however..it is HER rainbow shark lol...

11 year olds...gotta love em...

anyway I wanted to show you my rainbow shark. He is very content in the cave he owns and the most he does is chase other fish out of it then goes back to doing what it is he does. He is healthy and doesn't damage anyone else.




Fascinating fish. I had originally wanted to get a red tailed shark but hadn't seen one around here in over a year...and just the other day my LFS had some. Its cool though....I like him regardless!
They are great fish, i like how he blends in with the gravel :lol:
Uh-oh, this is in with your Flame Dwarf Gouramis? How big is the tank?

No the gouramis are in a separate tank. The rainbow is in my 29 gallon. It just has similar colored gravel thus the confusion probably
Oh yeah, I can see the color difference now, pink gravel in one and red in the other. Just be careful with this shark as he is already showing some aggression/territorial behavior. That generally increases as they get bigger. He may decide the whole 29 gal is his territory. At some point you may have to move some of his tankmates over to the other tank. Just something to watch for.
That shark doesnt look all that well in my eyes, it looks underfed and rather an odd shape. :/
I agree with the oddness of its shape. Something just doesn't look quite right :blink:
I agree with the oddness of its shape. Something just doesn't look quite right :blink:

Anyone have any ideas?

I will agree he does have an odd shape. I have seen him eat, and have had him for some time. All other fish in the tank appear healthy. Water conditions seem fine. Temperature is 79 Fahrenheit.

His dorsal fin is erect most of the time when he's cruising. I know it isn't in the pic but I think that was just chance. It is erect in the bottom pic and that is how it usually is when he's swimming about.

Maybe he's up there in age? I don't know but he's always looked like this. If there IS something up I would like to correct it.

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