Meet The Members

a bit like meet the mods. Here goes...

Forum Name...Ianho

Location...Lincolnshire, England

Number of Years in Hobby...approx 4 years, 3 of which where in cold water

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running Juwel Trigon 190 and a 60ltr sat doing nothing, maybe turning it into some kind of biotope

Favourite fish species...Angels and Cardinal Tetras

Favourite LFS...Maidenhead, Lincoln

Aquatic Likes...I do like to see a good Biotope filled with a Shoal of something

Aquatic Dislikes...I hate to see sunken ships and tri coloured illuminous gravel

Aquatic Achievements...I have yet to kill any plants...oh hang on, i killed a aquatic Lily.

Non-fish related fact...I'm a Registered nurse working on a busy EAU dept, have a little boy of 2 and have been with my patner for 12 years

Other Hobbies...Golf, Football, Training homeless dogs, teaching 2 year olds how to count.


a bit like meet the mods. Here goes...

Forum Name...Ianho

Location...Lincolnshire, England

Number of Years in Hobby...approx 4 years, 3 of which where in cold water

Fishkeeping Profile...Currently running Juwel Trigon 190 and a 60ltr sat doing nothing, maybe turning it into some kind of biotope

Favourite fish species...Angels and Cardinal Tetras

Favourite LFS...Maidenhead, Lincoln

Aquatic Likes...I do like to see a good Biotope filled with a Shoal of something

Aquatic Dislikes...I hate to see sunken ships and tri coloured illuminous gravel

Aquatic Achievements...I have yet to kill any plants...oh hang on, i killed a aquatic Lily.

Non-fish related fact...I'm a Registered nurse working on a busy EAU dept, have a little boy of 2 and have been with my patner for 12 years

Other Hobbies...Golf, Football, Training homeless dogs, teaching 2 year olds how to count.


billy m,cleod


Number of Years in Hobby.. JUST STARTED.

Fishkeeping Profile..MADDOG MCLEOD.

Favourite fish species..PLATTYS.



Aquatic Dislikes..FISH FLOATING.

Aquatic Achievements..NONE REALLY.

Non-fish related fact...KEEP JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS

Forum Name... Creeker

Location... San Diego, California

Number of Years in Hobby... 45 years, off and on.

Fishkeeping Profile... Small tanks right now due to apartment living. Community and species.

Favourite fish species... Amazon Leaf Fish, Tiretrack Eels, assorted South American and Synodontis catfish.

Favourite LFS... Petsmart, due to ridiculously low sale prices.

Aquatic Likes... Planted tanks, driftwood, Amazon stream biotope tanks.

Aquatic Dislikes... Rainbow gravel and gaudy decor of any kind.

Aquatic Achievements... Have had success breeding Rams, Dwarf Gouramis, Bettas, African Cichlids. Was sales manager for a tropical fish importer/warehouse and also a retailer so I have first hand knowledge of a wide variety of species. Once set up 70 tanks from 20-70 gallons (fresh and saltwater) in two shifts working with two other guys.

Non-fish related fact... I'm a Christian and am the song leader at my church.

Other Hobbies... Bodybuilding, anything fitness related, Birding, Upland Game Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Camping.

hi guys & girls,
John here form lisburn N. Ireland, just new to the forum and purchased my first tank a Juwel rekord 600 (63 litres). Started off with 5 platys and 5 neon tetras and will be adding more fish in the next week or 2. I would really like a black red tail shark & clown loaches but reading on here there are probably too large for my tank size. Are there any sharks and loached suitable for a communty tank my size?
many thanks
a bit like meet the mods. Here goes...

Forum Name...ohiofishguy

Location...Northeast Ohio, USA

Number of Years in Hobby...since I was maybe 15 so that's 28 years

Fishkeeping Profile...Presently have 125 gallon with red devils and an oscar, 29 gallon community tank (Angels, rainbow shark, white clouds, and platies and a guppy), 10 gallon goldfish tank (my daughter's tank), and 10 gallon with 3 gouramis

Favourite fish species...not sure if I have a favorite....I love pretty much all of them

Favourite LFS...either Petsmart or Best in Pets (however they have had some ich problems lately). My all time favorite store closed years ago much to my dismay.

Aquatic Likes...healthy systems with well taken care of fish

Aquatic Dislikes...careless fish owners who don't look after their pets

Aquatic Achievements...some success breeding easier to breed species...and algae never gains a foothold in my tanks

Non-fish related fact...I am a Browns fan so I need something to relax me and voila..its fish! Also my name is Mark

Other Hobbies...guitar, computer games, reading up on different species of fish
Forum Name...RachelMallory

Location...Denver, Colorado

Number of Years in Hobby...6 months

Fishkeeping Profile...55 gallon freshwater, 1.5 snail breeder tank.

Favourite fish species...Knife fish

Favourite LFS...Todd's Tropical fish

Aquatic Likes...I love oddballs.

Aquatic Dislikes... Cheap looking tanks.

Aquatic Achievements..Haha, I was able to keep almost everything alive!! ;]

Non-fish related fact: I am a tattoo artist working in downtown denver.
hey, all new here so an introduction

Forum Name...Big D


Number of Years in Hobby... 1 Year ( but had fish from an early age)

Fishkeeping Profile...55 gallon tropical 1.5 breeding (soon upgrading to a 190 tank

Favourite fish species...all

Aquatic Likes... natural

Aquatic Dislikes... platic plants, neon stones.

Aquatic Achievements.. Bread balloon mollies & breeding peppered cory's

Non-fish related fact: I collect toys!.

other hobbies: cycling & collecting toys :)
Forum Name... Onidrase

Location...Littleton, Colorado

Number of Years in Hobby... 1

Fishkeeping Profile... one 37 US Gallon, and a 20 gallon hexagon, keeper of semi aggressive and medium sized cichlids

Favourite fish species... Convicts, Firemouths, Barbs, and Raphael Catfish

Favourite LFS...Yet to find one I really like :shout:

Aquatic Likes... A well stocked tank, 1 schooling species of medium dwellers, 1 species of bottom dwellers, and a centerpiece. Sand substrate I feel is a must.

Aquatic Dislikes... gravel substrate, no decorations or shelter for the fish, impulsive buying of large fish to put in small tanks

Aquatic Achievements... None, really. I'm still a newbie.

Non-fish related fact...I'm a very solitary person, spending my days sheltered into my room, just browsing forums and researching different fishes.

Other Hobbies...Crochet, singing, first person shooters.
howdy folks :) !!

Forum Name. kylealastairlove (also my real name, obviously :p)

Location. UK leicestershire :)

Number of Years in Hobby. not even one, im a newbie. filling my head with knowledge :)

Fishkeeping Profile. 64L interpret fish pod, home to 4 harlequins a red wagtail platy and a arulias barb :)

Favourite fish species. hmm like them all, maybe puffers, one day i will see to it that i keep puffer fish

Favourite LFS. hmm dont think i really have a favourite

Aquatic Likes. very well planted tanks, lots of colours and shape, well shape and colour variations in plants, and a lovely shoal of fish to go with :)

Aquatic Dislikes. fish being treated poorly and living in poor conditions in pet shops, seen it before, and its actually really quite sad :(

Aquatic Achievements. urmm i dont know if this is really an achievement but, managing to keep some of my fish happy and healthy

Non-fish related fact. errrr im a very sociable person, like helping people out when i can :)

Other Hobbies. guitar, music is really my whole life! i cant go a day without it, i think i shall end it there, else id find myself going on and on and on...

Uploaded with
Hey :)

Forum Name... Ny82

Location... Scotland

Number of Years in Hobby... Had fish on and off for the since I was a kid but now it's for real :) so about 3 months

Fishkeeping Profile... 1 64L planted tank

Favourite fish species... corys, angel fish

Favourite LFS... Dobbies garden centre

Aquatic Likes... Crystal clear water, real plants, bright coloured fish

Aquatic Dislikes... big tanks with big fish-defeats the purpose for me, it just looks crowded and overstocked
fake plants!!! Oh I hate them!

Aquatic Achievements... My first scaped tank :D

Non-fish related fact... I'm epic at COD does that count? :p I love talking to people and helping them with problems

Other Hobbies... Cars, driving, PS3-esp COD, Cooking

well hello there, thought it was about time i stopped looking at the site as a guest and show myself.
please be gental i am a relative noob in the fishy world :)

Forum Name... M0RPH

Location... suffolk

Number of Years in Hobby... only about 7 months but REALLY gone to town lol

Fishkeeping Profile... 1 x jewel 450 rio (with malawi cichlids),1 x jewel 450 rio (with 3 oscars a texas cichlid and common pleco),1 x jewel 180 vision (with fire mouths,convits,blue acaras,a bristle nose pleco and a blue phantom pleco)

Favourite fish species... malawi cichlids

Favourite LFS... kesgrave tropicals

Aquatic Likes... Crystal clear water, colourful fish, natural looking aquascaping

Aquatic Dislikes... dirty neglected tanks and people that pretend they know about aquaria when in truth they couldn't keep a gold fish.

Aquatic Achievements... purchasing my blue phantom pleco and successfully breading auratus's(soz about spelling)

Non-fish related fact... grass is green :)

Other Hobbies... web design, computers and computing in general
Forum Name...dinsdale

Location...Washington, UK

Number of Years in Hobby... 8 years

Fishkeeping Profile... Have a Juwel Rio 125 with a shoddy castle and plant pot. Angels ate all my plants so replaced them with plastic. Will correct this.

Favourite fish species... Cat fish or anything ugly.

Favourite LFS... Fish Alive, Durham

Aquatic Likes... A diverse arrangment of fish all coexisting in harmony

Aquatic Dislikes... Overstocking and undersizing.

Aquatic Achievements... Nil

Non-fish related fact... I'm a terrible hoarder. I still have magazines from the eighties.

Other Hobbies... I love films and TV. I play the drums and I do jigsaws to help me relax. No, honestly.
Forum Name: Shelby

Real name: Michelle Goodrum

Location: Oregon, Illinois

Number of Years in Hobby: About 2

Fish keeping Profile: 29 US gallon high community tank

Favourite fish species: Dwarf Gouramis (so far anyway)

Favourite LFS: Haven't found a good one :(

Aquatic Likes: well kept fish with clean tanks.

Aquatic Dislikes: Crowded fish in dirty tanks.

Aquatic Achievements: Keeping my tank healthy after a horrible misinformed start!

Non-fish related fact: I train dogs in Schutzhund

Other Hobbies: German Shepherds, reading books, playing WoW, facebook, building websites, learning new things, knitting,


What realm are you in? I play wow too!
Forum Name...AshP1986

Location...Ohio, USA

Number of Years in <1 :/

Fishkeeping Profile...I have a 10 gallon tank of guppies with 1 snail. I have a 3 gallon tank with guppy fry!

Favourite fish species... For now... guppies

Favourite LFS... Ugh... have yet to find a good one

Aquatic Likes... colorful happy breeding fish!

Aquatic Dislikes...small tank... overstocked tanks, bad lfs, mean fishy owners lol

Aquatic Achievements...Um... breeding guppies... and raising them to adult size!!!! Another month and I might be a great grandma!!!! (to my fish) lol

Non-fish related fact...I am a 7-12th grade English teacher at a private christian school.

Other Hobbies... Photography, reading, WOW and other video games, sudoku, and... I am an expert googler... there is NOTHING I can't find ;)

Forum Name... PerryClem0842<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); "><br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Real Name... Perry Clements<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Location... Norwich, Norfolk, England<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Number of Years in Hobby... 4 Years, and started off with guppies :)<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Fishkeeping Profile... I am running 4 tanks at the moment, First 10L - Tropical - 4 Guppies & 1 Platy, Second 20L - 7 Small Sticklebacks & 2 Bullheads & Numerous Scuds, Third 60L (the exiting one) 2 [font="Verdana][color="#222222"]Periophthalmus Barbarus, Fourth 100L - 3 Pearl Gouramis & 5 Green Tiger Barbs & 1 Otocinlcus & 1 Sumo Loach[/color][/font]<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Favourite fish species... Without a doubt Apistogramma Borelli<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Favourite LFS... The Aquatic Design Centre in London<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">[font="Verdana][color="#222222"]Aquatic Likes... A really nice hard-scape and thriving plants that grow really fast[/color][/font]<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Aquatic Dislikes... Multi-Coloured gravel and sunken ship wrecks<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Aquatic Achievements... Managing to keep on top of four tanks, and bred guppies and mollies<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">[font="Verdana][color="#222222"]Non-fish related fact... Luckily I don't have scales, um[/color][/font]<br style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, tahoma, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(245, 249, 253); ">Other Hobbies... I have just completed my PADI Open Water Diver Course, Hiking, Fishing and Cooking

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