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  1. F

    Xenentodon Canaila

    they do eat live. I found minnows where the easiest for them to eat.
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    Unknown Fish

    Its a sailfin molly however it is a little stunted
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    Anyone Know What Cichlid This Is ?

    That is deff. a dominant male chocolate Cichlid. I use to work at a LFS and we had one just like that only blood red instead of orange. without a doubt that is a chocolate cichlid.
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    Convict X Jellybean Pics

    Blue Convicts are so much cooler. my male who i had to give up for anger issuses. actually had rainbow colored fins no joke.
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    Does Anyone Know If There Is A Specie For

    does anyone know
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    Some Pics Of My Hybrids

    There pretty easy to get at least the supplyiers i know. there expensive however There pretty easy to get at least the suppliers i know. there expensive however
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    How many cories?

    you should be fine if u have a total of 4 cory cats.
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    how do u...

    the back of her body will get wider. plus she will start hiding more, and keeping other fish away.
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    the minimum size height is 18in. for angels. they are some what sentitive fish. Things need to be kept perfect for them to get good health and perfect colors.
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    Dwarf puffer teeth

    I thought they had beaks?
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    Is this normal?

    she probaly feels more secure within the rocks. but no prob.
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    How many bettas do you have?

    in signature. heres something to hold u guys off.
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    Is this normal?

    I dont see why not.
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    How long can an Oscar go without eating?

    try live food. thats probaly what he was fed at the LFS.
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    Blood Parrots

    if he takes good care of it it will reach well over 12 in.
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    DP tankmates?

    the thing is puffers have beaks. they can do massive damage with little force. mabye u can try a divider.
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    African Butterfly Fish

    Better off puttin him in the cichlid tank. The guppys will make quite a snack for him.
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    Can Anyone tell me what kind of betta this is?

    I've try two dozen pics. my camera is not good so i cant get a real good pic. but depending on light conditions it changes color. yellow, gold, silver, blue, purple, green.