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  1. kittylover63

    Sick Platy's

  2. kittylover63

    Sick Platy's

    First off here are my stats: Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates around 20 PH 7.2 Temp 78 to 80 I have 2 platy females that just aren't acting right, their skinny and bowed and are using their whole body to swim, not just their fins. I don't see anything on them and all the other platys and mollies...
  3. kittylover63

    Fishless Cycle

    Ok just checked the PH and it is down to nothing. So I will do the 90% water change and it will kill two birds with one stone. Also checked the PH of your water and it is 7.2 to 7.4.
  4. kittylover63

    Fishless Cycle

    Thank you for the quick replies, haven't been checking for the ph but will right now, and will also do a 90% water change after that. :)
  5. kittylover63

    Fishless Cycle

    Ok I need some help, I started a 90 gallon tank fishless cycle on Dec. 11th. Everything was going as normal then I added some media from my 55 gallon cycled tank. Now I have 4 ppm Ammonia that I added a week ago and it won't go down, there is no Nitrites a all, but there is 80 to 160 ppm...
  6. kittylover63


    Thank you was going to try siphon today, but I will try old net first. Thank you again both of you :D
  7. kittylover63


    Thank you, I will try and siphon it out, it is new tank so no muck yet. Just don't like the brown color. :)
  8. kittylover63


    I need help, this is the first time that I want to change my gravel and I need to know what the best way to get it out of the tank is?
  9. kittylover63

    How To Siphon Aquarium Water?

    I understand your moms way of thinking. It looked like an eye sore. I small 5 gallon bucket looks a lot better next to the tank then a 30 gallon. Maybe you can take it out of the area and put it in a closet so that it will be out of sight.
  10. kittylover63

    Media ?

    Thank you. I will do that now. :good:
  11. kittylover63

    Media ?

    I have a 36 gallon tank that is just not cycling due to bad info from LFS. I now have a 55 gallon tank that is cycled and has a HOB filter with 2 filter charcoal pads and 2 bio media pads. I want to know if I can put some of the media from the 55 tank into the 36 to help cycle it, or if putting...
  12. kittylover63

    55 Gallon Stocking

    Buenos Aires Tetra is also another good fish for schooling.
  13. kittylover63

    Platy Fry With Stripes ?

    Wow, I never seen any platy's that look like that, hope they stay that way, Congrats.
  14. kittylover63

    High Ammonia

    Just an FYI, did my 90% water change and Ammonia is now 0% Woohoo. Water is now clear again, tomorrow I will do testing for everything. Thanks again for all the help :)
  15. kittylover63

    High Ammonia

    Ok will do a 90% water change, Thank you for the quick reply
  16. kittylover63

    High Ammonia

    Ok next Question. I woke up this am and my tank is cloudy. I"m not sure why both filters are working. Just did testing and Ammonia is at .25%, nitrites 0, and nitrates 0, ph 7.4. A little higher then 7.2. Any ideas as to why the tank would turn cloudy over night? Could it be the ph? P.S Temp is...
  17. kittylover63

    High Ammonia

    I'm using SuperBac All Natural Dechlorinator. Thank you I'm trying it learn it all, the forum as been a great help. I just did a 90% water change and the Ammonia is down to .25, so I will do 1 more later today and hope that it go down to 0.
  18. kittylover63

    High Ammonia

    I was scared that a 90% would harm, but I will keep doing them to keep it as low as possible. Thank you both for the replies.
  19. kittylover63

    High Ammonia

    Ok I need help! I have a 36 gallon bow front tank with 1 Aqueon 50 HOB filter and 1 AquaClear 50 HOB filter. The tank is at 78 degrees. This are the fish I have: 1 molly, 11 different platy's, 2 corys and a common pleco. Tank size:36 gallon pH:7.2 ammonia: 1.0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 kH:100 gH...