Fishless Cycle


New Member
Nov 8, 2011
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Albany, Oregon
Ok I need some help, I started a 90 gallon tank fishless cycle on Dec. 11th. Everything was going as normal then I added some media from my 55 gallon cycled tank. Now I have 4 ppm Ammonia that I added a week ago and it won't go down, there is no Nitrites a all, but there is 80 to 160 ppm Nitrates. There is also a funny looking debris on the top of the water. Can anybody tell me what might be going on in the tank? Or what I should do to get it going again? I'm running a Fluval 405 and the heat is set at about 80 to 85 degrees.
What is your pH like? I found out the hard way that if the pH gets too low it can bring your cycle grinding to a halt. If it's anything below 7, I'd recommend a bit of bicarb to bring it back up again.
Very high nitrate can sometimes stall a cycle too; try a large water change and redose with ammonia.
Thank you for the quick replies, haven't been checking for the ph but will right now, and will also do a 90% water change after that. :)
Very high nitrate can sometimes stall a cycle too; try a large water change and redose with ammonia.
Ok just checked the PH and it is down to nothing. So I will do the 90% water change and it will kill two birds with one stone. Also checked the PH of your water and it is 7.2 to 7.4.
Sounds like it should do the trick.

It's a good idea to test your pH with your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate every day, as the nitrifying process causes the water to become more acidic. I found that I had to add bicarb every day in the later stages of my cycle.

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