High Ammonia


New Member
Nov 8, 2011
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Albany, Oregon
Ok I need help! I have a 36 gallon bow front tank with 1 Aqueon 50 HOB filter and 1 AquaClear 50 HOB filter. The tank is at 78 degrees.
This are the fish I have: 1 molly, 11 different platy's, 2 corys and a common pleco.
Tank size:36 gallon
ammonia: 1.0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
gH: 75
tank temp: 78 degrees

My tank has been up for 4 weeks now. My lfs checked my water levels 1 week after running and told me that i could start putting in fish so I did, at that time I didn't know anything about tanks and I went with what he said. He told my son that we could put a rope fish in and the next day it was dead, took back to store got a exchange for it asked if we needed to check ammonia level he said no. Got second one home 2 days and it was dead. Went to different lfs and they told me about cycling tank only problem was I already had 13 fish in the tank. Got home and tested water and Ammonia levels were 6.0 to 8.0 closer to 8.0. that was a week and a half ago. Since then I have did a 25% water change on Nov. 6th went down to about 6.0 then on Nov. 10th did a 70% water change and gravel cleaning went down 1.0. On Nov. 13th did a 20% change ammonia went down to close to .50. Now the ammonia level is back to 1.0 again. Still no signs of nitrites or nitrates. What can I do now? P.S I also did one bad thing that I didn't know about, I cleaned the filter the same time that I did the first water change because it was really dirty from overfeeding( I know better now about the cleaning of filter and the overfeeding thanks to the forum :)
After four weeks, you'd expect to see some conversion of ammonia into nitrite, so there's something strange going on.

You're on the right tracks with the waterchanges, but I would strongly recommend that you increase the size and frequency, in order to keep the ammonia (and eventually nitrite) as close to 0 as you can. That may mean doing 90% changes every day initially, you may even need to do 2 changes in quick succession.

Are you using a dechlorinator when you do the water changes? It's fine to clean the sponges, but make sure you do it in old tank water, not tap water.
I would disagree with the above. During my initial fish-in cycle, I didn't see any nitrite for 6-8 weeks. Could simply be that the cycle is taking longer than the 'usual'.
I was scared that a 90% would harm, but I will keep doing them to keep it as low as possible. Thank you both for the replies.
You can drain the water to the point where the fish have just enough room to swim upright without harming them. The ammonia, at any level, is certainly harming them. And please note that if your ammonia level is at 1.0, doing a 50% water change would only bring it to .5, which is still harmful to your fish. The cycle will happen when it happens ... you just need to keep doing the large water changes. What kind of dechlorinator are you using? I used StressCoat + which removes chorine, chloramines and ammonia and detoxifies heavy metals in your tap water, so also helps with the ammonia in the tank as well. It won't remove it all, however. You still need the big water changes.

It sounds like you're catching up on the right things to do by researching and being on this forum. Good for you! If only the LFSs would do the same! Please keep us posted, and welcome to the forum.
You can drain the water to the point where the fish have just enough room to swim upright without harming them. The ammonia, at any level, is certainly harming them. And please note that if your ammonia level is at 1.0, doing a 50% water change would only bring it to .5, which is still harmful to your fish. The cycle will happen when it happens ... you just need to keep doing the large water changes. What kind of dechlorinator are you using? I used StressCoat + which removes chorine, chloramines and ammonia and detoxifies heavy metals in your tap water, so also helps with the ammonia in the tank as well. It won't remove it all, however. You still need the big water changes.

It sounds like you're catching up on the right things to do by researching and being on this forum. Good for you! If only the LFSs would do the same! Please keep us posted, and welcome to the forum.
I'm using SuperBac All Natural Dechlorinator. Thank you I'm trying it learn it all, the forum as been a great help. I just did a 90% water change and the Ammonia is down to .25, so I will do 1 more later today and hope that it go down to 0.
Ok next Question. I woke up this am and my tank is cloudy. I"m not sure why both filters are working. Just did testing and Ammonia is at .25%, nitrites 0, and nitrates 0, ph 7.4. A little higher then 7.2. Any ideas as to why the tank would turn cloudy over night? Could it be the ph? P.S Temp is still 78%.
It sounds like a bacterial bloom to me. You have a reading for ammonia and none for nitrates which indicates your filters aren't cycled yet, so do a nice, big water change to bring your ammonia to 0.
Has mentioned the cloudiness is bacteria bloom and perfectly normal for a tank going through the cycling period.Unless you keep your ammonia has close to zero has possible,your fish will suffer...

Is your 55 gal cycled? how long have you had it?
Just thinking if its been running a while i would move some of the platys & definately the corys across,to ease the load on the filter whilst it cycling on the 36 gals.has you're probably aware,plecs are very messy
Cories do better in groups of 6+ of the same species,but even it they're 2 different types they will enjoy the company.

Keep up with the w/c's and feed very very minimal and hopefully you'll get through it,and dependant on the cycle it may take a while for nitrites/nitrates to show,just test it daily just in case,has nitrites are just has deadly

Good luck :good:
Just an FYI, did my 90% water change and Ammonia is now 0% Woohoo. Water is now clear again, tomorrow I will do testing for everything. Thanks again for all the help :)
Yay, you!! That's great! Just keep testing to make sure it stays there. Great job!

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