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  1. B

    Guppy Question

    Thanks all, that is what I was thinking of doing. Going to get one female and see how things go, I don't want a whole bunch of different females so will pick out the one I like best. The stores always seem to mix them although lately they have been keeping them seperated but I know the females...
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    Guppy Question

    Hello all, first off before I ask this question I am not new to the hobby. Have had many fish in my time including guppies. Old lady here.....LOL What I would like to know is, when you buy store bought female guppies and let them have their young without any males around, I know they can store...
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    Thanks for the replies. I would have a few females but the 4 stores we have here will not take any fish from people anymore. So to avoid unwanted fish I would just keep the males instead.
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    No guppies at the moment, tank is 46 gal bowfront
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    I would like to know if there is anything wrong with having a tank full of male guppies only?
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    Hello all, I am wanting some feed back on people that keep or have kept Demasoni Cichlids. I know they are very aggressive. I am wanting to know more about what you all have been feeding them? I have read they are herbavior fish, is this true? A balanced diet I know is best but do they lean more...
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    Is This Betta Abnormally Short Bodied?

    Yes all doubletails have a shorter body and their top fin is longer and wider than the other types. I keep all doubletails and they do have this short cobby body. Some breeders say that they are more prone to swim bladder issues so one has to be careful not to overfeed them. I personally love...
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    What Is Your Favourite Goldfish

    My favorit is the Oranda of course. I have 2 red cap orandas and waiting for a Blue Oranda to come in hopefully soon.
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    I have a 46 gal bowfront tank that I would like to add some stock too. This is what i have right now: 1 powder blue gourami 4 rummy nose tetras (hard to get here so won't add anymore) 8 neon tetras ( cannot get cardinal tetras here) 3 long fin albino bristlenose plecos 5 serbai cory cats I...
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    Frozen Food Question

    I do the same thing I keep it in the frige only one day but then its all gone as I have a 46 gal discus tank so they eat the rest of it. But like mentioned take a knife and just scrape off what you need for that feeding and put the rest back in the freezer. I usually buy the frozen foods in...
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    Snail Question

    I thank you for your concerns. My two bettas are just fine in this tank, it is filtered, heated and has twice weekly water changes done to it. I have been keeping tropical for over 20+ years and many bettas also in that time. These two super deltas are very healthy and do alot of swimming in...
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    Snail Question

    Thanks for the replies, I think its better for me to just clean it myself. As for the other kinds of snails recommended, it has taken my over 2 years to kill each and everyone of them I so stupidly added to my 46 gal tank with the addition of new plants. I hate snails and that is why I asked...
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    Snail Question

    I have two male bettas in a divided 3 gal tank. I would like to know if I added one mystery snail for cleanup if that would put a damper on the bioload of the tank? I want to move this snail back and fourth between the dividers to keep both sides clean. The tank is filter and heated.
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    Would like to know your opinions. I have 3 males that I would like to know if you would keep in their individual accomodations at room temp with no heater or filteration. Or would you recommend that I divide a 3 gal tank for them which would be heated.
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    Almond Leaves And Extract

    I am wondering what is the difference between the Almond Leaves and the Extract, which is better. Do any of you betta keepers use this stuff in the betta water all the time.
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    Hey there, snails hey. They are nasty looking critters in my opinion. I have been plagued by these guys for the past couple of years. I don't have the kind that you do, I have the ones that are the more rounded shell and stay ontop of the sand, glass etc. Things I have tried and what works for...
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    Getting A 30 Gallon, What To Stock?

    I would put the following: 1 Angelfish School of Neon or Cardinal Tetras 3 Cory Cats 1 Bristlenose Pleco Some anubias plants attached to mopani I have this similar setup in my 46 gal but I have a breeding pair of Discus in it, I don't have the neons anymore as they all expired, I do have...
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    Protein Skimmers

    I personally would not add a skimmer to any freshwater tank, they are really meant for saltwater aquariums. Some people have tried them on the freshwater tanks but they don't do the job they are set out to do like the saltwater aquariums. Save your money, and do your regular water changes you...
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    What Dither With Discus?

    I have glo lites in with my Discus and they are just fine. You will want to get rid of those penguins ASAP they are nasty fish with Discus and will soon start nipping your Discus, I found this out really quickly. I don't think you could go wrong with any of these fish with your discus: Neon...
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    Poorly Discus

    Three's a crowd, take some time to sit and watch the fish. It almost sounds like it might be getting picked on, with 3 discus you will have issues for sure. Five is a nice mix as it spreads the agression around better. If two of them have paired up then they will continue to pick on the odd man...
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    Colorful Fish For 10 Gallon Tank

    Ya I know they are schooling fish, they did not have anymore at the time and I could not pass up on this one. When they get more in I will get a few more. The glow lites have been a group of 3 for a long time. I will have to add more of them. I have to be careful as these fish are in my discus...
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    Penguin Tetras

    Hello, I can tell you from experience with these fish they are truly nippers. They don't make good additions to tanks with passive fish or long fin fish either. Mine went back to the LFS shortley after I bought them. They look very neat if you have a large school of them but not for a quiet...
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    Colorful Fish For 10 Gallon Tank

    For bottom feeders get 2 otto's for the alge they are great cleaners for small tanks. I bought a fish which is new to me but maybe not to you all, its a Long Fin Red Minor Tetra its a serpae and what a beautiful and lovely little fish, do a google on it and see for yourself. The colors are very...
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    Is My Molly Pregnant?

    Hello, from what I see in your photos I would say yes she is pregnant. I use to raise guppies years ago and a few mollies as well. I found that the mollies are more tolerant of their babies being in the same tank with the parents unlike the guppies that will eat their young real fast, but it...
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    Sand Color

    We have a couple of Electric Yellow Cichlids, at the moment I have normal colored sand in their tank but I really want this tank to pop with color and find they look to washed out with the current sand. Is it alright to use a Black Sand?? I don't like a deep sand bed so it will be only 1/2"...
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    Demasoni & Electric Yellow

    Would this be a recipe for destruction to put "one" Demasoni and "one" Electric Yellow in a 20 gal tank together at the same time??
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    46 Bow Tank

    Very interesting, thanks all for the replies. I do love my Discus and will not be getting rid of them but was curious as to what you all would do with this size of tank. I have a friend that wants to buy a tank just like this and was thinking about having either African Cichlids or an Angelfish...
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    46 Bow Tank

    Just curious as to what you all would put for fish in a 46 gal bowfront tank?? It is currently home to my Discus but just wanted to know what you all would put in a tank of this size.
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    Freeze Dried Plankton

    Does anyone feed freeze dried plankton to their discus as a treat?? Will they eat it??
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    My Discus Is Famous!

    Discuslova, your fish is truly beautiful. I love the color of the fish so vibrant. Just to let you all in on something, the fish that placed 1st is mine. I don't mind reading others opinions, I entered for the fun of it not expecting to win at all. I bought this Cobalt Blue from our LFS as a...
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    Flakes For Discus

    I am currently feeding a variety of frozen foods along with some staple flakes. I want to add some good flakes for my Discus and would like to know what you all feed. Some that have been recommended to me by other Disucs keepers are: Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Ocean Nutrition Forumula 1 Tetra...
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    Discus Compatability

    If you are unsure on what to do I always say to myself "If in doubt, wait it out"... :rolleyes: Mine is a Raphel Catfish not the one you mentioned. I have never had any trouble with him but then all he does is hide. Not crazy about him either as the bristlenose does not like him at all. He...
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    Tank And Stand Question

    Anyone have this tank??
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    Tank And Stand Question

    Yep that would be the stand. Do you know what the tank looks like too?? Just wanting to know anyones experience with it. I am assuming both were purchased at Walmart
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    Discus Compatability

    I have one in my tank and it never bothers the Discus. They are neat but be very careful if you have driftwood in your tank. They tend to find the smallest of places to get stuck in and I had a heck of a time getting mine out when it was stuck in a piece. They hide alot too.
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    Tank And Stand Question

    Anyone familiar with the 46 gal bowfront tank and stand from Walmart?? What are the good and bad points about this package?? bugsy
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    Is there any freswater fish that will eat seaweed and if so please list them. Thanks
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    New To Oscars Plz Assist

    Another thing that Oscars love to play with is a ping pong ball. Once they get use to it they are just playing a way with it in the tank. I seen this in a LFS and they are so funny to watch, they try to grab the ball but it keeps on turning in the water so it amuses them to no end. Worth a try...
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    Discus Hiding

    Emperor Tetras + Discus = Trouble From experience they are not the best fish with Discus, I had to get rid of mine. After watching with the lights on and when they were out I could see them harassing the Discus, they are quite aggressive fish when they want to be. Try removing them to another...
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    Too Many Bottem Feeders

    If you are looking for tetras to school at the top part of your tank, Penguin Tetras will do that. I bought some last week for my Discus tank, they certainly stay at the top, first thing in the morning they are tight together as a group, during the day they spread out a bit but do stay pretty...