What Is Your Favourite Goldfish


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2010
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hi guys

i thought that i will make a thread where you guys can post a picture of you favourite type of goldfish and tell us why you like them...

it does not have to be your own goldfish you don't even have to have a goldfish it's just what type of goldfish you like

i just thought it might be fun to see what people think

so i will start:
i don't have a goldfish but if i could i would get a ranchu goldfdish i just love their chuby faces and the way that they really stand out from all of the other goldfish

pic : http://www.your-goldfish.com/ranchu-goldfish.html
ye they are very cool looking fish but i hear that they are not as hardy as other goldfish witch is bad
Why is that a bad thing? Hardy means they can tolerate unfavourable conditions well, as long as you provide good care there's no reason why they're any harder to keep than other fish.
i said not as hardy..... ven on their heads is ment to be very sensitive to water conditions and is very easilly infected
My favorit is the Oranda of course. I have 2 red cap orandas and waiting for a Blue Oranda to come in hopefully soon.
My favourite type of goldfish is the one that lives in a large pond :good:

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