46 Bow Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2004
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Just curious as to what you all would put for fish in a 46 gal bowfront tank??

It is currently home to my Discus but just wanted to know what you all would put in a tank of this size.
Discus are very sensitive, so no cichlids (well maybe Keyhole) or semi-aggressive fish. I would add some Tetras (about 25) and either some Ottos, Corys or a Pleco.
i say Rams, rummy noses pleco's corydoras etc

a nice community tank with color!
Just curious as to what you all would put for fish in a 46 gal bowfront tank??

It is currently home to my Discus but just wanted to know what you all would put in a tank of this size.

are plants something that puffers are happy to live in ? as a general rule ?
Very interesting, thanks all for the replies. I do love my Discus and will not be getting rid of them but was curious as to what you all would do with this size of tank.

I have a friend that wants to buy a tank just like this and was thinking about having either African Cichlids or an Angelfish tank.

If she were to do Africans what kinds would you recommend and how many??

Angels I think speak for themselves and with a few you will end up with a pair and the rest might have to go.

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