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  1. L

    Need Help Stocking

    Wow - lot of responses! Was not trying to stir the pot, just very confused and unsure as how to stock the tank. Unfortunately we love a bit of everything so are trying to get a good grasp on what may work best for us. A lot of the cichlid info I read says I need a lot of caves and hiding...
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    75 Gallon Stocking

    For the cories I was easily planning 12-18 of the same shoal. For tetras/barbs I was thinking the same numbers also. I was told gouramis and angels could work - ? If I decided not to go the angel route could I instead have a few gouramis? Is it best to keep it to the same type or to vary?
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    75 Gallon Stocking

    I was considering redoing my tank as a cichlid tank but I am afraid about the limitations of stocking and possible troubles down the road. I went through a few lfs and gouramis caught my eye and was wondering about stockings I could try I am running two Fluval 405s on the tank and it is...
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    Need Help Stocking

    If I buy two young acaras as my main fish and they end up both being male, am I going to have problems? (this is minus the JD obviously)
  5. L

    Need Help Stocking

    My husband wanted me to throw JD's into the mix. If I had that as my centerpiece, what can I look into for tank mates? He wants a blue toned centerpiece....yes I am rolling my eyes but I told him I would look into it.
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    Need Help Stocking

    ok thank you guys - This is quite helpful. For the acaras, does gender matter for compatibility? Any fish that will give a bit of activity to the bottom? I thought cories would be alright but apparently not. I am going to be looking to buy in a week or so, os I have time to play around...
  7. L

    Need Help Stocking

    I am looking to start up a 75 gallon cichlid tank. I have two cycled Fluval 405s (100 gallons/340GPH each) I like quite a few cichlids but do not know about their compatibility with each other. Right now I am considering * 1-2 Blue acara 1 Blood Parrot 1 Severum a school of Tiger barbs a...
  8. L

    Need Help Stocking

    I am looking to start up a 75 gallon cichlid tank. I have two cycled Fluval 405s (100 gallons/340GPH each) I like quite a few cichlids but do not know about their compatibility with each other. Anyone who can give me advice/toss some ideas around with groups, obviously not including all but...
  9. L

    Private Message

    Hi You need to have more posts to view Private Messages - -I think it has to be 10+. It is to reduce spammers
  10. L

    So Very Frustrated- Aqueon Water Changer Is Impossible!

    You are unscrewing the cap on the end where it attaches to the controls for the faucet, correct? I have one of these and yes the tubing needs a good shove on but it is no impossible
  11. L

    Help Me Save My Fishies?

    But are you doing lots of water changes? Think of it this way - - fresh water fish, do best in FRESH water :good: The only way to remove ammonia from an uncycled tank is by removing the ammonia filled water and replacing with new ammonia free water.
  12. L

    Help Me Save My Fishies?

    You have been getting the best advice - - - Change change change the water. Nothing is better than fresh clean water. Don't treat with chemicals when you don't have to - - The pet store just got you to spend more money when you need to only be doing more work. Change most of the water...
  13. L

    Goldfish And Plants!

    I leave my water wisteria floating so it grows extra bushy - the gold fish like playing in it and it thrives even with 7 nibbling
  14. L

    Could Not Resist Her

    Thanks :) I am trying to decide if Candy is the right name for her...any suggestions? (Halloween themed?)
  15. L

    Could Not Resist Her

    I was at the pet store getting cat food....and I somehow ended up infront of the bettas... I was about to leave when I saw this TINY little female staring at me from her bowl. She did a little wiggle and stared me down.... $3.98 later she is mine. She is not the most stunning little...
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    New Haul

    Wow! What size tank(s) do you have?
  17. L

    My New Discus Watching The Footy With Me

    Wonder which team they were cheering for!
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    Goldfish And Plants!

    Water wisteria survives my tank with 7 goldfish :)
  19. L

    Dthm X Hm Spawn Log :)

    awwwww Really really adorable! :wub: :wub: :hyper:
  20. L

    Let's Talk About - Elctrical Kitchen Appliances.....

    Our Keurig - - I love my morning coffee / tea and our marriage would not be the same with out it! It was a valentine's day gift from my husband and it is the model that does hot and iced :)
  21. L

    3 New Females

    They are lovely :) I have wanted a sorority for a while but have no room for ANOTHER tank at the moment!
  22. L

    Rip Ol' Blue

    So sorry :(
  23. L

    What Type Of Moss Should I Grow On This Piece Of Wood?

    Here is a quick video of my tank - - that long piece of wood I think would look awesome if I had some moss growing out of it. Any suggestions?
  24. L

    What Happens When A Fat Cat Is Home Alone And His Dinner Is Late

    They are naughty little things for sure! My husband thought it was hysterical - I thought I had swept them all up but stepped on a couple in the bathroom this morning - :sly:
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    What Happens When A Fat Cat Is Home Alone And His Dinner Is Late

    After pouring the remaining food into a tightly sealed plastic container and sweeping up what was on the floor to throw away (I had just used orange glo on the floors that morning and was not going to risk poisoning my fish!) I brought the bag out to take pictures of how many claw marks covered...
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    What Happens When A Fat Cat Is Home Alone And His Dinner Is Late

    I got home about 1/2 an hour late today - and after feeding my cats I went into the back room where the tank currently is and find that my 16 year old and 17 lb cat had tore into the goldfish pellet bag.
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    Pleco Help

    How big is your tank? How long has it been set up? Did you cycle your tank? What other fish do you have? Do you know your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
  28. L

    The Camera Was Out

    They are lovely!!!
  29. L

    When Can You Sex A Cory?

    Age of consent around here is 16 years old :) Lol - sorry, don't know what came over me. I think the length is usually about 1.5". It is often easier to do from above, the female will be plumper
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    Not A Fun Phone Call To Receive While At Work

    Here is another quick video after I added one of my "driftwoods" - - See the pleco munching away! Excuse my cat yelling at me towards the end of the recording!
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    Catching Kuhlis!

    Try two nets - - herd them with one and have the second one waiting to scoop them up. You can also try a net and a cup (such as a clear glass) - - herd them with the net into the cup and then pull the cup out of the tank.
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    Not A Fun Phone Call To Receive While At Work

    Here is a quick video of them in the tank with the sand added in.
  33. L

    Could Use Input On This Betta Please!

    He is a king betta - he is huge! def not a standard betta
  34. L

    Could Use Input On This Betta Please!

    Does anyone else's place of employment have a monthly themed raffle? Well, mine does. Everyone puts in a dollar, their name is put on a ticket, and at the end of the month prizes are raffled off. And the person who chooses the prizes is apparently an idiot. What a better prize then a...
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    Not A Fun Phone Call To Receive While At Work

    Yes I do - - the goldfish and mollies actually hang out together and the goldfish LOVE snacking on molly fry :)
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    Not A Fun Phone Call To Receive While At Work

    The floor is perfect - - I was surprised how well they had everything dried up...until I went into the laundry room and found every, and I do mean EVERY, towel and spare sheet/blanket balled up in a mass in the corner. Soaking wet.
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    Not A Fun Phone Call To Receive While At Work

    haha - -I am not scary - but these goldfish are like my children! and I have been talking about rescaping my tank for months - I have a thread where I am attempting to make my own driftwood to save from having to buy any (I am very strict with my budget, hence was waiting to use a bit of my...
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    Not A Fun Phone Call To Receive While At Work

    Today I come out of a meeting and happened to check my cell phone .... see about a half dozen missed calls from my husband and my sister in law. Never a good sign. I excused myself and went into the hall to return the calls - (There were no voicemails which is another BAD sign). My husband...
  39. L

    What To Do With A 20 Gallon...

    I too am on that forum and just saw your thread :) Very psyched about you helping with the other tank too - - you are going to become a goldie addict
  40. L

    Making "driftwood"?

    Stripped three of the water logged pieces hands hurt! Piece number one Before Piece number one During Piece number one After Piece number two Before Piece number two After Piece number three Before Piece number three After The cheese slicer was putting up a fight, but...