75 Gallon Stocking


Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2011
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I was considering redoing my tank as a cichlid tank but I am afraid about the limitations of stocking and possible troubles down the road.

I went through a few lfs and gouramis caught my eye and was wondering about stockings I could try

I am running two Fluval 405s on the tank and it is lightly planted with water wisteria, moss balls, swords and a couple floating water hyacinths. Sand substrate with drift wood. I have rocks and slate I can add also if it will benefit stocking.

I am interested in 4-5 Angels (will remove the extras if a pair forms).
Dwarf, gold and opaline gouramis - not sure howevery about how/if they can be housed together.
A school of corydoras.
A large school of tetras, possibly cardinals. Or Barbs? A school of regular, green and albino tigers?

Thoughts? Help?
Id do either the angel fish or gouramis, not both. Gouramis have a tendency to big bullies once they settle in and can/will nip at the angel fish. I kept two opalines and one became boss and was a real pain. I had this happen with a honey in the past also. The honey was worse because he got very large and would go after anything added into the tank despite what it was.

the corydoras will be fine, you coudl easily get 6+ with a 75 gallon tank of the same species.

I'd avoid the barbs, again they can be nippy/a pain in the butt to keep with fish that are slow paced.

A nice shoal of tetras would compliment the tank. you could get away with a dozen neons in a 75 gallon.
not sure on neons, hear adult Angels will eat them, i was told cardinals would work, i am same dilema as you with my 75, i have 5 Angels so far, though i am choosing all females, or at least 1 male
For the cories I was easily planning 12-18 of the same shoal.

For tetras/barbs I was thinking the same numbers also.

I was told gouramis and angels could work - ?

If I decided not to go the angel route could I instead have a few gouramis? Is it best to keep it to the same type or to vary?
Gouramis my be 50/50 some get agressive of there place in the tank and nip the Angels, though i am gonna try it aswell
Honestly your being scared away from the fish you want by people with no experience of the fish they are talking about.

Angelfish are Cichlids also and have similar temperments to Blue Acaras and Severums....

With this current list above though, as said Angels will eat tetras go for disk shaped tetras like Lemons or Flame rather than torpedo shape tetras like Neons or Cardinals but avoid nippy ones like Serpae or Black Widow.

Angels and Gourami are also risky (riskier than the cichlids we spoke about) but can work - I would go for Lace Gourami though as they can be a little calmer than the Opaline and the Golds - Honey Gourami would work as well as a nice dwarf one.

I would also avoid Tiger Barbs as although in high numbers they are not that nippy - Angels and Gourami both have big ventral fins and lots of tail and dorsal fin... So I would avoid these - something like Black Ruby Barbs or Oddessa Barbs would work :)

Though if your this far with some of these fish a really nice Asia Biotope would be good :) Maybe doing something like

3 Lace Gourami (1m 2f)
3 Honey Gourami (1m 2f)
10 Black Ruby Barbs
15 Dwarf Chain Loaches
5 Synodontis Nigriventus

Though adding angels to that would not be too bad, just cut down a few of the schooling fish, the Dwarf Chain Loaches could be swapped with your Cories and the Synos were just an extra one thrown in. I think there is more room in that tank from the list above as well :)

I was always told cardinals would do fine but Willis your post makes tons of since
I was always told cardinals would do fine but Willis your post makes tons of since

Yeah I have heard they will do okay but I would feel more confident spliting the group in two and disregarding the torpedo tetras for this situation :)


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