Not A Fun Phone Call To Receive While At Work


Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2011
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Today I come out of a meeting and happened to check my cell phone .... see about a half dozen missed calls from my husband and my sister in law. Never a good sign.

I excused myself and went into the hall to return the calls - (There were no voicemails which is another BAD sign).

My husband answered sounding very out of breath - - "Can you come home??" is the first thing he says.

Then, before I can even utter "why?" - he tells me what happened. His sister and my nephews were over today because my sister in law's laptop had a virus (my husband is in IT) so while he was checking on it and doing his techy nephews were playing around the house. The boys were home from school because they had been to the dentist that morning and were being allowed to play hooky for the rest of the day.

To keep them entertained and out of the way, they were playing Wii Sports...
Unfortunately - - one of them got the bright idea that if you tape the wii remote to an actual baseball bat for "realistic swings". So they took my husbands autographed RedSox 2004 World series bat and taped the Wii Remote to it.

Somehow - - (it depends on if you ask the 7 year old or the 9 year old - each one is innocent apparently ) The bat and my tank met...the bat won - Right in the middle of the front panel.

As you can image - - water came cascading out - the nine year old somehow managed to keep the fishes from falling out while the 7 year old ran for my husband and sister in law.

It was almost 2 hours after the incident when I noticed the missed calls. By the time I got home it was almost 130, so over 2.5 hours since the accident and they had the fish and liveplants in a bucket with the filter in and out take in the bucket, the water mopped up, the rock substrate in a container, the decor laid out...and were now waiting terrified for me.

I kept my composure because really, at this point in time what else can I do? I surveyed the damage - at that point it did not look that bad because the mess had been cleaned up and the hardwoods dried.

I looked at my husband and said - - "Well, Christmas is coming early this year apparently - - go get me a new tank!"

A four foot tank is the most we can fit at this time in the spot we have arranged for the tank - the space is about 4 feet and 6 inches so a 4 footer fits nicely.

My husband and sister in law come back 2 hours later (they took her ford explorer because my husband and I have little sedans, and her boys stayed with me - they are unharmed!!)...nearly 4pm (after going to 6 pet/fish stores) with a 72 Aqueon gallon bow front that had been a floor model (had a few scratches on the stand). Kissing up to me, he and his sister also picked up all the black sand they had (eight 5 lb bags, probably not enough but I appreciated the gesture) and bubble wands because I had mentioned to them that I wanted them when I rescaped my tank - - the rescape was originally going to be done in December/January when I got my holiday bonus. 615 pm, the tank was filled, filter re-set up, bubble wands in place, fish back in the tank. I am going to worry about the sand tomorrow - I am too exhausted to do much more tonight!

Now it is about 9pm. There was one casualty - one of my male mollies. The rest of the fish seem to be doing fine.

Here are a few pictures - my camera died and I got it charged just enough to take a picture of the fish in the tank before it died again.

Picture of the rock substrate, and decor

My larger rocks - my nephews thought they were helping by organizing them into color categories, "stripey, red-ish, black and white-ish"

The bat

and finally, the new tank
Exciting times :no: , Love your new tank though.

Never saw the point in baseball (too much like rounders), this confirms it as a waste of a sport. Got to love the effort in cleaning up, you must be one super scary lady!
haha - -I am not scary - but these goldfish are like my children!

and I have been talking about rescaping my tank for months - I have a thread where I am attempting to make my own driftwood to save from having to buy any (I am very strict with my budget, hence was waiting to use a bit of my Christmas bonus from work to buy sand and bubble wands for my tank! )

The husband has not and will not tell me the price of the new tank - he did tell me that they took a bit off because the floor model had a few scratches on the stand, but the tank itself is in perfect condition.
well done im glad there's no casualty...i loved the way you build the story up... i might of laughed a little....
at least you can rescape it now =D
really think you keeping your cool was the best bit of the story. i'd of flipped my lid and sold my sons toys, bed, clothes and kidneys and got a new tank. (or at least pulled a few teeth out) really glad you managed to save nearly all of them. do you want an even bigger tank as i have an old cricket bat i could send you. :) blessing in disguise.
Wii is banned in our house for this very reason! If anyone wants to play cricket or tennis they get pointed towards the park at the end of the road! Great story though, glad the fish are (mainly) ok!
really think you keeping your cool was the best bit of the story. i'd of flipped my lid and sold my sons toys, bed, clothes and kidneys and got a new tank. (or at least pulled a few teeth out)
So would I LOL :rofl: I agree that was definitely the best bit.

Wii is banned in our house for this very reason! If anyone wants to play cricket or tennis they get pointed towards the park at the end of the road! Great story though, glad the fish are (mainly) ok!
Ditto. If anyone even looks like they want to run up and down it's shoes on and straight outside!

Glad you've got away with (almost) no casualties. I hope your floor recovers!
The floor is perfect - - I was surprised how well they had everything dried up...until I went into the laundry room and found every, and I do mean EVERY, towel and spare sheet/blanket balled up in a mass in the corner. Soaking wet.
Do you keep goldfish and mollies together?

I honestly don't know what I'd have done in this situation. I like to think it would have been calm like you were but I doubt it very much.
Can you repair the broken tank? I'd have been wanting bigger than a four foot if this had happened when I was out. I'd have been taking down walls and everything. :fun:

Glad their in their new home and only one death, yes, none of us like to lose any but it could have been worse.
well, on the plus side they at least realised to get the fish in buckets etc instead of just panicking and not telling anybody.

Gutted at the lost tank, but new shiney one to play with is always a bonus! :good:
My brother in law recently decided to throw a cricket ball around our living room.

I'm not sure if it's fortunate that he hit the antique clock (smashing the glass face) and missed the tank, or unfortunate (given that I have an identical empty tank currently sitting in the garage).
Do you keep goldfish and mollies together?

I honestly don't know what I'd have done in this situation. I like to think it would have been calm like you were but I doubt it very much.
Can you repair the broken tank? I'd have been wanting bigger than a four foot if this had happened when I was out. I'd have been taking down walls and everything. :fun:

Glad their in their new home and only one death, yes, none of us like to lose any but it could have been worse.

Yes I do - - the goldfish and mollies actually hang out together and the goldfish LOVE snacking on molly fry :)
Well that's a story and half!

Glad you got a new tank and sorted it.

I had to laugh, I can imagine what was going through your hubby's head - I do feel sorry for him. My boyfriend knows my fish are babies & if anything were to happen... And the kids organizing the rocks into colours is priceless!! Very pleased though that everythings almost sorted.

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