Search results

  1. mike455555

    Plants in a Tank

    it depends on your lights ect, good starting plants are anubias, java fern, java moss,crypts,water fern, possibly amazon swords
  2. mike455555

    How to java moss?

    superglue may work but it looks ugly when it turns white in your tank, cotton or fishing line is best for mosses
  3. mike455555

    How to java moss?

    cotten wool or fishing line, nets can work but look ugly to begin with. as with surface area cover as much as possible the moss will grow but it dose not attach itself very well. dont use superglue it will stick the moss together and a large amount of it
  4. mike455555

    Cryptocoryne Question

    yes they do send out runners however there no where near as invasive as vallis is 
  5. mike455555

    Dwarf Hair Grass

    Sagittaria Pusilus (dwarf sag)  or Lilaeopsis brasiliensis i found lil the easyer of the 2 or  Glossostigma eletinoides, or a moss species (id recommend weeping as i think it looks nicer)  depending on the look you want 
  6. mike455555

    Dwarf Hair Grass

    personally iv always had trouble with dwarf hair-grass but that may be down to it not liking my water iv tried it in high light and low light, with CO2 and without the best  i got it to grow was in high light with CO2, however it survived in  low light as well, but didn't spread or flourish, i...
  7. mike455555

    Lynx Survey

    Hello  i was just wandering if anyone would mind taking 5 mins to fill out a survey for my uni work (its only for an assignment and no results will be published)   thank you in advance 
  8. mike455555

    Crypts For Sale

    is it £5 per bunch? 
  9. mike455555

    Asian Biotope Plant Advice

    here have a look at my journal, i made one about a year ago
  10. mike455555

    What Is This Plant

    riccia is in the ball closest  or did you mean hydrocotyle  or ranunculus inundatus which is a little under the ball?
  11. mike455555

    Glossostigma Elanotoides For Sale

     i should do i'll check tomorrow i did have a little of it die back in the propagator 
  12. mike455555

    Co2 Regulator And Solenoid (Ipswich Area)

    is the fitting for normal co2 bottles or for a branded one?
  13. mike455555

    Plant Help.

    looks like the Blyxa Japonica i got its root system and crown are not right to be valli's  i'd say its japonica. but japonica iv never mannaged to grow, i think it needs co2 
  14. mike455555

    Fertilizer Recommendation Please (Uk)

    EI dosing is a good way to go, by mixing your own its a lot cheaper 
  15. mike455555

    55Gl Fw Planter Tank

    aponogeton crispus red or a nymphaea of some type would fit well 
  16. mike455555

    55Gl Fw Planter Tank

    no problem =] always happy to help, personally i love that plant 
  17. mike455555

    55Gl Fw Planter Tank

    the plant on the right is java fern trident right? in its emersed form, it will melt to go into its aquatic form, but you may want to take the rhizome out of the substrate  or it will rot 
  18. mike455555

    Grafting Plants Onto An Upright Piece Of Driftwood

    they will attach themselves over time, but they need to stay still while, hence the cotton / superglue/ rubber bands 
  19. mike455555


    java moss should be fine, i find all mosses interesting, never been fond of java tho, i like weeping and tiwan more  
  20. mike455555

    Grafting Plants Onto An Upright Piece Of Driftwood

    super glue them works well as well, and a lot less hassle 
  21. mike455555

    Questions About Live Plants And Lighting

    dont mess with the pH the plants will adapt to it, moderate light plants will do well in high light, if they are not you can always find a shaded spot under other plants / under hardscape the only plant i can think of which likes shade is UG (Utricularia graminifolia)
  22. mike455555


    HC cuba is baby tears, they find it hard to grow without co2 though. a better choice would be glossostigma elatinoides they look like HC cuba but glosso grows better without co2 , hair grass i found grows badly without co2 better choice again would be sagittaria subulata or Echinodorus tenellus ...
  23. mike455555


    first what lights do you have, are you using CO2 and ferts?  this will determine the plants which can grow 
  24. mike455555

    55Gl Fw Planter Tank

    not really just thought it would look better, you could swap one inlet and 1 outlet and have like 2 groups of them?   but as long as there covered im sure you'll hardly notice them =] 
  25. mike455555

    3X Nymphaea Lotus Bulb

    DAM TO SLOW! oh well next time maybe 
  26. mike455555

    Pesky Snails

    yes assassin snails are great, i try to keep them in all of my tanks 
  27. mike455555

    55Gl Fw Planter Tank

    looks like a good start i'll be following this =D  one suggestion, clump the pipes,  and the heater (i guess you will anyway?)
  28. mike455555

    52.6 Gallon Planted Aquarium

    -jealous- what sand are you going with  and what lights? thought of plants / stocking yet? 
  29. mike455555

    Co2 >.>

    iv commented on your hairgrass thread about it,  presurized co2 can and should be left on all the time fluxuations day to day may cause algae, but you should be balancing it with fert's  i recommend building your own co2 kit it will be a lot cheaper rather than buying a brand name (there used to...
  30. mike455555


    its simple, gas bottle go's to regulator which go's to needle valve then into a diffuser.   the gas bottles at a very high pressure the regulator brings it down, then the needle valve is to fine tune the system. the diffuser is to increase the surface area of the bubbles of gas. if youv heard of...
  31. mike455555

    Liquid Co2

    i think he said that he will only be at this tank every 2 weeks or something earlier tbh your better going pressurized IMO 
  32. mike455555

    Liquid Co2

    oh my bad, its been to long to recall that information  :L  (did say i think) =]
  33. mike455555

    Free Nomapgila Stricta Trimmings

    i'll take some as well once they regrow :P 
  34. mike455555


    not at all get a FE set up and use pressurized and you'll be fine...(sits in a corrner and you dont have to touch it) the fert dosing is what will do the plants in....  
  35. mike455555

    Liquid Co2

    i think it has a 12 hour in tank life if im right....  you'd be better of going pressurized (although liquid dose keep algae down a little, and also some plants like vallis) 
  36. mike455555

    52.6 Gallon Planted Aquarium

    what plants are you thinking of stocking, and i love your small tank (iv got the same tank im about to rescape, are you using CO2 and ferts in it?)
  37. mike455555

    Plant Only Tank

    for substrate iv used john innes no 3 with a sand cap, it works well for me, as for a low tech tank you wont need a filter for the plants but you might need a power head to keep the water moving, planted tanks should have a 10x turn over /H  or more, this carry s the ferts around and removes the...
  38. mike455555


    i wouldn't say it needs more light but it dose need CO2 to make a nice carpet and grow (or at least thats what i found) 
  39. mike455555

    Aqua One Aquamode 300 - New Planted Nano Shrimp Tank

    that wood! i need that i have the same tank and going to be doing the same as you but with cherries 
  40. mike455555

    Glossostigma Elanotoides For Sale

    Plants: Glossostigma elanotoides Age and condition: Growing emersed  Quantity for sale: lots  Reason for Sale: to much in propagator  Delivery or Collection: both Sales price: £5 per golf ball size included P&P  or make me an offer on more  Willing to Ship: yes  Postage & Packaging Price...