Liquid Co2


Aug 16, 2011
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Quick question folks, aware plants benefit from Co2... Nonetheless I may get some liquid carbon Co2 for mY aquarium, it says to dose daily but many of my plants are low tech, I want the liquid co2 for faster growth though, would it be okay if I dose co2 ferts everyday one week and regular fertiliser the next week and so on? My plants are low tech so I see no problem with dosing Co2 every other week? Should I go for it or would the inconsistency bother the plants?

Many thanks :)
No, it won't work. Fertilisers you may be able to get away with with regular, but less frequent, dosing. Liquid carbon isn't all that stable, so will react away regardless of the plants usage, hence daily dosing. You'd be better not dosing than dosing irregularly.
i think it has a 12 hour in tank life if im right....  you'd be better of going pressurized (although liquid dose keep algae down a little, and also some plants like vallis) 
mike455555 said:
i think it has a 12 hour in tank life if im right....  you'd be better of going pressurized (although liquid dose keep algae down a little, and also some plants like vallis)
I thought it was 24 hours, but either way, it's not very long.
Eagle has it correct:
Q: Is it better to add Flourish Excel at night or in the morning based upon plant carbon uptake physiology?
A: Carbon intake is a function of photosynthesis. Based on this, it would be ideal to dose Flourish Excel during the day. But given that Flourish Excel can stay complexed as a carbon source for up to 24 hours before it dissipates, you can dose at any time of the day and the product will be available for the next 24 hours. Flourish Excel is not carbon dioxide and there is no impact on pH using Flourish Excel.
Unless you have some of the plants which Excel harms, daily dosing at the level suggested on the bottle is the best way to go. Me being lazy I have always dosed it weekly with ferts after a water change. I guess I should have been way more diligent.
oh my bad, its been to long to recall that information  :L  (did say i think) =]
So can I dose flourish everyday one week and none the other? Then so on with dosing every other week?
No, the recommendation is that if you are going to dose any liquid carbon, you need to dose it regularly, not on a fluctuating schedule.  If you are looking to cut costs or use less, you can use it at a half dose daily, or you could do it every other day, but not on one week and then off another.  That's a recipe for disaster, if you ask me.

mike455555 said:
oh my bad, its been to long to recall that information  :L  (did say i think) =]
Its all good.
i think he said that he will only be at this tank every 2 weeks or something earlier tbh your better going pressurized IMO 

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