

Aug 16, 2011
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Bought some cryptocoryne and haurgrass today, I have done a fair bit of research but the answers vary

Will hairgrass be okay in 1.5wpg and root tabs with weekly dosing of fertiliser? I hope so!
Hairgrass - Elocharis acicularis generally need higher lights than 1.5wpg as its typically high light plant, as most carpet plants are.
Also will have a much better chance if you can also provide Co2 and ferts.
i wouldn't say it needs more light but it dose need CO2 to make a nice carpet and grow (or at least thats what i found) 
Can anyone recommend me lighting or places I can buy light like eBay? If I have a 50 gallon I am looking for around 110-120 watts? Also how can I get co2 started and is it difficult?
mike455555 said:
i wouldn't say it needs more light but it dose need CO2 to make a nice carpet and grow (or at least thats what i found)
Ch4rlie said:
Hairgrass - Elocharis acicularis generally need higher lights than 1.5wpg as its typically high light plant, as most carpet plants are.
Also will have a much better chance if you can also provide Co2 and ferts.
Just done research on co2 looks very complicated I only get too see my tank every other week? Is co2 impossible with such a schedule?
not at all get a FE set up and use pressurized and you'll be fine...(sits in a corrner and you dont have to touch it) the fert dosing is what will do the plants in....  
mike455555 said:
not at all get a FE set up and use pressurized and you'll be fine...(sits in a corrner and you dont have to touch it) the fert dosing is what will do the plants in....
FE? Also I don't understand how to use pressurized co2 despite reading countless explanations? Is it really that simple?
its simple, gas bottle go's to regulator which go's to needle valve then into a diffuser.
the gas bottles at a very high pressure the regulator brings it down, then the needle valve is to fine tune the system. the diffuser is to increase the surface area of the bubbles of gas. if youv heard of a drop checker thats to measure your CO2 a bit like aquarium test kits 
FE is a fire extinguisher (cheap way of getting the gas bottle)  

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