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  1. L

    Can I Put Together?

    as the title states - we only have a small 28ltr tank and are thinking about which fish to home - OH would like a few shrimp and we've got our eyes on a few penguin tetra's - would a cory or a betta be better?
  2. L

    Advice - What Fish For A 28lite Tank

    Well after advancing from our pond, we have now invested in a 28litre fish tank - space prohibited anything larger! So we are looking for advice on what to get - orginally we had our heart set on 2 seahorses but then thought this to be too ambitious and expensive! We'd like colourful and...
  3. L

    Big Up to the Barley Straw

    our pond is about 700 gallons
  4. L

    Barley Straw

    our straw was at the bottom and it worked fine but the outlet flow of the filter flowed over the straw so still had some circulated water passing over/through it! We are now floating a bail behind the plates to see how that works out
  5. L

    Big Up to the Barley Straw

    Ok, about 2 months back we had BIG problems with blanket weed and our pond is in the sunlight so prime environment for blanket weed to thrive! Didn't want to use chemicals so we got a hoover and sucked most of the weed out but also put in a bail of barlet straw which after 3 weeks starts to...
  6. L

    Is your pond part of a garden?

    This year we have so much wildlife (had the pond a year now) we have toads and fogs, more birds than normal and bizarrely we even have some fish - don't know where they came from :unsure: :D
  7. L

    Just started a pond

    I thought you are recommened to allow each koi 500 gallons each? -_-
  8. L

    Pond stocking

    Bit of a late responce but we built our pond a year ago almost to the day! It's about 600 gallons and over stocked TBH - Overly excited when we first got the pond and bought too many fish! We started with 5 goldies, then added 5 koi, then 2 sterlets, then 2 more bigger koi, then 2 comets, then...
  9. L

    My koi has a ripped mouth

    picture of the full extent of the infection and tear :( Unfortunately Sonny died during today :sad:
  10. L

    My koi has a ripped mouth

    yesturday I thougt one of our koi was dead, but he wasn't but he's been shy since we got him at Easter and doesn't seem to eat or be growing! yesturday I noticed he has a "scar" on his gull and today I went to take a pic of it to post and ask for advice, I noticed his mouth is all ripped on the...
  11. L

    All the fish died

    My partners grandparents have had a pond for years (17 yrs) and have a pump to circulate the water down a waterfall but no filter system (no matter how much you tell them to get one they won't) Last week the last of their fish died (never been a big problem as they've lost maybe 1/2 a year) but...
  12. L

    My Pond

    didn't work :(
  13. L

    My Pond

    looks great :nod: - how long you had it? :dunno:
  14. L

    a friend's pond

    he has mirror carp,common carp,ghost carp, tench,sturgeon sharks,goldfish of course,bream,roach,perch,chub,golden orf and ghost orf, barbel 7feet deep in the middle, goes to 5 feet then 1 foot on the edges
  15. L

    I've never checked my water stats or

    As the title says! Bit concerened from ready other threads! The pond is almost a year old and I've never done a water change - not even a 1/4 change! and I've never tested the water stats! Having a problem with blanket weed at the mo but I've put some barley straw in and waiting to see if...
  16. L

    4 new fish

    I'm not too up on fish :no: but thanks for that - I'm learning something new everyday :nod:
  17. L

    4 new fish

    well after shading the pond for a week and utting some barley straw in - the blanket weed seems to be retreating and my sterlet is still swimming about happily! Last weekend we also bought 2 7" Fan Tails - here's a pick of one of them and the sterlet and then last night we noticed some 6-8"...
  18. L

    Post pics of your ponds

    all last years pics but hey ho - pond was 2weeks old in these :D Job well done I think for two 22 year old novices :P only lost one fish and that was a sterlet about 3 weeks ago that got caught in the blanket weed, but we're trying to sort this out now ;)
  19. L

    How to get rid/reduce Blanket Weed?

    cheers for that! I've put in a barley straw bail and made a "sail" style cover thats covering 80% of the pond at the moment! Also bought an air pump which has stirred some of the algae and I've scoop it out with the net! Lets see how it goes! I'll keep you informed ;) Sting (the sterlet)...
  20. L

    How to get rid/reduce Blanket Weed?

    We built a pond last year and bought 2 sterlets - one died within 24hours so we got him replaced. 2 weeks back another died, it had got caught in some blanket weed and suffocated itself. Just bought 2 new fish today and noticed the remaining sterlet keeps getting caught but manages to free...
  21. L

    Koi Pregnant? Fish "Birds and Bees"

    Right then, I think my "Nemo" is pregnant! it's (assuming she) is very bloated underneath and does not have a nice shape to her as the rest of the koi! Is she pregnant or just greedy with her food>? Also how does a fish get pregnant? how does all that work? -_- trying not to sound too pervy...
  22. L

    sterlet dying?

    Thanks, I took the little fellow back and they gave me a replacement fish "Sting", who is swimming happily with it's mate "Ray" B) Thanks for your advise! I'm sure I'll be on here every now and again when things go wrong :-( leni
  23. L

    sterlet dying?

    The other is happily swimming along the bottom and up the sides searching for food! The other is still bent double! The pond is 600gals and the fish are about 4" long so only babies! After reading other articles on sturgeon-web it seems it is starving! and the fish starts using it's muscles...
  24. L

    sterlet dying?

    We've had our pond a few weeks now and had 5 small goldfish happily swimming about and decidedto buy some baby koi and 2 sterlets today! Left the bag flating for about 30 minutes then released the fish! Meanwhile, had to take the other half to A&E (he's sprained his ankle ) -_- Anyway, all...
  25. L

    Sterlet dying?

    We've had our pond a few weeks now and had 5 small goldfish happily swimming about and decidedto buy some baby koi and 2 sterlets today! Left the bag flating for about 30 minutes then released the fish! Meanwhile, had to take the other half to A&E (he's sprained his ankle :rolleyes: )...