My koi has a ripped mouth


New Member
Jul 17, 2004
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yesturday I thougt one of our koi was dead, but he wasn't but he's been shy since we got him at Easter and doesn't seem to eat or be growing! yesturday I noticed he has a "scar" on his gull and today I went to take a pic of it to post and ask for advice, I noticed his mouth is all ripped on the under side - obviously being pond fish, you enevr see this!

here's some pics - I've took poor sonny out and into his own big bucket but dunno what to do for him :( :confused:



He's my fav fish becase of his colour too :(

any help on what to do would be massively appreciaited :sad:
that looks nasty.
assuming its not a disease it looks like he might have lanced it with something. is there a hole going through the skin?
a pic from underneath would be good.
i would suggest putting him in a huge bucket/tank with 50% pond water and the rest with dechlorinated tap water with plenty of air and a small filter. add some aquarium salt as well to help with the healing and hopefully stop any infection coming in.
add a teaspoon per gallon and again on day 2 and again on day 3 to bring the salt level up to .3%. test the water each day to keep an eye on ammonia and nitrite levels. its all about keeping him in clean water so changing half the water every day and readding the same salt level will help but it may take a fortnight to heal.

thats how i would deal with it, hope someone else has some ideas for you too, good luck and keep us posted. :)

picture of the full extent of the infection and tear :(

Unfortunately Sonny died during today :sad:

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