Big Up to the Barley Straw


New Member
Jul 17, 2004
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Ok, about 2 months back we had BIG problems with blanket weed and our pond is in the sunlight so prime environment for blanket weed to thrive! Didn't want to use chemicals so we got a hoover and sucked most of the weed out but also put in a bail of barlet straw which after 3 weeks starts to rot, we now have a clear pond, no blanket weed whats so ever, and a sterlet that swimming happily without getting caught up in the weed!


2nd bail went in yesturday as a preventative method of keeping the weed away :)
Congratulations - blanket weed can be a pain!
well done for getting rid of that awful algae. how big is the pond?
I have used this in my 55 gallon before when I had it by the dining room window and couldn't afford a UV sterilizer. It was like magic in a few weeks crystal clear water. But after having moved, tore down the tank, set it up again, and having greenwater again....I went back to the year old leftover barley straw pad (I place them in my Eheim canister) and it hasn't done anything. I had to buy barley straw extract which works ok.

I think this stuff must age or something if you don't use it within a year. Glad to hear it worked for you though!! :thumbs:

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