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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    Cross bred?

    I have a bunch of mollies, all types (except balloon, don't like them)... If you want to have some pretty mollies, get the nicest sail fin, bid high fin, and the nicest lyre tail, with a wide tail, brred those 2, man makes a beautiful fish... not all will be a cross, out of 60 fry 4 or 5 have...
  2. F

    Pike Livebearers

    are you talking about the salt water fish that has the long nose?
  3. F

    prego gupp clamping fins

    How is she now? Find any more babies?
  4. F

    female albino Fancy Mollies . .

    with some of my females the only way I can tell is the size of the will be larger at the front, then 24 hours before birth it gets bigger at the bottom of her stomach. like there dropping... My females don't hide or stop eating like some people say is a sign...they swim along and poop...
  5. F

    Molly Color

    I have a dal. sail fin molly that I breed with a solid black lyre tail molly...The fry grows to look like one of the parents... I have 2 out of about 100 that r a mix between them both ie...dal. lyre tail
  6. F


    I have swords, platys, guppys and mollys....I have a 5 gal tank as a birthing tank. I put the momma fish in there at least 48 hours before having the fry and 48 hours after... I find that this is less stress on the fish then from moving them 3 or 4 times in a short period... I have 310 fry all...
  7. F

    Is my guppy actually an endler?

    I went to petsmart yesterday, and they were selling lyre tail guppies...but the were trurly endlers...u can tell them apart... urs a guppys
  8. F


    What kind of fish had those fry? I had a Molly (pepper) she had 72 at one time...
  9. F

    what happen to my guppy fry?

    I have been noticing one of my gup fry is looking a bit different from what she did yesterday....with in the past month her little body is bending like a check mark... When she swims through the water it looks like a v shape now(a little wider than that) Wonder what happen and she is the only...
  10. F

    any clue

    I don't use a net breeder anymore, stresses my fish out to bad....I bought a 5 gal tank for that purpose... People will say that a guppy will stop eating and lay around hiding when she is ready to drop fry....I have had guppies for yrs...I have never had one to do this...what I look for is her...
  11. F

    Romeo and Juliet

    I loved reading ur post, it was funny, I needed that this early of the morning...
  12. F

    Swordtail and platy

    I have platy's and swords, and after about 7 or 8 months, I finally have a preggo platty. Mine were sick when I got them...after months of treating there healthy enough to be happy...If ur water conditions r not right platy's will not breed...
  13. F

    how many?

    So u said your fish died today? did you mean all your fish? or just the preggo?
  14. F

    Is it ok to have all male guppys?

    I have all male guppies now...and have them in my teenager fry tank...they r wonderful together...Alot of friends i have will nly have males because of there color, they don't won't any females casue there not as pretty
  15. F

    What Should I Buy Tommorow????

    The statement about molly females dying after giving birth is true...I no longer move my females, I let them have there fry in the main tank, no extra stress added. Then I catch the fry and put them in my newborn fry tank. I have about 210 fry at the moment. I don't have alot of deaths...
  16. F

    Hmmm, What the heck is that?

    How did they get in my tank? I vaccuum it now 1 time a week...sometimes more...I do over feed due to the beg and beg for something to eat, and i feel sorry for them...I have read that some people feed theirs once a week...I feed mine 3 times a day...20 molly, 3 cory cats, 1 pleco
  17. F

    AARRGGHH! unexpected delivery of guppies!

    When u say filter media....what is that?
  18. F

    Guppy Problem

    We have 4 stores u can get fish at, and 3 get theirs from the same place, The 4th place, sometimes orders from a wonderful place that has great looking mollies. I have stopped with gups, due to the fact, I got tired of watching them dye...
  19. F

    Hmmm, What the heck is that?

    I was sitting watching my fish in the 55 gal, and I seen what looked like a piece of thread in the water, very thin barely noticeable, then I noticed it was swimming like a snake would in the water, I got my small net and scooped it out and ran water through the net, I later found another...
  20. F

    black male sailfin

    I thought when mollies do that it is poor water conditions (lfs Said) but if only one fish does it out of all of them, I doubt it. I had a female that was fine never did that, I put her in a 5 gal to give birth, it stressed her out so much I put her back with the others and she started doing...
  21. F

    Did I read right or wrong???

    I try and keep my PH levels 7.2 to 7.4...I would do a 25% water change daily til I got a 0 ammonia reading.
  22. F

    Guppy Problem

    I have gave up on trying to raise any gups...I have had guppys for about a yr, and can never keep the alive. I have platys and swords in the tank with them...there fine but my guppies always die, for no reason, no signs or illness..just like urs...hope u have better luck....I keep mollies now...
  23. F

    Mickey Mouse Platties

    What I have done, if one is worse than the other. I put them in time out...I have a breeding net and I put the fish that is mean in there for 24 hours then return him to the really has worked for mine....platy and molly fish
  24. F

    Show me a sign

    I have so many fish..and alot of fry..and none of my females gives any signs of labor...I look at mt platies alot and when preggo there bellys will get big but about 24 to 48 hours before they have the fry, there lower belly will be bigger than then the the fry has moved down right at...
  25. F

    Sick molly

    I called evert pet store I knew of, and noone knew what caused this, and acted as if I was crazy...I hate to tell you she did die...I really hope u can find out more... Good luck
  26. F

    new guppy finding

    My guppy fry all look like they have gravid spots already, I really hope there not preggo cause there only a month of age....If they have gravid spots does that mean that there female, or do they really change from female to male?
  27. F

    quiting on the guppy fry

    I have heard that fry is hard to keep alive....I have about 300 fry in all...Mollies, Platies, Swords and Guppies...I have never lost a baby that was not born dead....I think there easier to maintain than the adults...I let the momma have them in the main tank, I get what I can find out...I do...
  28. F

    Sick molly

    does her eyes look like a blister is over or around it? I had one last week that both eyes look as if there were blisters on her eyes only.
  29. F

    Show me a sign

    I cut a piece of a panthose big enough to fit around the bottom of the tube from my filter, and tied it off with 2 rubber bands. hope this helps
  30. F

    In your Opinion...

    I bought a 5 gal. tank to put my molly in a week or do before she drops, I have alot of females dying due to stress of being chased while giving birth. I leave her in there for no less than 24 hours after giving birth. This has worked out great for me...Good luck
  31. F

    Molly problem

    I thank u all for ur help...but she died.....
  32. F

    silver mollys not growing

    I have the same problem...I have 3 month old silver molly fry, and 2 month old dalm. molly fry..the dalm fry is bigger than the silver, I have not a clue why...
  33. F

    Molly problem

    I have a green female molly that looks as if there is blisters over her eyes...I can not tell if there coving all the eye or is just surounding the eye..has any one seen this before? What is it, and what can be done about it?
  34. F

    I have no luck

    I have stopped buying any guppies at all, I lost 10 out of 14 in a matter of days...But since I have not added any new fish the others r fine and happy.
  35. F

    Molly due to drop, but have no where to put her

    See if she holds out til sat....I have stopped moving a mollies that is fixin to drop...due to having over 200 fry now. I let them have the fry in the main tank and net a few as i see them....bout moving the other fish, it is up to how bad u want these fry.
  36. F

    more fry!

    Ok, i am a bit confused....Is the the tank the mollies was in when the fry were born...of r u saying that this is a tank that has never had an adult in it?
  37. F


    I have gups, swords, platy, and mollies....I love my mollies because there personality, I have mollies in a tank of there own and swords gups and platy in a tank of there own. I can pick up my mollies and they r not a bit scared of my hand in the tank...The other run when u walk up to the tank...
  38. F

    How long till platy fry

    My platy fry was over 6 months before I could tell male from female. As far as color, I thought all of mine would be gray... but at about 2 weeks little color starts and as they get older more there color starts...Molly fry is the same way took 6 months to tell male from female. As far as the...
  39. F


    I have had no luck on breeding swords...I think there a very scared fish, and the least bit of interuption will cause them to abort..I am thankful I can even keep mine alive, but I have never had sword fry. Good luck on urs.
  40. F

    Can you crossbreed a platy and molly???

    gezzzz, man who u believe on this....I don't know what to think now