Guppy Problem

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Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
I have 12 guppies in my tank with Corys and several species of snail. I keep losing guppies :( Each time, they sit on the gravel for a while, and then die. No sign of any external problem. This might be a clue, they are always my biggest guppies.

I'd really appreciate some help on this, as I am not as knowlegable on Livebearers as I am on catfish.
I have gave up on trying to raise any gups...I have had guppys for about a yr, and can never keep the alive. I have platys and swords in the tank with them...there fine but my guppies always die, for no reason, no signs or illness..just like urs...hope u have better luck....I keep mollies now, you sould try those cause there alot better. so friendly.
i bought a female guppy last week and i took her home she was fine for the first day or so .. and then the next day she was lying of the bottom too and then she died just like urs .. i thought she was jsut stressed because i think she was pregnant too ..

that doens't help u huh ?? i just wanted to share.. sorry :(
I think they are already sick.Try getting from a breeder.Can get their culls.It is not too expensive
evilbunny said:
that doens't help u huh ?? i just wanted to share.. sorry :(
It does help, evilbunny, it's interesting to see others have the same problem. I just fed them, and the sick one came up for some flake, but then settled in the same position. :( Infuriating when you don't know what's wrong with a fish isn't it?
Sadly I do find that the supply of healthy guppies can be a bit hit and miss. Guppies are just so inbred that they are just way too prone to disease. We keep just guppies and I've learnt so much about fish diseases in the last few months it's quite depressing.

Thankfully we managed to find a local independent fish shop with a good healthy stock of guppies and we've just started breeding from them, but that is after visiting 5 other fish shops in the area and walking out in disgust.

My nearest fish shop for example has an excellent reputation for fishkeeping but they just haven't got a reliable guppy supplier. You can walk in on any day of the week and see white spot, fin rot and velvet on their guppies, but everything else in the shop looks in the peak of health.

BTW, how big is your tank and is it fully cycled? Catfish are a much more resiliant fish and can survive a cycled tank, whereas guppies are much more sensitive to ammonia and nitritres.

We have 4 stores u can get fish at, and 3 get theirs from the same place, The 4th place, sometimes orders from a wonderful place that has great looking mollies. I have stopped with gups, due to the fact, I got tired of watching them dye...
Well, alot of times larger fish are resulted in old age ..... I was in the lfs yesterday and saw a GIANT dalmation molly ..... I am assuming he is well over a year old and getting ready to die anyway so after I add the stress of reinnerduction I think he could have died .......Pregnancy stress varies but IMOE is ne of the most stressfull things a fish can go through
Thanks for the replies everyone!

Kathryn, the tank in question has been up and running since October 2003, so no worries there. :thumbs:

Willywonka099, the guppies are all the same age. I thought the large fish could be getting the lion's share of the food and gorging themselves. I've gone through all my books, and found nothing. i looked at it very closly with a magnifying glass and there 's still no sign of whitespot, dropsy e.t.c.... I thought it could maybe have been one of those 'mystery' bugs that often come from tank to tank on hands, but, according to six aquarium books, no! This is so annoying.....
:) if its mostly the females dying young then it could be because it takes a lot out of them being constantly pregnant and giving birth all the time. it just tires them out. i have had female guppies live 3 - 4 years by keeping them seperated from the males, and only breeding a couple of times a year. just a thought, as i dont know how you are keeping them. a lot of in-breeding is also a reason why they dont live long.
I've kept and bred guppies for over 30 years now, but I do see alot of unhealthy looking fish for sale thesedays. Try to find someone who breeds them and get some from them.
If it happens,just stop feeding them and they would be Okay.That time 9 out of 13 guppies died and i gave up and stopped feeding them.Then none died from then.Till months later.(old age)
yes too much food can cause problems. if you only feed flakes then try them with a boiled pea now and again. take a frozen pea and microwave in some water for 4 minutes and let it cool. take the shell off and squish it in your fingers and feed that . they will also like some finely shredded lettuce too. most livebearers love green foods. maybe a little tiny bit of yolk from a boiled egg, and also freeze dried foods would help digestion too. dont feed your fish for a day each week this helps too.

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