Is my guppy actually an endler?

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kitty falol

Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2004
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After reading a few posts today on endlers, it's got me wondering if one of my guppies is actually an endler - or just a bit small!

I bought him from an independent fish shop and thinking about the other guppies that were in the tank - it was probably a feeder tank.

Anyway, he's probably about 6 or 7 months old and he's always been a lot smaller than the others. He's a feisty, hardy little thing and he's the only guppy in my tank that can swim backwards!


He's the one on the right btw!
I'm not 100% sure but it think it's a Cobra guppy,
but certainly not an endler.
Thanks for that!

I just wondered as he's so much smaller than the others and he's got such a feisty personality. Definitely the horniest of my 2 boys :*)
I went to petsmart yesterday, and they were selling lyre tail guppies...but the were trurly endlers...u can tell them apart... urs a guppys
That's a pretty little fish. I'm not an expert, but from the books I've seen I call that spotty pattern snakeskin. I have one left and he is smaller than a lot of my guppies, but most of my big guppies are gone now. I have mostly Endler-guppy hybrids. Most look more like an endler than yours, but about half have tuxedo patterns even though they are Endler size. I haven't sold any of mine yet, but at least one store said they would take them, so yours could be a hybrid. I even have one with an endler body and a delta tail, though not the biggest delta tail.

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