Search results

  1. challdog

    Slightly Complex Algae Problem

    small update, for anyone who's interested. The tank now contains a cleanup crew consisting of: 3 amano shrimp (these guys are anti algae machines!!!) 1 zebra nerite (also amazing at carving through film algae) Small re-homed bristlenose. (really like the brown algae) ... Only a few days after...
  2. challdog

    Slightly Complex Algae Problem

    thanks for the help guys, With a bit more digging, i think the only way is just to scrape... a lot... frequently. but it seems to work okay for now. Iain
  3. challdog

    Slightly Complex Algae Problem

    Hi guys, I've got a 100 L crayfish tank, with fairly good lighting, and perfect water. i've got the beginning stages of green hair algae, spot algae and generic slime algae, which i KNOW aren't going to slow down any time soon. Here's the complexity: The simplest answer, i know, is to add...
  4. challdog

    Interesting Ideas For Stocking A 120 Litre Tank?

    thanks for the help guys, whilst google-ing some of them, i came across the world of Rainbow fishes. ... I'm in love.   
  5. challdog

    Congo Tetra On Deaths Door... Help Please

    I thought that would be the case. Cant even stay balanced now :( Poor little gal.
  6. challdog

    Congo Tetra On Deaths Door... Help Please

    Not eating. At surface all the time. Puffed up, scales out... loks like a pine cone with fins. I think its dropsy. Is it curable? What can i do to help? Thanks guys, Iain
  7. 20130608_211529.jpg


  8. challdog

    Interesting Ideas For Stocking A 120 Litre Tank?

    Thanks for the reply, they all look fascinating! Any more suggestions? :D Iain
  9. challdog

    Interesting Ideas For Stocking A 120 Litre Tank?

    Hey guys, just a short and simple one. What *interesting* things could i put in a 120 tank? Its a cube, so space is efficient for all swimming heights. (Bottom, middle, top) Looking for interesting things, i mean, proper oddball-creatures. things thay i might not even know exist!? :') Along...
  10. challdog

    Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus Fluitans)

    Mine arrived today. a bit wilted and brown from transit, but over a period of only 5 hours or so, almost all of the plants have perked up nicely :) for £2 you'd be mad to say no! :D iain
  11. challdog

    Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus Fluitans)

    i've sent a PM. so far no reply, i'll wait happily though :)
  12. challdog

    Surface Dweller For A Tetra Tank?

    not hatchets then :/ might get a small gourami or fighter then.
  13. challdog

    Surface Dweller For A Tetra Tank?

    ooo, hatchet fish. never thought about them, they look pretty awesome too. :) hmmm...
  14. challdog

    Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus Fluitans)

    is this £2 including postage? if so, count me in! :D
  15. challdog

    Surface Dweller For A Tetra Tank?

    howdy, looking for a fish that will live primarily at the surface of my 30L tetra tank. currently houses ten ember tetras, so looking for a small-ish fish that should leave the tetras alone. cheers guys :)
  16. challdog

    Sold To Me As Java Moss... Is It?

    java moss's leaves are really thin. the only other moss it is likely to be is Xmas moss, which has little 'peardrop' shaped leaves. very small differences, and not obvious at first. both mosses are similar though, so its pretty much win win :)
  17. challdog

    Blue Rainbow Fish For Sale/swap :)

    any pics? :)
  18. challdog

    A Few Questions On Kribensis

  19. challdog

    A Few Questions On Kribensis

    right. i have a beautiful pair of kribs. they are very healthy fish, picked as a pair. they have already bred twice in the few months of me owning them. all fry died due to the current tank/setup (hence the thread) their new home is a <90 litre aquarium. filters/lights are no issue. now for...
  20. challdog

    What Is This Fish Called?

    its a puffer fish. i think it's a dwarf puffer, but it could be a baby spotted one :) can be nippy :good:
  21. challdog

    Various Bits

    very eager message sent! :lol:
  22. challdog


    is it the kind of thing that will 'blow over' if i keep doing water changes...? i'm literally stuck for solutions... i cant move the fish, as i have nowhere to move them to... and no money for treatments... :crazy: :crazy:
  23. challdog


    my favourite tank has had an outbreak of ich. i'm almost certain that's what it is... tiny white spots over all of my fish. 1- what low budget methods are there? 2- should i remove my plants/ornaments? 3- help :-(
  24. challdog

    Help Choosing A Fish

    okay then... i'll let fate decide... (lots of pregnant fish) cheers, iain
  25. challdog

    Help Choosing A Fish

    im gunna try and make this more simple than i would usually... ;) My tank: 40L - open top - VERY hard water - fine sub - unheated now... what fish (one or more) could be my feature fish? now... when i say 'feature fish', it doesnt have to be the only one...ect but basically, i'd just like...
  26. challdog

    Female Betta Name

    0_0 ... pearl it is then :) *facepalm* cant believe i missed that :lol:
  27. challdog

    Female Betta Name

    just got a beautiful female betta. she is slightly smaller than others i've seen. and she's an extremely curious fish :) she is pearl white, with magenta fins/tail ... she's awesome :lol: any suggestions for names ? :blink: cheers, iain
  28. challdog

    Going Away For 14 Days...

    im back... all went well :)
  29. challdog

    Going Away For 14 Days...

    ive left instructions, they only eat flake... and i assume he'll forget frequently, so overfeeding probably wont be an issue :lol:
  30. challdog

    Going Away For 14 Days...

    howdy guys, im going away for 14 days... leaving a total of 6 tanks i have a tank-sitter... but who knows... :whistle: :fish: i just need a bit of re-assurance, im under the impression that they'll be okay for prolonged amounts of time unfed, if the tank is well established...? :) i hope...
  31. challdog

    German Bred Pink Ramshorn Snails

    received mine today :) very nice colour. a bit smaller than stated, but i was sent more snails to cover that :good: i'd recommend them
  32. challdog

    Adult Koi Angel Fish

    +1 ^^^
  33. challdog

    5 Good Baby Plants, Unsure Of Variety.

    if it helps, i believe they are vallis :)
  34. challdog

    What Do Kuhli Loaches Eat?

    they're mostly nocturnal, and are scavangers... they'll eat anythig they can find; dont worry if you dont see them eat :) if in doubt, try king british catfish pellets - my khulli's go crazy for them :good: challdog
  35. challdog

    Fish Acting Weird

    hang on... are they not just glass catfish...??? in which case, you need more. because they live in large groups; a small group could cause stress. after watching the video, im pretty convinced they're glass catfish (will stand corrected if im wrong) B-)
  36. challdog

    Welcome To 'shrimp-Watch'

    in a realistic turn of events... ive been thinking about it, and as well as missing the last 2 day entries... i just keep missing them :blush: and i have not got the things needed in order to prevent that :/ so... i'm am going to resign from my shrimp watching; but i'd really like it if...
  37. challdog

    2X Apple Snails

    bump can anyone re-home him??? if you can collect? its that, or he goes to the LFS :sad:
  38. challdog

    Please Help

    okay guys, thanks for the advice :) i'll up to 60% changes every 2 days...?
  39. challdog

    Welcome To 'shrimp-Watch'

    day 2: a rather religious turn of events ... found a dead ghost shrimp :/ but at the same time found 2 baby cherries! :D a strange thing... but thats the circle of life i guess :blush: (also saw 2 exoskeletons, VERY fresh... think i JUST missed them) (usually they get eaten within an...
  40. challdog

    Please Help

    ^^^ hmmm... i guess i may have to re-think where i shop then :huh: the farthest i can really get at my LFS is me- "i'd like that one" them- "which one?" me- "THAT one" ... ... them- "ummm... i got you this one" Tank size: 30 L pH: 7.5 ammonia: 0.15 i think nitrite...