Welcome To 'shrimp-Watch'


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2011
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england (southend)
my love for shrimps has been made obvious, after i scrapped the idea of a fish tank...
and made shrimp tank instead

but one thing that interests me the most, is the shedding of the exoskeleton.
i always see the shells...
but never see the process of shedding them.

my point is, that i am now going to post a day by day diary of my shrimp tank's activities,
and see if i can witness a shedding :D :D :D

smoooooooth B-)

cheers guys, shall keep you posted

challdog :yahoo:


there are 3 exoskeletons...
i missed them -_-
I caught the "shed" twice now and both times it was when I introduced new shrimp to my tanks. They tend to shed after a stressful move from lfs to home and it was the coolest thing ever! First you see a crack in the shell right behind the shrimp's head, then the shrimp brings it's front legs over it's head and pulls down and then POP!! He jumps out of the shell and goes and hides. It's over in like 2 seconds but very neat to see. I hope you get to see it!
day 2:

a rather religious turn of events
found a dead ghost shrimp :/
but at the same time found 2 baby cherries! :D

a strange thing...
but thats the circle of life i guess :blush:

(also saw 2 exoskeletons, VERY fresh... think i JUST missed them)
(usually they get eaten within an hour, hence the freshness)

I saw one of mine shedding once. I was like OMG it's acting ill and it's going to die....then I blinked and the exoskeleton popped off and the shrimp swam off lol.

Good luck with it.
got a spare PC? set up a webcam, recording to the computer.. even a series of stills using a program like Yawcam will let you see enough. Set the webcam up and then you won't miss a thing!
I have seen a shedding once and it was over in a flash...it was so fast fortunately it was an amano shrimp so it was big enough to see. Never seen any of my many, many cherry shrimp do it though although I find the discards.
in a realistic turn of events...
ive been thinking about it,
and as well as missing the last 2 day entries...
i just keep missing them :blush:
and i have not got the things needed in order to prevent that :/

i'm am going to resign from my shrimp watching;
but i'd really like it if this thread could inspire someone to do what i tried,
but who can actually document it :)

thanks guys,
i'll still post if i ever do see a shedding... could be a while

thanks for the enthusiasm aswell :good:

(i read this over a few times, and it sounds strange...) :D

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