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  1. toubabokoomi

    May 2011 Pet Of The Month Voting Poll

    Everyones pets are beautiful but i love the african grey!
  2. toubabokoomi

    Filter Problems

    How good did you rinse before use? i have had the carbon block up on me from not rinsing enough before
  3. toubabokoomi

    Fish Of The Month - May 2011

    No offense helter but your pictures do not look authentic the water mark on the original i have seen on a few diffrent forums and websites before it just looks like the mark was faded with photoshop i know you said you moved them to a show tank but its identical to other pictures ive...
  4. toubabokoomi

    Tank Of The Month - May 2011

    Yea there fake plants this is my easy tank to take care of
  5. toubabokoomi

    Tank Of The Month - May 2011

    WOOP i got one vote i wonder who did that!
  6. toubabokoomi

    Compatibility Question, Killi

    Off topic but your tanks are seriously gorgeous! great job
  7. toubabokoomi

    Fish Of The Month - May 2011

    That tang picture is astonishing! good job
  8. toubabokoomi

    Fluval Edge Lighting Upgrade

    I knew a similar problem were the led's werent covered silicone a piece of plastic on the top of the bulbs that did the trick for alot of people
  9. toubabokoomi

    How To Lessen Filter Water Flow (Make Filter Less Powerful)

    Id find away to connect tubing or anything you could to the outlet valve extend it across the tank and turn it into a spray bar itll be the same speed but it will disperse better not as much flow in one straight line just my 2 cents
  10. toubabokoomi

    Synodontis Petricola Questions

    Id go with 3 at least i did 1 in my 72 never seen her put 2 more in they were always out and about love these catfish
  11. toubabokoomi

    Fish Of The Month - May 2011

    They are very nice looking first time i seen one in my area i had to get it haha.. does yours change color ever get almost pure white or almost black?
  12. toubabokoomi

    Fish Of The Month - May 2011

    Your my boy blueee...hard to get him in the same spot twice but i managed to get these hope its good enough
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  15. toubabokoomi

    Meet The Members

    Forum Name: Toubabokoomi Real Name: Chris Location: New Jersey Number of Years in Hobby: 8 years Fishkeeping Profile: 3 tanks one 72 gallon community tank neons angels corys platys, 1 fluval edge cory cat sword tail some glo fish 1 39 gallon 35 african cichlid peacock fry synodontis...
  16. toubabokoomi

    April 2011 Fish Of The Month Winner Is..........

    Congrats great job with the pic thats a gorgeous fish! you deserved it..all the others still had some awesome fish!
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  19. toubabokoomi

    Tank Of The Month - May 2011

    sorry took me so long to re post! hope there clear enough now
  20. toubabokoomi

    Fish Of The Month - April 2011

    Rex gets my vote for best fish!..if it was best picture i would go twodoctors awesome quality..every one elses fish are beautiful too!
  21. toubabokoomi

    Tank Of The Month - May 2011

    no offense taken my dude I will do that thanks :-) i didnt have anything but my phone at that point lol
  22. toubabokoomi

    Tank Of The Month - May 2011

    Trying out some fake plants in this competition! 72 gallon bowfront! 1 black ghost knife 2 angel fish 18 neon tetra 2 swordtails 2 juli cory 2 albino cory 4 guppies 2 killie's 3 platys 2 african dwarf frogs 1 male betta 1 rainbow 4 ghost shrimp (for now) lots of filtration handles the bio...
  23. toubabokoomi

    Gvilleguy's Diy Moonlight Led Project

    Job well done! i took the easier route i got 48 leds on a water proof flexible strip for $32.99 with the power supply to much work for me lol looks great though
  24. toubabokoomi

    Royal Pleco

    strapping young lad! im waiting for my queen tiger and yellow king tiger this just made me more pumped!
  25. toubabokoomi

    72 Gallon Community

    yea it a bowfront not a fan of real plants just like to take care of the fish no plants for me haha
  26. toubabokoomi

    72 Gallon Community

    sorry dont understand what you ask no pvc involved in the tank all artificial plants the backround ones are hanging by the base i cut the plastic to make it fit
  27. toubabokoomi

    Driftwood posted some pictures on the member forum check it out!
  28. toubabokoomi

    72 Gallon Community

    2 cory juli cats 18 neon tetras 1 bosemian rainbow 1 black ghost kinfe 2 angel fish 1 albino cory 5 ghost shrimp 1 koi sword tail still working on the stock the night light
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  31. toubabokoomi

    My Fluval Edge

    Just a few pics of my fluval edge did an led upgrade for at night! houses a sword tail a betta 2 glofish a cory cat and and algae eater!
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  34. toubabokoomi

    Show Me Your Fluval Edge

    With my led's i had to take one sorry its a little shaky
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    edge 3.jpg

  36. toubabokoomi

    Show Me Your Fluval Edge

    My fluval edge two glo fish 1 sword tail 1 Betta along with 1 cory cat and 1 algae eater
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  38. toubabokoomi


    Thanks for the info!!! ill let them soak till about saturday just in case then ill drop them in see how it goes
  39. toubabokoomi


    right now they have been in a bucket 24 hours and the water is almost clear enough to drink

