How To Lessen Filter Water Flow (Make Filter Less Powerful)


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Michigan, United States
I've got a penn plax 300 filter (70 gph) for my 2.5 gallon tank. It will be for a betta but when I cut the filter on, there is way too much water movement for a betta. I already cut it down to its lowest level. Is there something I can do to lower the amount of water is sucks in or shoots out so there wont be sooo much movement?
A 70 gph filter on a 2.5 gallon tank....dont you think thats a little excessive? :) Easier to buy a small cheap filter than fiddle around with that and risk damage to the motor.
It is a cheap filter. The box says it should be used for tanks up to 10 gallons. I've never used an internal filter though, or had a filter in such a small tank. I wrapped some cloth around the tube where the water comes out so far it seems to be helping make the water come out slower but I don't know if it will damage the filter or not.
A 70 gph filter on a 2.5 gallon tank....dont you think thats a little excessive? :) Easier to buy a small cheap filter than fiddle around with that and risk damage to the motor.

I'd say so! :crazy: It will turn over your tank's capacity 28 times an hour :huh:

I'm in the 'get a smaller filter camp' :good:
Way too much flow - you should consider a sponge filter instead:
As others have already said, a different type of filter may be your solution. Once you have reduced the flow as much as a filter manufacturer allows, the next way to further reduce flow is to change filters. The new filter may offer you the chance to further reduce flows.
Id find away to connect tubing or anything you could to the outlet valve extend it across the tank and turn it into a spray bar itll be the same speed but it will disperse better not as much flow in one straight line just my 2 cents
As far as I am aware with that hang on back filter there is an adjustable flow rate knob on the filter. Couple that in with maybe some modification of sponge to disperse it and you probably will still end up with too much flow. You could try it but I think that is going into the bounds of insane.

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