Search results

  1. AquaJason

    Severum Confusion

    Hi everyone, getting a little confused on severum Id. I believe there are three species, correct me if I am wrong: Heros efasciatus, notatus and severus(the true mouth brooder) But their are now many colour strains which are 'morphs' of the presumingly Heros efasciatus such as the gold, red...
  2. AquaJason

    Species Id?

    Saw this ciclid at P@H with no label, was wondering if you guys could help me?
  3. AquaJason

    Blue Acara

    OOOh Very nice fish, even more tempted to get one now :)
  4. AquaJason

    6Million Pounds And A 5000G Tank

    Have you seen this: Thierry Henry is one lucky man, wush I had the money to do such a thing. Will look amazing! What do you guys think?
  5. AquaJason

    Eartheater Id?

    I must say I agree that, they are not altifrons It does look to me like g. sphenozona :/
  6. AquaJason

    Blue Acara

    Hi everyone was just wondering what you fish keepers thought about the blue acara cichlid?
  7. AquaJason

    Are There Any Community Puffer Fish?

    You can keep certain puffers with other fish although not the usual community fish.
  8. AquaJason

    Mystrey Attack During The Night

    I have noticed increased aggression from my new festivum cichlid that seemed so shy I now believe he attacked the black widow and that my dwarf gourami decided to bully it as it wsa in a vulnerable state. The black widow did die and another dwarf gourami- I am really considering getting rid of...
  9. AquaJason

    Research Help

    People purchase them because they are very cheap and have strong, beautiful colours when juiveniles. Untill they get bigger and bigger and people simply dont have the room to house them is when they get rehomed :(
  10. AquaJason

    Hello , My African Mudskippers !

    You should be very pleased with yourself, that set up is amazing!
  11. AquaJason

    Any Snake Keepers On The Forum?

    Not got any myself, but I work at a exotics shop which is full of them :)
  12. AquaJason

    Haitian Cichlid

    Same, its great :)
  13. AquaJason

    Haitian Cichlid

    Hi all, would like to know what you think of the haitian cichlid, theres loads of babies at my lfs andI Was amazad to see what they grow up looking like. I did some research and apparently they are one, if not the most aggressive cichlid out there- but whats your experience/verdict? Not looking...
  14. AquaJason

    Convicts Breeding

    post up a pic so we can see :) could well be a hybrid or the albino(knowns as a pink convict)gene might be present- cant be certain without an image.
  15. AquaJason

    Mystrey Attack During The Night

    I have found the culprit- my dwarf Gourami, shocked i am :l No I dont believe Cichlids attack everything mine are big softies :)
  16. AquaJason

    Red Spot Severum

    I too have read they go well together, all though I havent kept a oscar my self so cant be certain- if u get a juivenile oscar or one the same size as the severums then I cant see a problem a rising.
  17. AquaJason

    Mystrey Attack During The Night

    LAst night I noticed one of my black widow tetras had half of his tail missing, this morning I noticed she was now ripped to shreds and has an eye missing, one other black widow terta has some minor shreads and the other is totally mine, but also noticed the tail from my serpae tetra is almost...
  18. AquaJason

    Want A Severum

    My Green severum is now 6inch long reaching seven, she lives along sied a festivum and a krib and gets along fine with all ytank mate s so can't see any problem with angels and rams. Although very bould and greedy at feeding times. I have read they can be aggresive with one another so is best...
  19. AquaJason

    Think Ive Got The Wrong Plecos

    Females do have smaller and less bristles- but they do have them so they should be easy to spot. How large are they as male bristle-nose plecs will only grow to 6inch females around 5inch. I have seen lables for bristles-noses at my P@H and are yet to see one there :/ Should get some pics up...
  20. AquaJason

    River Monsters

    Does anyone watch 'River Monsters', I am now obssesed with the series, Cant believe how big some of the fish are and are sold in pet shops when babies such as alligator gars and red-tail cats :l rediculous. The fish are amazing though! Out of curiousty I have decided to make a poll just to...
  21. AquaJason

    Hah!... Culprit Caught Red Handed!

    Oooh- whats specis is it? :)
  22. AquaJason

    Tropical Parrot Fish

    I currently have one, purchased It after researching on the internet for beginner cichlid- the blood parrot was the most popular due to adapting easier as they dont thrive/require a specific temp or pH etc and are a relativly peaceful cihlid. So I decided to purchase it- £20 for a hybrid fish i...
  23. AquaJason


    Hi, first to consider is the size of the tank as many turtles/terrapins grow rather large. For that reason I recommend musk or mud turtles, with still small- around the 6inch margin- and they do get along with others :) Requirments for all turtles/terrapins is that they must have access to UV...
  24. AquaJason

    Festivum Cichlid

    Arr bet they look sweet (lol), well mine is currently hiding behind the filter acting all shy but when the lights off it comes out of hiding :/ at the pet shop I saw it chasing severums and blue acaras out of the way so I hope its character shines through in my tank :)
  25. AquaJason

    Growth Log Of Hornbag

    Appsolutly gorgeous, the exotic pet shop I am volunteering at has just got a load of babies in. They look adorable but heard they have a bad reputation, very aggressive and should be kept on their own or with other flowerhorns. How do you keep yours, hows its behaviour towards other fish?
  26. AquaJason

    Female Betta Question

    Female bettas will do splended it your tank, as said above if you want more than one, get at least four to even out any bullying.
  27. AquaJason

    Festivum Cichlid

    Soo, just got a festivum cichlid that I have been after, looking stunning(Don't no the sex guessing male with the pointed dorsal and anal fins). Was put into my tank at 7pm yesturday, still showing stress bars- presuminly thats natural untill it builds up confidence around the tank and...
  28. AquaJason

    Introducing A Festivum Cichlid To The Tank?

    Would you say an adult festivum cichlid would get along with a green sev and blood parrot?
  29. AquaJason

    Keeping Death Head Cockroaches?

    Hi, my college is giving a way free True death's head cockroaches- which most people are getting for food for their reptiles. Where as i think their cool and uniquie in their behaviour so was going to take a few as pets although not sure if they need special heating or not- they are kept in an...
  30. AquaJason

    Chaunna Bleheri

    Yeah your right, I think the one I saw was between 20-30quid Its not just snak heads, its all other fish species too :l
  31. AquaJason

    Chaunna Bleheri

    Blaydon Exotics, in Gateshead(up in the northeast) has Channa Bleheri or rainbow cichlids although new stock coming from Indonesia next week, As Singapore is shut down for the Chinese new year.
  32. AquaJason

    Anti Bullbreed Programme

    I totally agree, I have a bulldog x staffy from a rescue shelter who was found really thin and aboandoned. He is a total softey and his best friend is a yorkshire terrier.
  33. AquaJason

    Chaunna Bleheri

    Hi, I saw some rainbow snakeheads(Chaunna bleheri) in my lfs many weeks back and thought nothing of them because I automatically assumed they would grow big, plus I had my mind on Chaunna orientailis, hopefully one day. Although just read that the rainbow snakehead only grows 8inch max is this...
  34. AquaJason

    Mystery Illness, A String Of Bad Luck, Or Something Else?

    Whats your pH like? if it extreme then it could have possibly killed your betta, do you have a heater in the tank? As for using bleach in a tank- Big NONO as you cant be sure you have rinsed it off properly which could be a result to the other betta deaths.
  35. AquaJason

    Small Species Of Plecos?

    Hi all, I have a rather small pleco which I purchased about 3 years ago under the name of 'pitbull pleco', anyways I have been doing some searching and many websites say they grow to 6cm although mine has remained about 4cm- could just be a small female I guess but was wondering are there any...
  36. AquaJason


    Start training her out of it now as they will grow to think it is acceptable behaviour and will become quite obsessive with it. A neighbour of mine has a labrador pup- well coming up 2 about a year old i think, and she still nips peoples hands and legs which someone reported, so best train your...
  37. AquaJason

    My New 280 Gallon Tank

    looks spot on mate, you should be pleased. So what fishes do you have in mind?
  38. AquaJason

    Honey Gourami Gulping A Lot?

    Gouramis are part of a family that breathe in oxygen through the air and not the water,so maybe this is the behaviour you are seeing as they must return to the surface of the water for fresh oxygen. Sexing dwarf gouramis are easy in some colour morphs as the sexes differentiate but not sure with...
  39. AquaJason

    Hoplo Catfish Meeting Swordtails.

    Is that a black moor fish in the photo?
  40. AquaJason

    My Lil Man

    stunning betta.