Mystrey Attack During The Night


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2011
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LAst night I noticed one of my black widow tetras had half of his tail missing, this morning I noticed she was now ripped to shreds and has an eye missing, one other black widow terta has some minor shreads and the other is totally mine, but also noticed the tail from my serpae tetra is almost non existing. I dont no who it is but my newest fish is the festivum cichlid who so far has been very shy and laid back :/ The injured black widoe tetra now with one eye swam past my green severum several times and she took no notice.

I am keeping a close eye on the tank, dont think the black widow tetra will make it though :(
I have found the culprit- my dwarf Gourami, shocked i am :l
No I dont believe Cichlids attack everything mine are big softies :)
I have found the culprit- my dwarf Gourami, shocked i am :l
No I dont believe Cichlids attack everything mine are big softies :)

Man, that's surprising. I have a bunch of DGs and none of them have bothered anything in the tank but another DG. I already had one downstairs with some danios and red serpaes doing well. But I rescued a bunch a little over a month ago so I have them crowded into a couple of tanks in my ham shack upstairs. I have 5 in one 20 gallon tank and they get along pretty good even though they'd like some more room. There's a little bit of aggression now, but nothing really serious. Certainly nothing being shredded. I have two in another tank and they flare at each other all the time, but never do anything all that harmful. I have another in a 10 gallon with a bunch of wild caught mosquitofish. He didn't play well with other DGs, so I moved him. Now he is literally the lord of the flies and he doesn't really like it I think. There was a fourth in that tank, but sadly he didn't make it. I'm looking for homes for them once I'm sure they are out of the woods all the way. They've been a handful of problems and I lost a couple early on, but eight have survived and are looking pretty good now. I love them, but they're fragile in health in my experience. You can always find a dead or nearly dead one in nearly any fish store around here.
I have found the culprit- my dwarf Gourami, shocked i am :l
No I dont believe Cichlids attack everything mine are big softies :)

That does sound pretty strange IMO

i have kept 6 DG's along side black widow, neons, and black neon tetras, and never once had them attack the tetras in almost 2 years, dwarf gouramis are pretty docile and only really get aggressive with each other, even while some were nesting in my tank they still never really dished out any abuse to other fish, maybe the odd nip.

Are you sure it was that fish?
what other fish are in your tank?
I have found the culprit- my dwarf Gourami, shocked i am :l
No I dont believe Cichlids attack everything mine are big softies :)

That does sound pretty strange IMO

i have kept 6 DG's along side black widow, neons, and black neon tetras, and never once had them attack the tetras in almost 2 years, dwarf gouramis are pretty docile and only really get aggressive with each other, even while some were nesting in my tank they still never really dished out any abuse to other fish, maybe the odd nip.

Are you sure it was that fish?
what other fish are in your tank?

I have noticed increased aggression from my new festivum cichlid that seemed so shy I now believe he attacked the black widow and that my dwarf gourami decided to bully it as it wsa in a vulnerable state. The black widow did die and another dwarf gourami- I am really considering getting rid of my festivum or getting a new tank for it. It is fully grown and I have a spare 30G tank, hopefully that will do for now as I really do like it and is the first festivum I have ever seen since owning my own fish 6years ago!
I have noticed increased aggression from my new festivum cichlid that seemed so shy I now believe he attacked the black widow and that my dwarf gourami decided to bully it as it wsa in a vulnerable state. The black widow did die and another dwarf gourami- I am really considering getting rid of my festivum or getting a new tank for it. It is fully grown and I have a spare 30G tank, hopefully that will do for now as I really do like it and is the first festivum I have ever seen since owning my own fish 6years ago!

Wow, sadly I guess that makes more sense. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

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