Want A Severum


Fish Addict
Sep 15, 2011
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Hi, i have a 340l tank and was wondering if it is too small for a severum ? ive seen some green severums about 4cm and fell in love. Obviously i could read up on them but i'd like advice from people who have had first hand experience of aggression and behaviour instead of reading basic generic info on a website page.

I have firemouths, rams,festivums and an elioti and a pair of angels, i have a female krib (her mate died and i haven't replaced) would these be compatible tankmates ? are severums better on their own or as a pair or group ? i want to consider this before i consider i buy as i wouldn't have room for more than two and wouldn't buy if they prefered groups. i would perfer a single fish but would get 2 if it was to be happier.
First of all, great choice.

Green severum I've found to be most aggressive out of the four types of severum I've kept. They're not really that aggressive though. They're all good choices, have a look at the rotkeil, my favourite. Red spotted are nice too. Golden are very common in my area and all are ok to be kept on their own.

As for compatability with your stocking I cannot help. I've never kept an elioti (would love to) nor a festivum (also would love to)
Wills maybe able to help you there.
thanks for the advice, rotkeil's look gorgeous.
My Green severum is now 6inch long reaching seven, she lives along sied a festivum and a krib and gets along fine with all ytank mate s so can't see any problem with angels and rams. Although very bould and greedy at feeding times.

I have read they can be aggresive with one another so is best to keep as pairs or as a single- but as you proabablies no aggression will rise when the pair begin to spawn.

this is the one i want but im going to wait abit
Please make sure its the actual picture of the fish your getting. Some sellers from that site show pictures of fish they got from google images.
Please make sure its the actual picture of the fish your getting. Some sellers from that site show pictures of fish they got from google images.

i think that might be the parent fish but the source seems very good and top quality imports
I would not get another Cichlid with the ones you already have in the tank plus the two you got today, but if you do ever want a Sev then have a wonder over to Peir in Wigan. I got mine from there and he is gorgeous. They still had some in when I was there a couple of weeks ago (not sure if they were still F1's though).
yep, im going to wait now after the 2 i got today. i'm planning a much larger tank for later in the year so the sev wait till that happens
The eliotti is a male, he's been abit lost since his girlfriend died but he seems to have been hanging with my firemouth male. He was even gill flaring at my new unknown cichlid yesterday. That usually is the case for about 24 hours after I introduce any new fish to the tank. I definaty will replace ivy though as I'm hoping to get baby eliottis. He's mild mannered really
Thats good that he is mild mannered. Not sure where in Manchester you are, but they have some nice juveniles in MA in Ashton Under Lyne at the moment. Mine used to be the same as yours until he had his last growth spurt...
Yep, it's where I got him from. It's a great shop but I think it needs more advertising as you wouldn't even know it was there if you didn't go into the garden centre
Thats true. I got mine from there aswell around 12 months ago. Apparantly they are from a breeder in the Czech Republic. How big is yours at the moment?
He's about 2 and a half inches. He got great colour but I had to go back to dark substrate because I couldn't tell them apart and the light sand was washing them out. Just rang maidenhead and they have sold out

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