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  1. M

    My New Betta

    Thank you very much although i cant take all the credit for that it was kinda my GF idea, albeit she did not like the idea of me having a tank lol
  2. M

    My New Betta

    Thankyou very much :) I hope he settles in nicely, i got him some bloodworms as a treat, havent fed him yet just letting him settle in for now. I had to play around with the direction of the filter flow to get it just right for him, he seems very happy now (i pointed the filter to output on the...
  3. M

    My New Betta

    Bought him this eve after woork, i also picked up 4 panda cories which arent bothering him at all what do you all think?
  4. M

    Just A Few Question

    any help or advice?
  5. M

    Just A Few Question

    So after initially starting a fishless cycle i have changed my mind as my overall intention and goal was to have a natural and mildly planted tank. So today i went and bought 8 plants, some sand substrate and a plant substrate that sits under the sand, i also bought some liquid CO2. I completely...
  6. M

    Sand Or Gravel

    That doesn't seem too hard cheers for the heads up tho! I'm starting my first tropical fish tank with a gravel substrate but intend move over to sand at some point I just want get used to cleaning first and I hear gravel is the easiest tonstart with but give ne a few months until my tank is...
  7. M

    Sand Or Gravel

    how easy/hard is it top change the substrate when its already filled with water?
  8. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Cheers for that it came from a tank that I think is around 100lts they have about 10 neon tetras a plec a cory 3 clow loach and I think maybe some gouramis. It is a how I would call a standard interal filter (not sure of the make) sorry if the info is a bit vague. It could well be that the...
  9. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Added 3ml of ammonia on saturday 22/01/2011 Day 1 @ 19:00 PH-7.6, High PH-7.8 a= 4ppm, Ni=0ppm, Na=80-160ppm,No ammonia added Day 2 @19:10 PH-7.6, High PH - 8.0, A= 4ppm, Ni= 0ppm, Na = 20-40ppm, no ammonia added Day 3 @ 19:29 PH-7.6, High PH - 8.0, A= 4ppm, Ni= 0ppm, Na= 20ppm, no ammonia...
  10. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Added 3ml of ammonia on saturday 22/01/2011 Day 1 @ 19:00 PH-7.6, High PH-7.8 a= 4ppm, Ni=0ppm, Na=80-160ppm,No ammonia added Day 2 @19:10 PH-7.6, High PH - 8.0, A= 4ppm, Ni= 0ppm, Na = 20-40ppm, no ammonia added Day 3 @ 19:29 PH-7.6, High PH - 8.0, A= 4ppm, Ni= 0ppm, Na= 20ppm, no ammonia...
  11. M

    My Cycling

    ill post up some pics tommorrow just like guppi has, but the test does seem to be coming out as read... 5 drops of HR PH and lightly shake to mix
  12. M

    Fishless Cycling Log - Add & Wait Method

    so to go slightly off topic, guppy is that a betta as your avi?
  13. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Yes i have read that thread, i does seem very quick, ammonia dropping within 24hrs, WOW 26 days to see your ammonia drop how long did the cycle take for you? and i bet you were starting to pull your hair out a little!
  14. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    It is some kind of sponge btw I would have thought that any bacteria in the mature media would have maybe started processing some of the ammonia in the tank, but nothing appears to be happening. I guess i will keep testing and hoping then :)
  15. M

    My Cycling

    wish my PH high was easier to read mine comes out red!
  16. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Results for day 3 are as follows! Tank - Added 3ml of ammonia on saturday 22/01/2011 Day 1 @ 19:00 PH-7.6, High PH-7.8 a= 4ppm, Ni=0ppm, Na=80-160ppm,No ammonia added Day 2 @19:10 PH-7.6, High PH - 8.0, A= 4ppm, Ni= 0ppm, Na = 20-40ppm, no ammonia added Day 3 @ 19:29 PH-7.6, High PH - 8.0, A=...
  17. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Just got an email from API and they are going to send me some new ones for free :) RESULT! Cheers for the advice Barry
  18. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Had just washed it, was shaking it to dry it and and it flew out of my hand lol
  19. M

    If Anyone Is Breeding...

    I don't want to breed myself I would just like to have one from an early age. Preferably Agee the hard work has done I have little experience but would preferto psye and buy one from a breeder rather than a lfs chain
  20. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Thanks very much :) just sent them a message!
  21. M

    Fluval Edge

    how is the betta getting on with the tertas? I read tetras can be quite nippy towards a betta. But as i assume yours is either a plakat or female its fins arent as inviting? Looks good though!
  22. M

    If Anyone Is Breeding...

    thanks for the reply, looking at those the crowntail (jagged fins) would do it for me :) How would i go about contacting a breeder? do you know any on here?
  23. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    duly noted :) Cheers guys. Any idea why it appears that mature media doesnt seem to have accomplished anything?
  24. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Right todays results Tank - Added 3ml of ammonia on saturday 22/01/2011 Day 1 @ 19:00 PH-7.6, High PH-7.8 a= 4ppm, Ni=0ppm, Na=80-160ppm,No ammonia added Day 2 @19:10 PH-7.6, High PH - 8.0, A= 4ppm, Ni= 0ppm, Na = 20-40ppm, no ammonia added The ammonia has definitely dropped since yesterday...
  25. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    sorry i think i meant the red colours
  26. M

    Fishless Cycling Log - Add & Wait Method

    excellent, i will change my temp setting now, i have a glass themometer in at the moment which reads about 1 degree higher than my heater so will probably raise the temp to 28 on my heater and see what happens. Thanks for the quick reply mate, and good luck wtih the home stretch of cycling :)
  27. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    re tested ammonia again just to double check my results, the problem is that i struggled to differentiate between 8ppm and 4ppm, the test both times seemed darker than 4ppm but not as dark as 8ppm, is there any fool proff way to determine the correct reading or do i just go worst case scenario...
  28. M

    Fishless Cycling Log - Add & Wait Method

    Hi barry good to see you pretty much there i gather. i noticed that you tank temp is around 30, i have just started fish less cycling but with mature filter media i got off of the girlfriends parents, my tank temp is set at 25, is it advisable to raise this during cycling?
  29. M

    If Anyone Is Breeding...

    I thought it might be a nice idea to raise a betta splenden types from young. So i was wondering if anyone is or is planning to breed some bettas would they be interested in doing a bit of business :) I would be looking for a male Crowntail or a male Dobletail i think they are called, (large...
  30. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    im pretty sure my nitrate was darker from the tank than in the tap water (the two blue colours 80 to 160ppm is very hard to tell the difference), but reading the fishless cycle thread i would only get more nitrate when my nitrite rises, but that is apparently 0ppm. Should i water change to...
  31. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    So i guess i keep testing until my ammonia drops to 0 and then redose?
  32. M

    Starting My Testing Tonigt

    have started a thread here>>>
  33. M

    Karls Fishless Cycle With Mature Filter Media

    Size of Tank: 60ltr Make/Model of Filter: elite stingray Type of Test Kit: API master freshwater Kit Tank Temperature: 25 degrees c Tap Water pH: 7.6 - 7.8 Type and Strength of Ammonia:Household Boots ammonia 9.5% solution Decor including Plants: Rock pile, 2 large rocks and 1 piece of plastic...
  34. M

    Starting My Testing Tonigt

    Thank you very much, i will post my results using that format soon
  35. M

    Starting My Testing Tonigt

    I have my API kit in hand and will begin testing for ammonia nitrate and nitrite tonight, so anyone who wants to keep a watch on this thread i will post my results up at around 7. So just to clarify i will be testing my tap water and tank water, then dose to 5ml ammonia and test tank again...
  36. M

    Thin Line Loaches

    that article says 4 inches often slightly less if thats any help, states minimum tank size to be 48" By the way those loaches look lovely, wouldn't mind something like that but kinda have my heart set on a flash plec
  37. M

    What Tank Mates For A Betta

    cheers for the advice guys, cant wait to find my perfect betta!
  38. M

    Elite Stingray Filter

    ok so the royal mail tried to deliver my api kit today but as i wasnt in they just took it to my local post office (not sure why they couldnt leave it round the back like they did with my £700 laptop!) So anyway in the interests in keeping the batcteria in my mature filter medi should i add...
  39. M

    What Tank Mates For A Betta

    i think i might try, Rasboras or cherry barbs, a flash plec, pygmy gouramis and a ct betta and see how they get on, if its a mismatch with the gouramis then i will swap these out. ultimately this wont be happening for a few wekks but will keep you posted :)
  40. M

    What Tank Mates For A Betta

    scrap the tetras i have just read a few posts saying they are fin nippers, So im kind of falling for the guoarmis flash plec and guppy's as tank mates for a better, obviosuly pending he or she being reasonably placid