If Anyone Is Breeding...


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2011
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I thought it might be a nice idea to raise a betta splenden types from young. So i was wondering if anyone is or is planning to breed some bettas would they be interested in doing a bit of business :)

I would be looking for a male Crowntail or a male Dobletail i think they are called, (large flowing tails, if im right in me reading plakat's of these have smaller fins... is that right?)

or is this a bit naughty to ask? :p
The kinds of bettas are crowntail (jagged fins):

Veiltail (long flowing fins):

Double tail (tail split in 2):

Halfmoon (tail goes 180 degrees round):

Plakat (shorter fins):

You can get combinations of the above for example HMCT (Half Moon Crowntail) will have jagged fins and its tail will go through 180 degrees.

Terms like "butterfly", "mustard gas", "celophane" etc are all colour descriptions.
thanks for the reply, looking at those the crowntail (jagged fins) would do it for me :)

How would i go about contacting a breeder? do you know any on here?
Crown tails can sometimes be found it pet stores but im sure a member in your area could tell you were to get one.
First start off by telling us where you are.... Whats your experience level... What age you would like the bettas.... How many tanks you have for young.... Why you want to do this.... Have you got the live food stocks to feed the fry.... You may get lucky and find someone on here but personally If I was breeding and you couldn't answer those questions then why would I give you some of my stock to grow up to a size I was able to sell or have I missed the point and you instead want to buy a couple of teenage bettas once the headaches and hard work is over?
I don't want to breed myself I would just like to have one from an early age. Preferably Agee the hard work has done I have little experience but would preferto psye and buy one from a breeder rather than a lfs chain
Most are sold when young good luck finding a breeder there are quite a few around so you shouldn't have an issue try aquarist classifieds there's normally some on there.

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