Search results

  1. scampi

    How To Remove The Eggs ?

    I have Peppered Cories, Albino & Jullii but am not sure who has laid these eggs on the tank glass. It's the first time my cories have laid eggs. I've noticed the Peppered Cories getting together quite a lot though. What I really need to know is how to gently remove the eggs from the glass ? I...
  2. scampi

    Loads Of Guppy Babys

    Oh ok - I'll do it tomorrow. Thanks for your help :good: - I've noticed yet another 5-6 new babies in the guppy tank !!! By the way is there an Oscar owner living in the Leicestershire area, just in case I can't get rid of these babies :unsure: .
  3. scampi

    Fish Tank In Upstairs Room

    Hi I have a 3ft and a 2ft tank in my bedroom. 3 bed semi, built in the 50's (or near enough). No problems whatsoever.
  4. scampi

    Loads Of Guppy Babys

    Thanks everyone :good: . Could I also ask please, at what stage should I put a small filter in there :unsure: ? I have a spare Aqua-flo that I could use ??
  5. scampi

    Loads Of Guppy Babys

    I bought 3 female guppys a week ago & that evening one of the females had at least 20 fry. Managed to save about 15 & put them into a spare tank on their own with temp 80c, air pump, live plants & daily pwc's. This morning I caught 4 more tiny babies which also went into this spare nursery tank...
  6. scampi

    Adding Sand To Cory Tank

    Thanks fluttermouth :good:
  7. scampi

    Adding Sand To Cory Tank

    I have my Albinos in a tank with gravel. I would like to add sand and make it a half & half substrate. Could you advise me please of the best way to go about this ???? Do I simply push the gravel aside then carefully add the sand in? Would it be best to take the fish out before attempting...
  8. scampi

    Feeding New Corys Sinking Shrimp Pellets

    I'm completely new to keeping Corys too - I have 3 little albinos - really sweet. Like you I too was getting anxious as they didn't appear to be able to find the Algae wafer, or weren't interested. This was also during the day. I tried again later in the evening around 7-8pm there was a vast...
  9. scampi

    Hairy Moment With Dwarf Rainbow

    Lol :hey: :drool: I thought I might look quite cool actually but may scare the fishes :D
  10. scampi

    Hairy Moment With Dwarf Rainbow

    I noticed a long hair coming out of one of my Dwarf Rainbows tiny mouth this afternoon poor thing. She was obviously stressed out by it,thrashing around to try & get rid. I couldn't leave her like that so had to think quick on my feet. I decided to catch her & pop her into a floating breeding...
  11. scampi

    Apple Snail Eggs

    They're lovely. Can other members out there advise please on whether these babies would ship ok please ?? I'd love 6 if poss.
  12. scampi

    Apple Snail Eggs

    Would you be willing to sell a couple ??
  13. scampi

    Id Shrimp Please

    Could anyone id this shrimp please? I called in to my local LFS to buy 4 Amano shrimp. Whilst he was catching them he stated that there were different varieties & would I like an unusual one. He didn't know what it was :rolleyes: . It's the size of Amano, but not transparent. Is a lovely...
  14. scampi

    Help - Crayfish Climbing Tank Walls

    Hi - I've had a Cherax Quad female since Sept last year & she's doing great. She about 17cms now so I imagine she's full grown? She 'was' in a(mature)2ft tank - temp 28c and waters Ammonia/Nitrite 0 - Nitrate 40 Things is, for about the last month she's been literally climbing the tank sides...
  15. scampi

    Do Dead Adf's Give Off Toxins?

    Thanks, yes I know I did multiple posts but didn't intend to. My PC went wobbly yesterday so I apologise lol. I know that when fish etc die you need to pwc etc but it was just when he said they give off dangerous toxins 'specific' to ADFs that I worried. Touch wood I haven't come up against...
  16. scampi

    Do Dead Adf's Give Off Toxins?

    What a title sorry - but I have a worryiung question to ask. Basically I've been reliably informed that ADF's excrete dangerous toxins into the water that will 'wipe out' every fish in the tank : :look: & that all the water has to be changed & tank cleaned !! I have asked my LFS who says he...
  17. scampi

    Cleaning Tank

    Thanks guys - loads of good suggestions. I like the one concerning the cheapy washing up scrubber. There's some at our local Asda - 6 for around 15p so they sound good. No additives either at that price lol. The tank doesn't get direct sunlight & the foggy area is a fine algae I think, I can...
  18. scampi

    Cleaning Tank

    Could you recommend the best way to clean the inside of my aquarium glass please? I have tried one of those sticks with a sponge on one side & scrubber on the other but it doesn't seem to remove all the 'muck'. The tank's not over dirty but there's just a few 'foggy' patches that I find...
  19. scampi

    Fin Rot ?

    Hi - since using my new little vac every other day in his tank I'm sure there's an improvement already in George's fins. He's very bright & alert & eating well, so hopefully I caught it in time with your help. Clean the gravel - that's the answer!! Thanks again :good:
  20. scampi

    Fin Rot ?

    Lovely - I'll see if i can find one in my Pets at Home store. The only vac I have is 3 inches across.
  21. scampi

    Fin Rot ?

    Wow thats very useful info :good: - the tail nipping may be a possibility - since I put floating plants in he has been curling up in them going round & round, so maybe. I will watch him for a while & see. They are a very 'bendy' fish aren't they & I often think he's very reptilian looking when...
  22. scampi

    Fin Rot ?

    Thank you for your kind comments & advice. I will definitely add a bit of aquarium salt. The white gravel was when I first had him in a community tank then I moved him to his own little tank with dark blue gravel. Its good to know that his fins will grow back eventually. He is such a...
  23. scampi

    Fin Rot ?

    Anyone ?????? :sad: - Since my posting I have done a good gravel vac and changed about 80% of his water.
  24. scampi

    Fin Rot ?

    My poor George has what I believe is fin rot?? I noticed it a bit last week but wasn't sure til I looked at an old pic of when I first had him - as per below. Day one:- How he is today:- He is a beautiful boy & I love him. I'm slapping myself for not noticing anything sooner. His waters...
  25. scampi

    White Lobster Trick!

    Wow - you're lucky - I've never seen a white one. I've got a female blue Cherax - she's approx 8 inch long now. I wouldn't want to put my fingers in front of her lol
  26. scampi

    Betta Loves His Plant

    Thankyou so much. His colouring is brighter than the pics show. I love him.
  27. scampi

    Am I Really Being Cruel?!

    My Betta - George - is in a 2.1/2 gallon tank with very gentle built in filter & small heater & he looks happy & content & eats well etc. He has live plants to hang around etc & 2 assassin snails for company. I test his water every week & it's remains Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10. I think as...
  28. scampi

    White Lobster Trick!

    Is that a white Cherax Quad ??
  29. scampi

    Betta Loves His Plant

    I added some floating plant (think its wisteria?) & George absolutely loves it. He hangs motionless in it most of the time, sometimes he even looks almost reptilian the way he slowly looks around and moves. Heres a couple of pics anyway :- Thanks for looking
  30. scampi

    Local Residents

    They-re so beautiful and you're so lucky - wow. People pay the earth for those frogs over here.
  31. scampi

    Local Residents

    They're so cute - how lovely to find those outside your door every day. Where abouts do you live?? Sorry - just found out on your profile- Australia.
  32. scampi

    Lost Another Platy

    Hi thanks for concern - the remaining four are doing great. I spotted a tiny fry in the weeds yesterday - so cute. So things are good - touch wood.
  33. scampi

    Who Is In Your Betta Tank

    I originally kept mine with Platys and Black Phantom Tetras - no problems.
  34. scampi

    African Dwarf Frogs Heater

    I too was sucked into buying those lovely aquatic plants only to find they would rot - definately a no no. Now when I go to my LFS for any plants I have to ask them - "is this one a true aquatic plant ? " - sometimes its a no & they say it'll only last a month or so but will look pretty. So do...
  35. scampi

    Help! My Platy Has White/clear Velvet Stuff Where She Normally Has

    I had that in one of my Phantom Tetra females for a bout 2 days then it vanished. Looked gross at the time. There's a pic of her in the Tetra forum. They're all laying eggs like mad so maybe something to do with that ??
  36. scampi

    Platy Resting At 45% Angle

    Sorry to say my Platy took on that angle too before it died a couple of days later. So sorry, but hey miracles can and do happen so fingers crossed.
  37. scampi

    My Two New Girls!

    I adore Platys, well done. Yours are stunning - what a shame about the fungus & I'm sorry I can't help as I'm new to all of this too. I can't wait to read the advice you're going to get about it tho. Will be so helpful for any future probs they might get.
  38. scampi

    Is Some Current Really The End Of The World?

    My Betta has a gentle current too - he's fine
  39. scampi

    Lost Another Platy

    My four remaining Platys are still doing fine, so it was just the hi-fin variety. I know nothing at all about the other stuff apart from like you say the nitrogen cycle & ph's.
  40. scampi

    Legionairre Hazard ?

    Strange how thoughts just pop into your head. Does anyone know if there's any risk of contracting Legionairres Disease from tropical fish tanks?? t