Platy Resting At 45% Angle


New Member
Jan 9, 2011
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I got a platy from lfs yesterday and he's looking poorly. :sad: He's resting at a 45 degree angle most of the time. He can perk up and swim level if another fish disturbs him or at feeding time, but most of the time he just rests at that wonky angle. Has anyone ever seen this? Is there a way to help him? The other fish I brought home yesterday (including another platy) are fine and the water stats are good.... amonia - 0, nitrite - 0, nitrate - 10ppm.

Might be that hes taking longer to settle in, I had a platy playing dead for a few days now hes all over the tank.
Might be that hes taking longer to settle in, I had a platy playing dead for a few days now hes all over the tank.

I hope that's the case here too. Thanks for the word of encouragement! :good:
That is a very sick platy you have there. Any fish in that sort of condition should never be for sale in any pet shop it probably has a wasting diseaseView attachment 62456
a photo of a healthy platy look at the body shape and how the fins should look like.
Oh nooo!! :unsure: Still keeping my fingers crossed for him. He ate very well at feeding time and he's a little more level now, but not nearly as active as I'd like to see. Nothing can be done for him?
Oh nooo!! :unsure: Still keeping my fingers crossed for him. He ate very well at feeding time and he's a little more level now, but not nearly as active as I'd like to see. Nothing can be done for him?
'fraid so.... you can pray? I think that F48 was referring to fins, and they look deplorable. angle's a little wierd, but i have no insight.
I have not had much luck trying to revive fish that are wasting away. Many of them do eat fairly well but they just never seem to recover. As Fish48 said, no fish in that condition should ever be offered for sale.
Sorry to say my Platy took on that angle too before it died a couple of days later. So sorry, but hey miracles can and do happen so fingers crossed.
wonder what it has. i've experienced it, but theyve lived for a while, and i never found out what the disease was.

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