Apple Snail Eggs


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Just a quick question please :)

How do you tell if your apple snail eggs are fertile?

I saw a photo thread describing the growth of the eggs from laying until hatching but for the life of me I can't re-find it.

Some of my eggs remain pinky and some are white :(
Mine laid two clutches about 7 weeks ago now, the first lot I didnt know that they left the water to lay them and I thought they had dried out so I chucked them,the second batch I knew about cos I'd done a bit of reading but they fell into the tank after a week or so I tried to fish them out but they just broke up and the fish had a great feast and that was them gone or so I thought.
After about a week I started to notice these little tiny yellow dots moving about the tank, some had survived, bear in mind that the incubation period for these from what i've read is between 4 and 5 weeks these were only in the eggs for at most 10 days.
Anyway now after about a month ive counted at any one time 22 little apple snails which are now to big to be eaten, they are about the size of a pea now, Ive just moved two of them into a small nano tank I've just set up they seem happy enough.
With regards to your question, I think the pink ones are the fertile ones and if I remember right the go darker the longer they are incubating.

Pictures of the young uns in their new home.

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almost the same as above really my first clutch ive had for over 3 weeks and nothing was happening and then yesterday my second lot fell off the tank lid into the water so i decided to remove the first at the same time as nothing was happening and shook it about in the water and crushed it a little thining the fish might enjoy eating whats left and all of a sudden i noticed little tiny snails crawling out soooo cute :wub:
almost the same as above really my first clutch ive had for over 3 weeks and nothing was happening and then yesterday my second lot fell off the tank lid into the water so i decided to remove the first at the same time as nothing was happening and shook it about in the water and crushed it a little thining the fish might enjoy eating whats left and all of a sudden i noticed little tiny snails crawling out soooo cute :wub:

Would you be willing to sell a couple ??
yes I dont have the room to keep them but they are very tiny at the moment how many are you after?
I can shift a few if you want, as I said they are about the size of a pea at the minute so I don,t know if they will ship ok. Just to give you some sort of scale these are small red cherry shrimp.

You've got to admit it they are cute. :rolleyes:

They're lovely. Can other members out there advise please on whether these babies would ship ok please ?? I'd love 6 if poss.
Snails generally do ok if they're wrapped in wet newspaper and put ina ziplock bag and shipped next day.

They should also be put in a box with 'live animals' written on it so no one squishes them.

I may be wrong but thats how I know some people ship adult snails.
wow joe your camera is amazing :drool: I cant even get my snails in focus
just looked and ive got another clutch of eggs not sure if its possible to post these but if anyone can tell me how and is interested in hatching their own im willing to send them :)
That size is fine to ship, i ship mine a fish bag 1/4 full double bagged in a small box 8x8 with newpapper around the bag to it cant get knocked about also it will insulate the snails, mark the box Aquatic snails fragile :good:

NB: dont advise to snails direct on to wet newspapper dut to the ink
That size is fine to ship, i ship mine a fish bag 1/4 full double bagged in a small box 8x8 with newpapper around the bag to it cant get knocked about also it will insulate the snails, mark the box Aquatic snails fragile :good:

NB: dont advise to snails direct on to wet newspapper dut to the ink

I've had snails shipped to me in this manner and they arrived just fine :good:

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