Search results

  1. FishTankCrazy

    30+ Fish For Sale! All Must Go! Hope Valley Derbyshire

    Due to an expanding family I have decided that we need more room in our living room and unfortunetly my 50" Tropical fish tank has to go. I am firstly selling off all the fish then equipment. All need to go as soon as possible. I am open to offers if taking various fish at a time. All the fish...
  2. FishTankCrazy

    Bristle Nose Fry! Totally Unexpected! Please Help!

    Thank you for the replies. So a few weeks have past and we think there are only a few remaining :( HOWEVER there are now fresh eggs in the same cave! So not wanting the same feeding frenzie I think I have some time to do it right this time! What course of action should I take? Submersable...
  3. FishTankCrazy

    Bristle Nose Fry! Totally Unexpected! Please Help!

    Think he recommended doing daily changes because of the constant food that needs to be in the tank now??? Not sure...
  4. FishTankCrazy

    Bristle Nose Fry! Totally Unexpected! Please Help!

    Thanks for the advice. So i've wedged a yummy piece of courgette so its on top of the spray bar and another piece for the other tank mates so they don't go exploring around the spray bar and find the extra snacks available! :blink: So daily water changes! Currently do a weekly change of 25%...
  5. FishTankCrazy

    Bristle Nose Fry! Totally Unexpected! Please Help!

    Evening all! So came home from work and was greated with about 6 bristlenose plec fry! Never had fry so i'm panicking now about everything! They are currently hanging around the Eheim spray bar and look like they are feeding off the glass and surrounding area and look quite happy but i'm...
  6. FishTankCrazy

    Compatibility For Kribensis

    I have a pair of Kribs in a community tank (50G) and had no problems at all :) Great fish to watch
  7. FishTankCrazy

    Free Fish For Rehoming

    Fish all back safe and sound :) already settled in and even had a bite to eat. They are currently following a shoal of Rummy Nose :good: Many thanks Rob
  8. FishTankCrazy

    Free Fish For Rehoming

    Why who was inline? All i saw was a message asking where abouts in Lincoln he was? Or have I missed someone. Sorry didn't know there was rules to the sales section should of read before sending a PM guess im used to Club80-90 where if someone is selling something you HAVE TO PM them with your...
  9. FishTankCrazy

    Free Fish For Rehoming

    PM Sent
  10. FishTankCrazy

    Recharging Seachem Purigen

    I suggest using vinegar and not rushing that process. The manufacturer sells it as a PH buffer for a reason.
  11. FishTankCrazy

    Recharging Seachem Purigen

    This is copied from another post. I've followed the instructions many times and had no problems. Oh and also used good old tesco value bleach as well... To recharge I ignore the instructions which would have you use bleach then buy buffers. I put the bag in a bowl of 1:1 bleach and water for...
  12. FishTankCrazy

    2 Sick Fish And 2 Hospital Tanks And Getting Nowhere

    Been researching a bit and found Mardel Labs Maracyn II powder medication. Heard its a powerful anti-biotic. Is this what I need to buy? Thanks
  13. FishTankCrazy

    2 Sick Fish And 2 Hospital Tanks And Getting Nowhere

    Need some help please on a couple of sick fish.... The first one is a Betta bought from a rubbish fish shop in Chesterfield about 1 year ago. He has been ill on and off ever since and this time has taken a turn for the worse. First off about six months ago I had to remove a anchor worm from...
  14. FishTankCrazy

    Corydoras Sterbai For Sale

    No pic?
  15. FishTankCrazy

    How Often Do You Feed Your Fish?

    Oh right! Thanks for the advice. So think i'll cut it down to 1 normal feeding per day and miss one day per week? Thanks
  16. FishTankCrazy

    How Often Do You Feed Your Fish?

    Humm think im over feeding here! 3 times a day as much as they will eat Also algae tablets and carnivore pellets at lights out got 10 rummy nose 10 harlequins 2 congo tetras 2 kribs 1 Syno cat 1 bristle-nose plec 2 cory's 2 Black widdows 1 Betta 5 Five banded barbs 250ltr tank Would...
  17. FishTankCrazy

    Vacuuming Sand

    That is why I said my previous post. Anyway going back to the issue I found it easier to use a big bore clear tube around half inch and just hovering above the poo etc and it draws it in from quite a large area. Better than messing around with a tiny tube! Tried both.
  18. FishTankCrazy

    Vacuuming Sand

    Lol yeah ta was ranting a bit! Sorry about that think it's the old age setting in.
  19. FishTankCrazy

    Vacuuming Sand

    Haha have you read your original post. Poor spelling and no grammer...think you need to sharpen you're crayons' chief. LOl i remember then my brother didn't know he havd to clean his gravel. I went over and pulled up handle full of gravel Tank went brown Stinking. Told him to clean it lent him...
  20. FishTankCrazy

    Vacuuming Sand

    Oh right so it was English then...
  21. FishTankCrazy

    Vacuuming Sand

  22. FishTankCrazy

    Synodontis Nebulosus - Cloudy Squeaker

    Just wondering if anyone else owns one of these fish? Looking for advice on what to feed them as mine is a fussy eater... Thanks
  23. FishTankCrazy

    Five Banded Barb Fin Nipping

    Update, Thanks for your replies. The fish seem to have settled in and all found place in the tank now. So it was i guess just them finding their pecking order. Rob
  24. FishTankCrazy

    Five Banded Barb Fin Nipping

    I'm not sure of the scientific name for them and i'm not 100% sure that they are five banded barbs as the guy in the fish shop told me they were cherry barbs??? I've attached some pictures to try and help with this but the dam things wouldn't stay still!! This is a 50g tank Thanks again
  25. FishTankCrazy

    Five Banded Barb Fin Nipping

    Hi Last week I purchased 5 five banded barbs from my local fish shop and was gauranteed that these fish were peaceful and definetly not fin nippers (as i've heard bad things about the tiger barbs habbits). I bought 3 Females and 2 males and 1 of the females is going around and nipping all my...
  26. FishTankCrazy

    Have You Ever Seen Hikari Tropical Flake In Your Lfs

    Sure they sell it at Wharf Aquatics (in store) they have a large display rack with them on as i buy the micro pellets and wafers....
  27. FishTankCrazy

    Eheim 2028 Filter Or Better

  28. FishTankCrazy

    Eheim 2028 Filter Or Better

    Just wondering if anyone had a Eheim Filter 2028 or better for sale or would exchange for a full sized perfect dishwasher Whirlpool ADP 4601? (LOL you never know!!) I would happy collect from you in the Derbyshire surrounding area. Not fussed about condition but must be in a working condition...
  29. FishTankCrazy

    Jbl Proflora Co2 Kit

    Ahhhhhhh fantastic just what I was hoping you'd say! How much would you like for the co2 kit and would you be willing to post? Thanks Rob
  30. FishTankCrazy

    Jbl Proflora Co2 Kit

    has all this been sold now?
  31. FishTankCrazy

    Simple Question.....

    Yeah just green water. I've added 6 fast growing plants and done a water change so that might help things. Hopefully!
  32. FishTankCrazy

    Simple Question.....

    I've heard it's the best "natural" way of getting rid algea??
  33. FishTankCrazy

    Simple Question.....

    I've been reading all about the great benefits of using barley straw in aquarium sumps to kill water born green water algea. But due to limited space i cannot have a sump on my 50G tank so you can imagine my excitment when i read in Practical Fish Keeping Magazine that Aqua Hydrotech have made a...
  34. FishTankCrazy

    Complete Set Up For Sale.

    How much for the Rummy Nose and how many have you got? Thanks
  35. FishTankCrazy

    Broke The Brace Bar On My Tank

    DIY it. So long as its as strong as the original structure or better.
  36. FishTankCrazy

    Been Advised To Get A Co2 System..

    Just buy a couple of SAE they love the stuff!
  37. FishTankCrazy

    New To This "canister" Stuff

    Lol my fluval 403 is permantly in a bucket because of the reason above and also when you come to do maintanance water will go everywhere from where the pipe shuts off from the filter so its best to aim it in the bucket its in.
  38. FishTankCrazy

    New To This "canister" Stuff

    got no chance really of buying new media baskets for it. Your best bet would be to buy another 203 from Ebay which comes complete with media baskets they are quite cheap i picked up a 403 for £7.50 to run along side my 305 and works perfectly.