Simple Question.....


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2010
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I've been reading all about the great benefits of using barley straw in aquarium sumps to kill water born green water algea. But due to limited space i cannot have a sump on my 50G tank so you can imagine my excitment when i read in Practical Fish Keeping Magazine that Aqua Hydrotech have made a liquid extract you just add to the water. But when reading up on it, it seams its only for ponds??? The product contains no chemicals just the extract of barley straw! so if you can use barley straw in a sump surely you can use the extract? Any help or experience in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Rob
I never heard of anyone wanting to add straw to a tank, only to ponds..
Improve the water conditions. Reduce feeding, increase water changes, add more plants..

Is your problem mainly green water?
Yeah just green water. I've added 6 fast growing plants and done a water change so that might help things. Hopefully!
I assume ammonia is 0ppm and nitrate around 25ppm or under? No recent spikes? Some regular large water changes can make it go away, otherwise a blackout followed by a large water change.

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