How Often Do You Feed Your Fish?


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2011
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Just wondering what everyones feeding routine was for their fish?

Do some fish need feeding more often etc
It depends on the fish as to what I feed, for my Ember Tetra's they get food every other day.
Just wondering what everyones feeding routine was for their fish?

Do some fish need feeding more often etc
normally its a little in the morn and a little at night but i feed once a day just enough to feed them not fill them.
remember the stomaches are the size of a fish eye. :good:
once a day, 6 days a week

Humm think im over feeding here!

3 times a day as much as they will eat
Also algae tablets and carnivore pellets at lights out


10 rummy nose
10 harlequins
2 congo tetras
2 kribs
1 Syno cat
1 bristle-nose plec
2 cory's
2 Black widdows
1 Betta
5 Five banded barbs

250ltr tank

Would probably explain why the cory's don't seem to search for food anymore they just lie there! lol
That's definitely too much!

There's nothing wrong with feeding three times a day; many fish eat little and often in the wild, but it must be a very, very small amount; you want it all gone in 30 seconds or less if you're feeding that frequently.

Don't forget that if you overfeed fish, it just comes 'straight out the other end', so you're wasting food really, as the fish won't be digesting it.
That's definitely too much!

There's nothing wrong with feeding three times a day; many fish eat little and often in the wild, but it must be a very, very small amount; you want it all gone in 30 seconds or less if you're feeding that frequently.

Don't forget that if you overfeed fish, it just comes 'straight out the other end', so you're wasting food really, as the fish won't be digesting it.

Oh right! Thanks for the advice. So think i'll cut it down to 1 normal feeding per day and miss one day per week? Thanks
Once a day i feed my fish. They get a mix of New Life Spectrum pellets and New Era Catfish pellets.

Then once a week usually wednesday they get a frozen treat.

Once a day if they are lucky :) sometimes I skip a day...

My tiny babies get "first bites" 3 times a day as directed on the packet
Typically once a day but I've been having to throw loads of algae wafers and veggies in for my million plec fry lately.
Fry are always the exception; they should have access to food for most of the time if they are to grow properly; that's part of the reason why fry tanks have to have so many water changes; you are, almost inevitabley, going to over-feed by huge amounts.
I just feed them when I remember!

haha, not as bad as it sounds, but mine are in my living room so if I'm sitting there looking at them I'll feed them if they didn't have any the day or two before, usually. No set regime but it's something like every two days, roughly.
every two days, just to ease up on the filter for a bit :) whilst it gets accustomed to new inhabitants :)
I agree, I feed mine once a day but I do vary the food. One day it's flakes, the other it's pellets, and the special treat once a week is blood worms! haha... but only once a day! Sometimes too I have skipped a day here and there. No problem. :good:

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