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  1. S

    Tank size for angels?

    Yes 35 gallons is large enough but, you would be taking risk with danios because of their fin nipping behaivior (is possible though), and how tall is the tank?
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    first eel

    Thanks, I look those ones up right now.
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    first eel

    I'm very interested in eels, but don't know which ones I should look for. So can anyone suggest a good beginner eel, along with any info on them. Thanks.
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    Classroom Fish

    White clouds would work very well in those conditions, a betta would most likely work too.
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    My little cockateil passed away

    Yes, just wait a little while, I just spent more time with my bird when my other bird died. Take him out and let him watch you type on the computer, or when you watch some TV, simple things like these can make both of you feel much better. I got to bond with my bird greatly during that time. I...
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    My little cockateil passed away

    A cockateil's mate can be deeply affected by a death of its partener, my cousin had a cockateil that died and its mate turned around and literaly stared at the wall for a week. These birds chose parteners for life, it is likely that your other bird is grieving over the loss too. Just give...
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    Do you really need aquarium salt?

    I agree you can add salt if you want, but don't add salt if you are planning on getting any scaleless fishes like corys.
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    My little cockateil passed away

    Yes, swelling in that area would probably indicate eggbinding. If you would really want to positivly know what happened to her you could have a veterinarian preform a necropsy which is basicaly an autopsy. But to me it sounds like eggbinding or perhaps even although far less likely, cancer like...
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    My little cockateil passed away

    Cockateils wrote the book on eggbinding. I thought my cockateil was eggbound so we took here to the vet, he agreed that it was eggbinding, so he did surgery, but it turned out see had cancer and died during surgery. I too know how much they can mean to us, I couldn't eat for 1 or 2 days after I...
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    Poor lil froggie

    I know how you feel, I came home after being gone for a week and both of my frogs were dead, one was my first frog, they were being feed, and the water was fine, I think it got too hot for them.
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    It was really that hard for all of you to understand what he wrote? Anyway, it sucks that there are such a bad stores like that. I hope there is another LFS located near you.
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    phosphate and calcium?

    Things like snails also need calcium, I guess you could use it for that too in freshwater.
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    how much do i feed my fish

    usually what they can eat in about five minutes is a good amount, I feed my fish once a day
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    is adding salt good for tropical freshwater

    yeah, usually salt isn't very good for scaleless fishes
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    is adding salt good for tropical freshwater

    I use aquarium salt in my tank, it's supposed to reduce stress and add electrolytes and improve gill function (according to the box)
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    giant danios

    Thanks danio2004, so right now I'll probably go with 5
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    giant danios

    I was wondering what would be a good school size for giant danios, I was thinking maybe 6 but I've also heard they can be in 3's. Also is 29 gallons large enough for giant danios?
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    My swordtail does that too, just to one of my giant danios though, they both always try to be the leader of the tank
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    Do adfs shed?

    Yep, it's absolutley normal for a afd to shed its skin :D
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    Unknown fish

    Seems like a golden chinese algae eater, I think the scientific name is Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri (I have one). If it is that species then be warned they become very aggresive. Usualy they are sold as algae eaters when young and do fine in an aquarium, but when they are mature they stop eating...