
Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2004
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Well today when i woke up, has my post before this stated, was a bad day. One of my fish has pop eye and another has 7 balck spots on it. I knew i was in trouble so i searched through the interant getting ready to buy meidcience for my fish from the interant, when my mom yells and says she is going the mall. Well i was like whoa yes, there is a fish store there yes i can get medicence. Well when i walked in the only empolyee was in the dog food part. So of course like I always do i walked back into the back to look at the fishes. HOLY CRAP, it looked like a funeral in there i couldn't believe it, there must have been 15 dead fish in every tank. While looking still they had a whole tank of just dying fish. Which makes me crencge because that is the worst thing to do to the fish. The last tank i looked in was pack with 4 different types of sharks. Rainbows, Albino rainbows, Red Tail Black Sharks, and irredescent sharks. And it look like robot wars, in there they were all fighting and everything. And it gets worse. When looking for that mediecence the employee walks over and asks me what i am looking for, and i say Pop Eye and Black spot, well see reachs up and grabs the first medicence she can see, and hands it too me, and says is that all would you like to check out. WHOOOOO i was like nope not now. Of coruse the medience she gave me didn't treat what i was looking for, and the worst part, was when i got to the bettas. They were in the tinyiest contriners, where if the were upright the fins would hang out the top, and the water they were in was all brown and everything. I was so mad picked of the medience i found paided for it and walked out that store never going back.

Sorry for the long post, just so mad
And yes i know i shouldn't have bought anything from there but i had to get that medicence for my fish

Wow what a morning
I've never had such a hard time understanding a post as I just did. You should really try at least reading over your post once before you hit the button, because that was just, pardon my frankness, horrible.

Still, I understand what you are saying. I am glad you got the medicine (not 'meidcience' or 'medience') for your fish, and that you plan to boycott this store for it's ignorance. One thing you should do, though, is write a letter to the owner (and please let your mother proofread it for you) letting him/her know that you are disappointed in the store's treatment of their animals, and won't patronize the store any more. That will certainly get the owner's attention, even if it doesn't change anything right away, if (s)he receives more and more of thse letters, something might change.
Thanks yeah i had to walk to dog so i had to type it fast, and i am a horrible speller as you can see. Yeah i am going to stop some of my friends from going there too
Ah, we understand, you were mad and had to hurry. At least you actually put punctuation in your post though, there's nothing harder than trying to read something that's just one run-on sentence... Hope you stick it to the store though :whistle:
Wow, stores like that make me feel :sick: i just dont understand it atall.. it's pathetic, it's ignorant, it's lazyness basicly

If i knew the store id give em a huge peace of my mind. LFS like that make me so so mad,

what?? I barley understood anything you said. All I got was sharks in tanks and the wrong medicine, and something about a funeral?

And of course the title.
I had a bad lfs and someone must have said something to them because they were really bad, and then I went there and they were good. Maybe you should say something to the store.
It was really that hard for all of you to understand what he wrote?

Anyway, it sucks that there are such a bad stores like that. I hope there is another LFS located near you.
Hard to understand it yes, but I could make out the main points. Not to jump on the bandwagon here, but we have grammar and spelling for a reason. His post isn't the only one in here with lazy spelling and writing either. Is it so hard to properly type a word out as opposed to mutliating it with numbers and shortcuts?

That petstore did sound nasty. Normally I'd say someone is over reacting when they complain about stores but in this case it's actually a genuine complaint.
:-( If you really want to hit the store call the RSPCA if you have one in America. In Aussie if stores here are like you described yours the take the licence of them and give them a summons to appear in court (Cruelty to animals), I hate people how hurt animals, there punishment should be what they did to the animal have done on them for twice as long :/
You should have went elsewhere for you medicine also. You saw all these horrible things and still gave them your money.

They probably wont get the picture until the stop getting customers. I am sure your mom would have took you elsewhere if you explain the horror in the store.

You should have took your standtheir instead of saying "I am not shopping there anymore, and I will tell my friends not to"

I was with your story up until you purchased item.
I know i should have gone somewhere else but all we had time for was that stop. We got to the mall at 11:20 and had to be out at 12:10 and we didn't have time to go anywhere else but they wont be seeing me anymore there. And if we did have time to go somewhere else i would have gone
have a fit in the store yelling loudly that it sucks and its horrible. Thats what my brother did, and then it was better a week later. they dont like bad opinions on their stores.
OK folks, before every one gets to taking cheap shots at a member who tried to make a point, please remember forum rule # 1 is No bashing of members.

Now, FishManiac987 I want to give you one of the most helpful tools I've ever found. It's a free spell check that you can use if you have IE or one of several other browsers. If you download and install it, all you have to do is right click after you have written your post and it will check for spelling before you hit the Add reply button. I use it all the time. :D

Here's the link:

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