My little cockateil passed away

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I just found her dead this evening..It looked like she was having trouble laying a egg. Or atleast that is what I think..
Very sorry to hear of your loss.Very probably you are right in thinking that she was eggbound.Cockatiels have difficulty with that and I lost my first one the same way.I know how much it can hurt to lose the little creatures :-(

Cockateils wrote the book on eggbinding. I thought my cockateil was eggbound so we took here to the vet, he agreed that it was eggbinding, so he did surgery, but it turned out see had cancer and died during surgery. I too know how much they can mean to us, I couldn't eat for 1 or 2 days after I lost mine.
I sure am sick over it. I didnt know what to think when I found it dead Then I noticed her bottom sorta swelled up... :byebye: :crazy: :( :( :( :( :rip: :rip:
Yes, swelling in that area would probably indicate eggbinding. If you would really want to positivly know what happened to her you could have a veterinarian preform a necropsy which is basicaly an autopsy. But to me it sounds like eggbinding or perhaps even although far less likely, cancer like mine had.
Thanks you all..I figured out what it was it is eggbinding. Her mate will probally die off to he is so lomesome....can someone tell me what I should do besides get another bird....I dont want to get another one
A cockateil's mate can be deeply affected by a death of its partener, my cousin had a cockateil that died and its mate turned around and literaly stared at the wall for a week. These birds chose parteners for life, it is likely that your other bird is grieving over the loss too. Just give yourself and your other bird some time. You will both help each other by spending more time with your other bird and maybe in time you will decide to get another bird. If not and you do not wish to continue keeping birds I am sure there are many loving homes that will take in your other bird. Just remember you may be the only person your other cockateil has now, I'm sure he will apreciate extra attention.
Thanks for the advice on the little bird..I feel so sorry for the other bird it keeps staring at the place where the other one died..Turning his head sideways and looking. Then it will start talking.( It says pretty girl) that is what he always have said since the day I put her in the cage with him..I know he really does miss her...I dont know what to do. Do you think if I buy another male bird they would fight??I dont want another female I dont want to put him or myself threw this again if you know my meaning..I just feel so sorry for him I cant stand to watch him grieve.. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
I'd just give it some time for now.My African Grey lost her mate and I would have thought she would be unhappy living without him.She'd always spent most of her time in her nest box and was not very sociable.But after a while I got her a new cage,(no nest box)and moved her into my dining room.It took a bit of time,but now she is happy and watches everything that goes on.She has started to mimic noises and even talks a bit.She takes treats from my hand now,which she never would do before.

Try giving your bird extra attention and gradually do things to take his mind off of his loss.If you do get another male for company,you'd probably want separate cages as birds are territorial about their homes.

Yes, just wait a little while, I just spent more time with my bird when my other bird died. Take him out and let him watch you type on the computer, or when you watch some TV, simple things like these can make both of you feel much better. I got to bond with my bird greatly during that time. I got another female bird after about 6 to 12 months, but my male bird was never quite the same. I do agree with koda on getting 2 cages if you get another male bird. But, right now just wait and see how things go.

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