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  1. C

    Need Input On Brackish Tanks

    All I can tell you is that protein skimmers aren't useful unless you are going a very-high end brackish, nearly seawater. At 1.005-1.100, it would be useless. As for how much salt, it depends on the temp you are going for. I don't know of anything that aggressively turns over the sand, but...
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    Which Test Kit Should I Use

    I used the salt water (not reef master) kit, and it seemed to work fine.
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    What Do Clown Pleco's Like To Eat?

    I've got a pretty low-light setup, occasionally he'll hang in a little outcrop on top of his driftwood. I'm glad that it's not uncommon for them to only eat the driftwood, at least. I'll try the algae wafer thing tonight, but I fear the brochis may still just mob the wafter before the pleco gets...
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    What Do Clown Pleco's Like To Eat?

    Well, got a clown pleco (Panaque maccus) a couple of weeks ago for a 29G FW community, and I haven't seen him eat much. In one day he got what little algae there was off the glass, and since then, I guess he's been eating the driftwood. (all the poop in the tank indicates he's been eating...
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    Puffer Tank

    If you want a tank focused on puffers, there are two freshwater "community" puffers of which I am aware. The "South American" Puffer, Colomesus asellus, and the Red-eye Puffer, Carinotetraodon irrubesco. SA puffers must be kept in at least a small group of 3 or so, and irrubesco may be kept...
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    Red Eye Red Tail Fw Pufferfish

    Probably do better with a larger tank. I had a chat with neale about these guys a few weeks back. Look up Carinotetraodon Irrubesco for more info online. Ghost Shrimp will probably be lunch, but the Otos sound like fish that will get along. Neale can help you better than I can, I imagine he'll...
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    Harlequin Rasboras Dying One At A Time

    Irritating the fish? I would guess so. However, thankfully, the fish seems to have beaten it on its own?! :hyper: It has returned to the shoal and is swimming normally with the others. I imagine it would still be good to treat the tank, though. Any good medicines for Columnaris/parasites I...
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    New Aquarium (Fish-In Cycling...), Couple Qs

    If there is space in the filter box, you can drop some bio material from whatever filter into the box (the little rock-like things). It'll still do the same job, although some bacteria will still adhere to the pad, there will always be a good seeding amount on the biomaterial. Regarding the...
  9. C

    Harlequin Rasboras Dying One At A Time

    Flicking and rubbing. no rubbing against objects. I'm not sure what flicking refers to. Excess mucas. Certainly could be what the film was, it was not visible on any of the dead fish, but by then the Brochis, if not the pleco, had been nibbling at the corpse. Darting, erratic swimming. Very...
  10. C

    Bear Chasing Bison Down Highway At Yellowstone

    Obviously not my pics, and I'm not sure if this is better here or in general chat, but these are some pretty crazy pictures. The 3rd one just is absolutely frightening, not graphic, but scary. The bison is burned quite a bit...
  11. C

    Harlequin Rasboras Dying One At A Time

    Tank size: 29 USG pH: 7.8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: out of fluid kH: unknown, but fairly high gH: unknown, but fairly high tank temp: 80 F (yes, it has been cycled) Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): One by one, my Harlequins seem to...
  12. C

    Pearl Gourami A Good Match For The Tank?

    Well, plans have changed for my tank mid-stocking, and I'm considering adding a gourami to my tank. Current stocking is 5x Brochis Splendens aka Emerald Green Cory, 8x Pacific Blue Eye aka Signifier Rainbow (Pseudomugil signifer), and 8x Harlequin Rasbora. Size is 29 USG, and water chemistry is...
  13. C

    Any Ideas On Rainbow Fish

    My Psuedomugli signifier actually school with my Harlequins. They're about the same size as female Harlequins, so I doubt any fish would see them as food. They look similar to Celebes Rainbowfish, but they also have impressive finnage that they extend to display.
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    "dwarf Red Eye Sumatran Puffer"

    Thanks for the honesty, perhaps another time with a bigger tank. In the long run I hope to move the freshwater community to a larger tank and repurpose the 29G for a nano-reef. If I get the job I am hoping to get, I might actually have enough money to sustain an excursion into the marine side of...
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    "dwarf Red Eye Sumatran Puffer"

    Not wild about the filter either, but it came with the tank so I've got little reason NOT to use it. There's space for additional filter material in the box itself, so perhaps some additional bio material in there might help? Perhaps a supplimental over the back filter? Or is it just time to get...
  16. C

    "dwarf Red Eye Sumatran Puffer"

    Well, if the Harlequins are worth a shot then the blue eyes ought to as well, they are about the same size, just more streamlined than the rasboras. They even school together, oddly enough. Before I get ahead of myself, will a 29G with 8x each Harlequin and Blue Eye plus 5x Emerald Brochis have...
  17. C

    "dwarf Red Eye Sumatran Puffer"

    Really? I'm kind of amazed. I mean, we get the "I want a puffer I can keep in a community" post frequently, and they're really neat looking fish too. Other than perhaps scarcity, why is this fish not more popular? I imagine if I were to try it, I would have to hope I got a friendly one, but the...
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    "dwarf Red Eye Sumatran Puffer"

    Thanks again Neale. I am *sorely* tempted to put one in the 29G which is slowly getting stocked, but I suspect they wouldn't behave with the current inhabitants: 8x each Harlequin Rasbora and Pacific Blue-eye, and 5x Brochis Splendens. Perhaps the blue eyes and mabye the rasboras would be able...
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    "dwarf Red Eye Sumatran Puffer"

    I unfortunately didn't snap a picture when I was at the LFS (beginning to think I should always bring a camera with me), but I saw some puffers with the name "Dwarf Red Eye Sumatran Puffer" on the price tag. I suspect they're Carinotetraodon Irrubesco (the pictures look right). Since I don't...
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    Puffer Tank Mates

    To emphasize the point, this is what happens when you combine puffers with a betta. It is a thread from the Betta forum, there's no blood but some might consider it graphic.
  21. C

    Sparking Gouramis And Endlers

    Yes, you will need a heater. If you need to figure out whether you need a heater for any fish, look at any decent care sheet (here is an example). Note the temperature range. Unless you keep the air temperature in your house in that range, the fish will need a heater. I've heard bad things...
  22. C

    What Puffer Shall I Have?

    I know my bumblebees go gaga for frozen bloodworms, you just have to make sure they get enough without overfeeding the much more ravenous Figure 8. The puffer does best if you give it a nice variety, like lilacamy suggests. As for helping you find the puffer and gobies, it would be easier if you...
  23. C

    What Puffer Shall I Have?

    A hydrometer and marine salt shouldn't be too expensive. You won't need a fancy electric one or anything, a floating or swing arm one should work just fine. It's not important that you are exactly at 1.005 SG, just that you don't change the whole tank more than 0.002 when you change the water...
  24. C

    Adding Fish To My 25G Tank

    I second this suggestion. I'm partial to the way Rasboras school personally, so I'd probably replace either the Cherrys or Bleeding Hearts with 10 Harlequin Rasboras, but it's really hard to argue with that stocklist.
  25. C

    What Puffer Shall I Have?

    Depending on which Gold Nugget you have, it might be best in a larger tank anyway. Take a look at planet catfish, some of those get up to 10 inches. As far as with either of the puffers, if you got very, very lucky with the dwarves, then mabye (I wouldn't). The brackishness of the F8 makes that...
  26. C

    What Puffer Shall I Have?

    What immediately springs to mind is a single figure 8 puffer (brackish), I think it would fit in 15G but 20G might be a safer bet. A school of dwarves would also work. Unfortunately, no puffer is predictable regarding tank mates, some will get along great, others will eat all the fins they can...
  27. C

    Emerald Brochis Size Differences

    Yeah, glad to see I managed to get the right one. Looks like the main differences are in the dorsal fins and the size. What do you feed yours? I have spectrum sinking pellets and it seems that only half my shoal enjoys them. It has only been a little over 24 hours, so mabye they just aren't...
  28. C

    Emerald Brochis Size Differences

    Judging from your response, I'd say you work at the one that doesn't end with "co". I went out looking tonight and found a store with both "green cory" and "emerald green cory" (which did in fact have Brochis splendens listed as the scientific name), and was able to get a better look at the...
  29. C

    Emerald Brochis Size Differences

    Also, I've noticed that "Green Cory" is often called Corydoras aeneas at the local big-box petstores, I thought aeneas was Bronze and albino? I suspect they may actually be Brochis, but that doesn't sell as well.
  30. C

    Emerald Brochis Size Differences

    I am planning on getting a small shoal of Emerald Brochis (Emerald Cory, " Brochis Splendens) for my 29g tank, and my LFS has one lonely, but absolutely huge (about 3.5") one all on his own. I am wondering if it is safe to mix, or will even shoal, with smaller members of his species. I'd love to...
  31. C

    My First Betta

    First of all, the Betta needs to settle before you will get a feel for his real personality. He may still feel he is a stranger in a strange land and be more peaceful now than he would be after he feels at home. After a week, you might try putting one gourami in a clear plastic bag (away from...
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    My First Betta

    If the fish in your pic is male, then maybe with the platys and probably not with the gourami. If the gourami is male then thats almost certainly a no. Betta personalities vary quite a bit, and even if the betta decides not to mind the gourami, the gourami may decide he doesn't care for the betta.
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    The Dude Has Moved Up In The World

    Nice upgrade, but it could really use a rug to tie the room together.
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    Greenspotted Puffer & ______

    GSPs, like all puffers, depend quite a bit on personality. GSPs have a particularly bad rap, but I suspect that has more to do with them being a fish whose popularity has well outstripped its common knowledge. The fact that yours lived with a fish with large tempting fins and did nothing is a...
  35. C

    Broken Heater: Problem Solving.

    Well, just got home from work at 11pm local time to discover that a heater in one of my 29g tanks is broken. It is 11pm and I can only hope to have enough money tomorrow to buy a new heater. What can I do until that point to keep my fish from getting too cold? The affected tank is brackish tank...
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    Sick Knight Goby

    It just sounds like they're establishing territories, or even possibly sizing each other up for mating. Nothing you've said so far rings any alarm bells. When my male decides it is time to mate, he'll act semi-aggressive to the female, circling around her (sometimes very rapidly), and applying...
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    Sick Knight Goby

    I hope this helps with gender: These are both male. Link 1 Link 2 Note how the body is slender, and the 2nd dorsal and anal fins are longer and square off more than the female. Here is a pic of a female, she has a more pronounced belly (full of eggs, they look a lot thinner after mating) and her...
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    Pacific Blue-Eye

    For the record, should anyone else want to try, the answer to that is no. Thankfully no fatalities were required, but the second after I dropped the bag in the water a knight goby charged it. She patrolled around the bag thereafter, occasionally pecking but never leaving it out of her sight. The...
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    Sick Knight Goby

    He just sounds stressed from the water chemistry and tired to me. Add marine salt and get him in the 10G as soon as you can. (see below) What is the pH? They generally like the pH to be fairly basic. If it's soft I'm afraid it might be way too acidic. No bloodworm? Wow, that IS weird. Every...
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    Sick Knight Goby

    Knight gobies can be kept in fresh water, but brackish is generally better since it reduces the chance it may get sick (it doesn't take much salt). I'm sure it appreciates the aquarium salt, but if I were you I'd change to marine salt, and just add enough to get to 1.002-1.005 SG. Otherwise...