My First Betta


Fish Addict
May 31, 2010
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I had the afternoon off work and decided to go to look at some fish as i have a pretty empty 90L.
i have allways wanted a betta and have done lots of reserch but wasnt planning on getting one but i had a look and this guy looked brill so i had to get him.
Pic 1
Pic 2
more pics to come when i find my camera charger. :D
He's gorgeous!

Short-finned too - very smart and less likely to get his fins nipped.
Thanks, he looks very calm and is leaving my other fish alone, but i have some platys and dwarf gourami in a separate tank and would like to add them to the tank with the betta would this be ok?
Thanks, he looks very calm and is leaving my other fish alone, but i have some platys and dwarf gourami in a separate tank and would like to add them to the tank with the betta would this be ok?

If the fish in your pic is male, then maybe with the platys and probably not with the gourami. If the gourami is male then thats almost certainly a no. Betta personalities vary quite a bit, and even if the betta decides not to mind the gourami, the gourami may decide he doesn't care for the betta.
Thanks, he looks very calm and is leaving my other fish alone, but i have some platys and dwarf gourami in a separate tank and would like to add them to the tank with the betta would this be ok?

If the fish in your pic is male, then maybe with the platys and probably not with the gourami. If the gourami is male then thats almost certainly a no. Betta personalities vary quite a bit, and even if the betta decides not to mind the gourami, the gourami may decide he doesn't care for the betta.

thanks, yeah its a male betta and two male dwarf gouramis. the betta seems peaceful and one of the gouramis is peacefuly so would it be wise to try it and see or just leave them in separate tanks?
First of all, the Betta needs to settle before you will get a feel for his real personality. He may still feel he is a stranger in a strange land and be more peaceful now than he would be after he feels at home. After a week, you might try putting one gourami in a clear plastic bag (away from the bubble nest, if there is one), and see how both react. I wouldn't bother with the non-peaceful male. If you get flaring, then the answer is no. I'm wouldn't be too optimistic, but at least dwarves tend to be fairly peaceful. If the gourami and the betta do get along well, remove both fish, jumble the decor in the tank to make all the fish think they are someplace new (no established territory) and then add both at the same time. As long as the platys don't look too much like a betta, then I imagine they'll get along, but you should still wait a week and do the bag test with them as well. Some Bettas will not tolerate ANY fish in with them.
First of all, the Betta needs to settle before you will get a feel for his real personality. He may still feel he is a stranger in a strange land and be more peaceful now than he would be after he feels at home. After a week, you might try putting one gourami in a clear plastic bag (away from the bubble nest, if there is one), and see how both react. I wouldn't bother with the non-peaceful male. If you get flaring, then the answer is no. I'm wouldn't be too optimistic, but at least dwarves tend to be fairly peaceful. If the gourami and the betta do get along well, remove both fish, jumble the decor in the tank to make all the fish think they are someplace new (no established territory) and then add both at the same time. As long as the platys don't look too much like a betta, then I imagine they'll get along, but you should still wait a week and do the bag test with them as well. Some Bettas will not tolerate ANY fish in with them.

thanks, i'll wait and then try it out.

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