Search results

  1. RBurkett

    Dead Molly

    Hope someone out there can help. I found my biggest molly dead tonight. No idea why, seemed alright earlier today. I have noticed one of my other mollies has a slight bump on her and it is slightly red. The only other problem I have had recently is my neon tetras have been acting strange...
  2. RBurkett

    Need Help!

    Hi, I noticed tonight that one of my molly seemed to be breathing {if thats the corrct term} quickly. It looks like one of her gills isn't working and the other one is working overtime, what should I do??? Please help??
  3. RBurkett

    Water Problems

    Hi, Can someone help. The water in my tank has started turning a greenish colour. The Ammonia is 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm. Nitrate 40 and PH 7.5. I have the light on for about 8 hours a day and feed my fish once a day {Small amounts} The only thing I have done different recently is add two...
  4. RBurkett

    Young Molly With Large Stomach

    Many thanks for your reply, will keep an eye on her.
  5. RBurkett

    Young Molly With Large Stomach

    Can anyone help. I have noticed one of the smaller molly I have has a rather large stomach. I think it is about 2 months old. I am not sure if he/she has just eaten a lot or if there is a problem with it. Where the waste comes out of the fish seems to be reddish in colour. Not sure what...
  6. RBurkett

    Java Moss Four Lumps Strong And Healthy

    Hi, New to having a fish tank. I have a coconut I would like to cover, how would I attach Java Moss to it? Do you have any left? If so send me your Paypal address, I would like 1 lot please. Rache
  7. RBurkett

    Going Shopping Later....

    Hi, I recently did a coconut cave for my new tank. Scraped any residue of coconut out, boiled shell for 20 mins to get rid of any colour etc and tied a anubias plant to the top. Fish love it, its there hidy hole as my kids would say. Love to see a photo of your tank when done. Rache
  8. RBurkett

    Got A New Camera, So Taken Some Photos Of My Fish

    Great Photos. What is the camera??
  9. RBurkett


    Although my Ammonia has never been quite so high, it did reach quite a high level once, so I did daily 50% water changes and within a short period of time it was down to 0. I think you will find water changes and not chemicals are better. Not only are they better for the fish but cheaper too.
  10. RBurkett

    Tetra Problem?

    Hi, I also have 4 Silvertip tetra's which I think are mental. I bought a Molly today and the tetra's chased him and from what I can see attacked him. My Neon go into hiding and I am convinced it is because the Silvertip keep chasing them too. Am considering swapping Silvertip for Neon...
  11. RBurkett

    Help! Why Silvertip Tetra Would Attack A Guppy?

    Can anyone please help? I saw a guppy today in the local pet store which I really liked. Although I have quite a few fish I thought a small guppy wouldn't make that much difference. Got him home put him in the tank and noticed later that the Silvertip Tetra's I have were chasing him. I am...
  12. RBurkett

    Tank Of The Month - August 2010

    Hi, After receiving advice about the plants in my tank I have removed two {which were not aquatic} and made a coconut cave on the right at the front with the others. Rache
  13. RBurkett

    Any Writers Or People Who Enjoy Reading?

    Hi, What is your story about? What is the main theme of it? My husband loves reading, gets through a book a week {at least} I can ask him if he will give it a read. Rache
  14. RBurkett

    Tank Of The Month - August 2010

    Many thanks for that. I have been told that by several people so I have removed them. Why on earth Pets at Home sell them as aquatic plants is annoying. Causing people like me, who dont know a great deal about fish tanks a lot of un-necesssary problems. Ah well. Thanks Rache
  15. RBurkett

    Where On Earth Do I Start?!

    This is why I normally shy away from giving advice, but all I can say is what I see. The Anubias in the second picture has been buried for a month and seems to be ok with new growth, but I will tie it to a rock or stone if that is how I should grow it. Also, I cannot understand what you mean...
  16. RBurkett

    Where On Earth Do I Start?!

    Hi, I have a 60L tank with gravel and have tried various plants, some of which died on me but two which I found successful were: Anubias and Cryptocoryne. I removed them from the pot they came in, trimmed the roots and buried them in the gravel. I use a plant fertiliser and both plants...
  17. RBurkett

    Molly Hiding Away

    Did 50% water change this afternoon. {Tested an hour after} Ammonia is now 0. Will test again later. Thanks for help Oldman47. Still think the molly that keeps hiding is sick. Im not sure, but her coat looks a little more dull than the other mollies, cannot see any white spot but could it be...
  18. RBurkett

    Hi Everybody

    Not sure how to take that? I can only give help on things I know. But still getting used to the forum. Anyway back to original post from Dave - Have you got your tank yet? Rache
  19. RBurkett

    Molly With Black Spot

    Can anyone tell me what this might be. I bought an orange mollie on the 24th July and took this photo:- {Not very clear I am afraid} I have taken some photos tonight and unless I am mistaken the black spot seems to be bigger:- Would anyone agree and do you have any idea what it could...
  20. RBurkett

    How Soon To Having Fry?

    Thanks for the info. Thats the beauty with Digital you can take hundreds of photos and select the odd good one. Believe me it takes a lot of patience too.
  21. RBurkett

    How Soon To Having Fry?

    Anyone have a rough idea how close this fish might be to having fry by the look of her? Days or weeks? bought her on the 24th July. Thanks. {New to all this}
  22. RBurkett

    Molly Hiding Away

    Thanks for that. I can't really remove any of my fish so I will do daily water changes. But how much should I change {in litres I mean} I am glad I found a forum like this as you get so many conflicting opinions in the shop, and the help seems to be useless. Thanks for help and advice. {and...
  23. RBurkett

    Molly Hiding Away

    Thanks for your replies. I did a water change of 50% last night and tested the water again this morning. Although the Ammonia had dropped it still read .50 so I did another water change this lunch time. Will take readings again later tonight. In answer to your questions: * How long have...
  24. RBurkett

    Hi Everybody

    Hi Dave, Welcome to the forum. I am relatively new at keeping fish but the guys on here have been fantastic at answering my queries. In simple terms which I understood: The first thing you will need to do after you get your tank is to get the filter ready and working to deal with the fish...
  25. RBurkett

    My First Fish Tank Log

    These are the readings for my first Tropical Tank. 30L Biorb 2 Molly and 4 Silvertip Tetra 23.05.2010 pH 7.6 - Ammonia 4.0 - Nitrite 0.25 - Nitrate 0 07.06.2010 pH 7.6 - Ammonia 2.0 - Nitrite 5.0 - Nitrate 5.0 08.06.2010 pH 7.6 - Ammonia 0 - Nitrite 2.0 - Nitrate 5.0...
  26. RBurkett

    Molly Hiding Away

    Can anyone tell me why one of my female mollies would keep hiding? As far as I can see she is not pregnant, and whenever I feed them she comes out and eats fine. The only things different in my tank are a piece of bogwood {which I pre-soaked for a week} and 2 tablespoons of aquairum salt. I...
  27. RBurkett

    How Many Fish Can I Put In My Tank

    Thank you all for your comments, I forgot to mention the Mollies I have are only about 5cm in length. How long does it take for them to reach full size {which is 15cm I understand} Also how long does it take for the fry to reach 5 cm in length. I would like more fish, but from all your...
  28. RBurkett

    How Many Fish Can I Put In My Tank

    Many thanks for your reply and your advice. I forgot to mention that at the moment I have 6 Molly {2 Sailfin males and 4 Females} 4 Silver tip tetras and 5 Neon tetras. The PH in my tank is normally 7.5 but all the fish seem to be doing ok. The Large Male Molly can be a bit feisty but I dont...
  29. RBurkett

    How Many Fish Can I Put In My Tank

    Hi, I know there is a rule of so many mm of fish to so much sq inch of tank. {or something like that} But in simple terms for people like me, I have a 60L tank and like Tetras, Molly and Betta fish. How many of these could I have in my tank. Many thanks Rachel
  30. RBurkett

    Tank Of The Month - August 2010

    Hi all, I am very new to keeping fish, only been doing it for about two months, but hey! might as well give this a go. I know my tank is nothing compared to some out there but I am pleased with how it's coming. Look forward to seeing if I get any votes. :thanks: Rachel Having...
  31. RBurkett

    Hey Everyone

    Hi Lermy, Welcome to the Fish Forum. I have just started keeping tropical fish too and the best bit of advice I can give is "dont rush". Make sure your tank is fully settled before adding your fish. I was too eager and lost one of my favorite fish as a result. Ah well we all live and learn...
  32. RBurkett

    Pregnant Molly

    Can anyone tell me how I will know when my molly is ready to have her fry?
  33. RBurkett

    I would appreciate any general advice on keeping a good Tropical fish tank.

    I would appreciate any general advice on keeping a good Tropical fish tank.
  34. RBurkett

    Newbie to fish keeping

    Newbie to fish keeping
  35. RBurkett

    Molly Flicking Itself Against Leaves

    Many thanks for your reply. I will try and get a photo and download it tomorrow. Any help would be appreciated. Really dont know a great deal yet about keeping fish, although I do take regular water tests and do weekly water changes. Fish were only added to tank when Ammonia was 0 Nitrite was...
  36. RBurkett

    Molly Flicking Itself Against Leaves

    Can anyone help? My Male molly occasionally flicks itself against the plants in my tank. It is eating and swimming ok. Doesn't seem to be ill so why would it be doing this? Any help would be appreciated.
  37. RBurkett

    Brown Leaves

    Hi, Many thanks for your reply. I am new to looking after fish and I am learning as I go along. I will remove the plants and clean my shell like you have suggested. I do use a dechlorinator {Tapsafe} when I do a water change. My tank is a 60L tank and I have been changing 5L, would you change...
  38. RBurkett

    Newbie Who Needs Help

    Please can someone tell me how to insert photos into a topic? Many thanks Rachel