Young Molly With Large Stomach


New Member
Jul 13, 2010
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Staffordshire UK
Can anyone help.

I have noticed one of the smaller molly I have has a rather large stomach.

I think it is about 2 months old. I am not sure if he/she has just eaten a lot or if there is a problem with it. Where the waste comes out of the fish seems to be reddish in colour. Not sure what that is. {Hope you can see from the photos what I mean} And help..



as far as i know reddish poo is normal, someone more experienced will come along and tell you for sure though ;)
as for the big belly, 2nd pic looks normal to me, not sure about 1st, looks big doesnt it! dont know if its poss for mollies to get preg at that age? i assume not but you never know lol. were the pics taken after feeding?
I have a Marble Molly of a similar age and she gets that way every once and a while when she either finds more un-eaten food or if she is cleaning off my plants. Over-eating is my diagnosis, they don't know when to stop. She should be fine.
I have a Marble Molly of a similar age and she gets that way every once and a while when she either finds more un-eaten food or if she is cleaning off my plants. Over-eating is my diagnosis, they don't know when to stop. She should be fine.

Many thanks for your reply, will keep an eye on her.
The color of a fish' waste usually reflects the color of what they are eating. If you are feeding foods with "color enhancers" the reddish brown is quite normal. I generally feed foods high in green materials so mine have a muddy brown color to their waste.

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