Any Writers Or People Who Enjoy Reading?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
Chino Valley, AZ
Hiya! Just joined the forum today. Other than my fish, one of my hobbies is writing. I have tons of story ideas, but I have one main idea that I am hoping to turn into a novel (a trilogy, actually). I already have almost 70 pages written on it. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone would like to read it. I have had several friends and family members read it and they think it's awesome, but I would like opinions from people who don't know me (unbiased) before I continue with it. I want to know if I really have something viable so I don't waste a lot of time or energy on it. Anywho, let me know and I can PM it to you!
Hi, What is your story about? What is the main theme of it? My husband loves reading, gets through a book a week {at least} I can ask him if he will give it a read.

Hiya! Just joined the forum today. Other than my fish, one of my hobbies is writing. I have tons of story ideas, but I have one main idea that I am hoping to turn into a novel (a trilogy, actually). I already have almost 70 pages written on it. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone would like to read it. I have had several friends and family members read it and they think it's awesome, but I would like opinions from people who don't know me (unbiased) before I continue with it. I want to know if I really have something viable so I don't waste a lot of time or energy on it. Anywho, let me know and I can PM it to you!

I'm 15, and I started a story of my own a couple of years ago. I worked on it, then kept stopping. I quite quickly wrote 11 chapters, then spent a lot of time going back and improving them, the story is nowhere near finished, and I find no time or enthusiasm to go back and finish it. I agree with you wanting opinions from non biased people, with my age, people would never tell me it wasn't very good. If I get time one day I'll go back and finish mine. In the meantime, you could email me a chapter or two- [email protected] and I'll be happy to give you feedback- I'm sure it'll be much better than mine!
Hi There, I will give it a whirl too, whats it about? what genre is it?

I like to try and write the odd stroy now and then, so I might ask you to return the favour if you like?

Cheers chish,

My email is [email protected].
The genre is fantasy. It's mainly about an exiled prince who gets shipwrecked on an island that no one from the mainland knows exists and his struggles to come to grips with his past and the fact that he is the long-awaited savior of the island nation he was shipwrecked on. The whole story will be divided into three volumes, with each volume containing multiple books (the first volume has three books, the second volume has two books and the third volume is just one big book), and each book follows a different character. There are dragons which play a major part in the story, as well as rebels, an evil king (the exiled prince's brother) and elves. The trilogy culminates in the exiled prince realizing that he must go back and challenge his brother for the throne, and the war that ensues. Anyway, I'm assuming everyone has MS Word? If you want it sent in a different format, I can do MS Works, MS Word or OpenOffice. Let me know!

OH! And I LOVE to read and am going to be a high school English teacher, so I am more than willing to read anything you guys want to throw at me (even research papers and such).
Hiya that sound like a cool story, cant wait to read it. as long as you put me in the credits when it becomes a film lol

cheers chish
I would love to read it- currently I am working on a fantasy adventure book. One of my favourite pastimes is reading fantasy books for kids... :lol: I would really like to read your story and give you feednack if you want :good:

Zophie XD
Zophie, if you want me to send it to you, I need your email address. lol

Alright, I finally got around to sending copies to the people who gave me their email addresses. Anyone else interested?
Signed copies for all my "guinea pigs" (aka-test readers) when I become a national best-selling author! :D ROFL! J/k...if it just gets published I'll be happy!

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