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  1. Kipsie

    Help Help Help My Tank Leaks

    Im thinking we're in different time zones. Well, he seems fine in the 5-gallon. For now. I hope that wont break too. Im starting to not trust any glass aquarium. Im even hesitating to drink a glass of water. Hmph.
  2. Kipsie

    Help Help Help My Tank Leaks

    I woke up to a drippy noise and found my 10-gallon tank cracked and 1/4 of the water was gone. I have a back-up 5-gallon for my betta But what do I do? How do I transfer him? I just wash out the tank with water, put in gravel, and use the same filter? My betta is in a potato salad bin, and he's...
  3. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    Eh, i'm using strips. :hyper: Testing my water in a few. Hours.
  4. Kipsie


    How do snails randomly get into your tank? Are they from pond rocks you used?
  5. Kipsie

    My Experience With Petsmart

    This is off-topic, but... As soon as I saw "local fish clubs" I thought of bright raves with dancing danios on a pole. Oh, you gave me an idea, also. I could get some glofish and put a giant long pole in the tank as some sort of underground club theme. There could be tiger figurines, rainbow...
  6. Kipsie

    Apongebob Accessories Safe For Fish?

    Okay, i'll try it. :D
  7. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    My Nitrites are at the same 1 (or a bit lower than 1) again after doing, like an 80% change. I dont get it. My nitrates are at 0. My ph is at 8. Does adding aquarium salt contrubute to a bad reading?
  8. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    I meant to say my nitrites were really high, not the one with an A. Heh, sorry. Okay, so ebay is my friend but I lost the pin to my debit card. :crazy: Anywho Nitrites with an I are at 1 and I did like a 90% change. I do a 75% change in a few hours, yes? Nitrates with an A are almost...
  9. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    I saw that test kit (in usa) and it was about 28 us dollars. Not bad, but I still have to save for it. D=
  10. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    The last danio died. :sad: Thats when my nitrates were reeeeaaaalllly high. I found him stuck to my filter. All I have is my betta now. My test strips dont test for ammonia. :fun: Back to the store for me.
  11. Kipsie

    Apongebob Accessories Safe For Fish?

    Ah, I meant that the paint was said to be toxic when I was on youtube and looking at a video of a tank with one. They just seem like theories, though.
  12. Kipsie

    Apongebob Accessories Safe For Fish?®-Pineapple-Aquarium-Ornament/dp/B0026GXXMS/ref=pd_sbs_ol_2 Ive heard things about this not being safe from other people. Is it safe? :crazy: Because it's really cute.
  13. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    My Nitrites are at 2 My nitrates are at 1. My ph is at 7.8 But I just did the water change. :sad: I changed the majority of my water down to two inches left of it. Hows that possible? My tank is 10 gallons
  14. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    My Nitrites are at 2 My nitrates are at 1. My ph is at 7.8 But I just did the water change. :sad: I changed the majority of my water down to two inches left of it. Hows that possible? My tank is 10 gallons
  15. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    My internet cut off for a while. Sorry! Uhm, I ran out of dechlorinator so i'll run to the store to get some in a few hours. Then i'll do the change, and tell you guys the specs, right?
  16. Kipsie


    When people smoke near my I feel my windpipe (or w/e that is that helps me brathe) getting tighter and tighter and I feel very dizzy and nauseous. Then, i'd start wheezing. Same with strong perfume or bleach or ammonia. Im a smoker magnet. A person would come from the opposite site of the...
  17. Kipsie

    What are the fish on your avatar? Are they some type of tetra?

    What are the fish on your avatar? Are they some type of tetra?
  18. Kipsie

    Just A Lot

    I cant get the hang of cycling and I have a danio and a betta and the danios is sick and I dont know what to do and I cant get my nitrates down and the tank is ten gallon and my other danio died and that really scared me and then I was told that danios are bad for bettas and now I dont know what...
  19. Kipsie

    Danios Being Bullied

  20. Kipsie

    Danios Being Bullied

  21. Kipsie

    Danios Being Bullied

  22. Kipsie

    I Am Thinking Of Calling It A Day

    Alrighty then. I sorta understood that. :P
  23. Kipsie


    Compared to all the other things you could be addicted to, this is a good thing. In fact, if you do get into other addictions, that'll totally keep you awake and seeing things, hearing things...
  24. Kipsie

    I Am Thinking Of Calling It A Day

    I dont really know what you guys are talking about (is this some UK thing), but I hope all works out for you in your country. Actually, I hope you all get on well. Saying "I hope" won't do anything, but hopefully, it'll bring you some happiness to know people care. :hyper:
  25. Kipsie

    Criminal Honesty.

    That's a lot for one button! She should've taken the entire shelf for compensation.
  26. Kipsie

    Anyone On Here A Model Or Thinking About Being One?

    Then if it was different guy that I saw, i'm glad because If it wasn't I would consider signing up my cat for modeling. :/ She could totally have a chance.
  27. Kipsie

    Anyone On Here A Model Or Thinking About Being One?

    Ew, who's "Ludwig Venter"? I googled him and I got pictures of nasty icky creepy old guys.
  28. Kipsie

    Nitrite In My Tap Water?

    Yes. It's the same one. I'll track down the info.
  29. Kipsie

    Nitrite In My Tap Water?

    I think our county uses Lake Okeechobee as a water source. I dunno how to find our water info. No one in their right mind here drinks tap water anywho.
  30. Kipsie

    Can You Draw?

    There's one of mine. I drew it for someone. :hyper: How on earth do you guys get so good?
  31. Kipsie

    Anyone On Here A Model Or Thinking About Being One?

    That's nice to know, but i'm not in the UK. :hyper:
  32. Kipsie


    I had two tanks. They were a 5 gallon and a 10 gallon. Salmon was in the 5 gallon since that one wasn't leaking. The 10 gallon was the one that was leaking. I thought the 5 gallon was too small for him and sealed the 10 gallon. While sealing it, the sealant bottle burst open and made the house...
  33. Kipsie


    He's acting normal in the 10-gallon now.
  34. Kipsie

    I Think Im Depressed?

    Hey, I wanna take those quizzes. :lol:
  35. Kipsie

    Nitrite In My Tap Water?

    I tested my tap water for nitrite and it read .5. Is that normal? I used test strips, because that's the only type of test the Walmart had.
  36. Kipsie

    A Few Problems

    Ooh, thanks i'll check that out
  37. Kipsie


    Yes, the sealant smelled. Bad and sickening. The bottle eventually bursted. :unsure: I got the smell out. Thank goodness. I felt like I needed to go to the hospital. It's worse than bleach.
  38. Kipsie

    A Few Problems

    Thanks. Could I use the flurecant bulb in my lamp or buy a new light machine?
  39. Kipsie

    New Glow Fish (Controversial)

    What i'm wondering is if a glofish will only school with it's own colour. :unsure: It's not exactly on topic, but since we're talking about glo-fish... Haha, Burberry fish?
  40. Kipsie

    New Glow Fish (Controversial)

    Now we're on the topic of Hitler, Nazis, and bombs. :crazy: Do you think a glofish would school with a group of zebra danios? Oh, and it's not hard to get them here. They sell them at many Walmart chains. People just bag them, put them in the cart with their other groceries, pay for them...